Alexander Romanovich Luria




Contributions of Alexander R. Luria to the Development of Psychological Sciences: Critical Assessments



By Mohamed Elhammoumi



“Il n’y a aucun espoir, disait-il, de trouver les sources de l’acte actif et libre dans les hauteurs de l’esprit ou dans les profondeurs du cerveau. La démarche idéaliste des phénoménologues est aussi désespérée que la démarche positiviste des naturalistes. Pour découvrir les sources de l’acte libre et actif, il faut sortir des limites de l’organisme et ce, non dans la sphère intime de l’esprit, mais dans les formes objectives de la vie sociale; il faut rechercher les sources de la conscience et de la liberté humaines dans l’histoire sociale de l’humanité. Pour trouver l’âme, il faut la perdre.” [“There is no hope of finding the sources of free action in the lofty realms of the mind or in the depths of the brain. The idealist approach of the phenomenologists is as hopeless as the positive approach of the naturalists. To discover the sources of free action it is necessary to go outside the limits of the organism, not into the intimate sphere of the mind, but into the objective forms of social life; it is necessary to seek the sources of human consciousness and freedom in the social history of humanity. To find the soul it is necessary to lose it"] (Luria, 1966, pp. 96-97). Originally written for a special issue “Psychology: A Marxist Approach”

Recherches Internationales à la Lumière du Marxisme, 1966, No.51, pp. 93-103.



















The writings of Alexander Romanovich Luria


Luria, A. R. (1928). The problem of the cultural behavior of the child.

            Journal of Genetic Psychology, 35, 493-506. Also, In R. Van Der Veer & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Vygotsky reader (pp. 46-56). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1994.

Luria, A. R. (1928). Psychology in Russia. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 35, 347-348.

Luria, A. R. (1931). Psychological expedition to central Asia. Science, 74, 383-384.

Luria, A. R. (1932). Psychological expedition to central Asia. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 40, 241-242.

Luria, A. R. (1933). The second psychological expedition to central Asia. Science, 78, 191-192.

Luria, A. R. (1934). The second psychological expedition to central Asia. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 44, 255-257.

Luria, A. R. (1935). L. S. Vygotsky. Character & Personality, 3, 238-240.

Luria, A. R. (1935). Professor L. S. Vygotsky (1896-1934). Journal of Genetic Psychology, 46, 224-226.

Luria, A. R. (1958). How Soviet schools teach the retarded and handicapped. New World Review, 26, 23-36.

Luria, A. R. (1959). The directive function of speech in development and dissolution: Part 1: Development of directive function of speech in early childhood. Word, 51(2), 341-352. And Part2: Dissolution of the regulative function of speech in pathological states of the brain. Word, 51(3), 453-464.

Luria, A. R. (1961). The role of speech in the regulation of normal and abnormal behavior. New York: Irvington

Luria, A. R. (Ed.). (1963). The mentally retarded child: Essays based on a study of the peculiarities of the higher nervous functioning of childoligophrenics London: Pergamon Press.

Luria, A. R. (1965). Le cerveau et le psychisme. Recherches Interna-tionales à la Lumière du Marxisme, 46, 26-46.

Luria, A. R. (1966). Higher cortical functions in man. New York: Basic Books.

Luria, A. R. (1966). Human brain and psychological processes. New York: Harper & Row.

Luria, A. R. (1966). Vygotski et l'étude des fonctions psychiques supérieures. Recherches Internationales à la Lumière du Marxisme, (51), 93-103.

Luria, A. R. (1967). L. S. Vygotsky and the problem of functional lateralization. Soviet Psychology, 5(3), 53-57.

Luria, A. R. (1970). The functional organization of the brain. Scientific American, 222(3), 66-78.

Luria, A. R. (1971). Towards the problem of the historical nature of psychological processes. International Journal of Psychology, 6(4), 259-272.

Luria, A. R. (1974). A child's speech responses and the social envi-ronment. Soviet Psychology, 7-39.

Luria, A. R. (1974). Scientific perspectives and philosophical dead ends in modern linguistics. Cognition, 3(4), 377-385. (See Chomsky's reply, 1976 below)

Luria, A. R. (1976). The nature of human conflicts. New York: Liveright.

Luria, A. R. (1976). Cognitive development: Its cultural and social foundations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1976). Basic prolems of neurolinguistics. The Hague: Mouton.

Luria, A. R. (1976). The neuropsychology of memory. Whashington: Winston.

Luria, A. R. (1976-77). The development of writing in the child. Soviet Psychology, 12(2), 65-114.

Luria, A. R. (1978). The selected writings of A. R. Luria. Ed. by. M. Cole. White Plains: Merle Sharpe.

Luria, A. R. (1978). Bibliographical note on L. S. Vygotsky. In L. S. Vygotsky, Mind in society (pp. 15-16). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1978). Vygotsky's works. In L. S. Vygotsky, Mind in society (pp. 141-151). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1979). Soviet psychology. II. In H. J. Eysenck, W. A. Würzburg, & R. M. Berne (Eds.), Ecyclopedia of psychology (pp. 1037-1039). The Seabury Press.

Luria, A. R. (1979). The making mind: A personal account of Soviet psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1979). Vygotsky. In R. A. Luria, The making mind: A personal account of Soviet psychology (pp. 38-57). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1987). The mind of a mnemonist: A little book about a vast memory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1987). The man with a shatterd world: The history of a brain wound. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Luria, A. R. (1987). Afterword to the Russian edition. In L. S. Vygots-ky, The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky: Problems of general psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 359-373). NY: Plenum Press.

Luria, A. R. (1988). The pathology of grammatical operations. In J. Downing (Ed.), Cognitive psychology and reading in the USSR (pp. 95-141). Amsterdam: North-Holand.

Luria, A. R.. (1993). The child and its behavior. In L. S. Vygotsky & A. R. Luria, Studies on the history of behavior: Ape, primitive and child (pp. 140-231). (Translated and edited by V. Golod & J. Knox). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Luria, A. R., & Leontiev, A. N. (1970). The formation of conscious-ness: A translation of Luria and Leontiev's criticism of Vygotsky. In E. E. Berg, L. S. Vygotsky's theory of the social and historical origins of consciousness (pp. 536-542). PhD thesis. University of


Luria, A. R., & Majovski, L. V. (1977). Basic approaches used in American and Soviet clinical neuropsychology. American Psycholo-gist, 32, 959-968.

Luria, A. R., & Tsvetkova, L. S. (1992). The neuropsychological analysis of problem solving. Orlando, FL: Paul M. Deutsch Press (Classic Soviet Psychology Series).

Luria, A. R., Yudovich, F. A. (1959). Speech and development of the mental processes of the child. London: Staples Press.

Luria, E. (1992). Soviet neuropsychology: Historical and current perspectives. [Film] Video Series by Luria's daughter Elena Luria. Orlando, FL: Paul M. Deutsch Press (Classic Soviet Psychology Series).

Vygotsky, L. S., & Luria, A. R. (1930). The function and fate of ego-centric speech. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Psychology, (pp. 464-465). Princeton: The Psychological Review.

Vygotsky, L. S., & Luria, A. R. (1925). Introduction to the Russian translation of Freud's Beyond the pleasure principle. In R. Van Der Veer & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Vygotsky reader (pp. 10-18). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1994

Vygotsky, L. S., & Luria, A. R. (1930). Tool and symbol in child development. (Unpublished manuscript submitted for publication in C. Murchison's Handbook of child development, 2nd edn. Cancel-led). Recently published in R. Van Der Veer & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Vygotsky reader (pp. 99-174). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1994

Vygotsky, L. S., & Luria, A. R. (1993). Studies on the history of behavior: Ape, primitive and child. (Translated and edited by V. Golod & J. Knox). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R., Rubenstein, S. L., Smirnov, A., & Teplov, B. M. (1957). Les problèmes actuels de la psychologie en USSR. La Raison: Psychologie, Psychopathologie, Psychiatrie, (19), 97-100

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R., & Smirnov, A. (Eds.). (1966). Psychological research in the USSR. Moscow: Progress Publishers.

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R., & Smirnov, A. (Eds.). (1966). Recherches psychologiques en USSR. Moscou: Editions du Progrès.

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R. (1968). The psychological ideas of L. S. Vygotskii. In B. B. Wolman (Ed.), Historical roots of contem-porary psychology (pp. 338-367). Harper & Row

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R. (1972). Some notes concerning Dr. Fodor's 'Reflections on L. S. Vygotsky's thought and language'. Cognition, 1, 311-316.

Leontiev, A. N., & Luria, A. R., Rubenstein, S. L., Smirnov, A., & Teplov, B. M. (1957). Les problèmes actuels de la psychologie en USSR. La Raison: Psychologie, Psychopathologie, Psychiatrie, (19), 97-100.

Levitin, K. (1982). The Mozart of psychology: An imaginary exchange of views between: A. Petrovsky, R. Jackobson, S. Toulman, L. Vygotsky, V. Zinchenko, G. Schedrovisky, M. Yaroshevsky, M. Cole, V. Davydov, J. Wertsch, A. Luria, and A. Leontiev. In K. Levitin (Ed.), One is not born a personalit: Profile of Soviet edu-cational psychologists (pp. 39-101). Moscow: Progress Publishers.


Discussions of Luria’s works


AU: Glozman,-Janna-M
TI: Russian neuropsychology after Luria.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 33-44.


AU: Luria,-Alexander-R; Glozman,-Janna-M (Trans)
TI: Outline for the neuropsychological examination of patients with local brain lesions.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 9-22.


AU: Tupper,-David-E
TI: Introduction: Alexander Luria's continuing influence on worldwide neuropsychology.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 1-7.

AU: Ardila,-Alfredo
TI: Spanish applications of Luria's assessment methods.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 63-69.


AU: Tupper,-David-E
TI: Introduction: Neuropsychological assessment apres Luria.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 57-61.


AU: Glozman,-Janna-M
TI: Quantitative and qualitative integration of Lurian procedures.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 23-32.


AU: Kaczmarek,-Bozydar-L-J
TI: Extension of Luria's psycholinguistic studies in Poland.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 79-87.


AU: Nell,-Victor
TI: Luria in Uzbekistan: The vicissitudes of cross-cultural neuropsychology.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 45-52.


AU: Christensen,-Anne-Lise; Caetano,-Carla
TI: Luria's neuropsychological evaluation in the Nordic countries.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 71-78.


AU: Korkman,-Marit
TI: Applying Luria's diagnostic principles in the neuropsychological assessment of children.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 89-105.

AU: Das,-J-P
TI: A neo-Lurian approach to assessment and remediation.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Jun; Vol 9(2): 107-116.

AU: Kuzolvleva,-Eugenia; Das,-J-P
TI: Some facts from the biography of A. R. Luria: Precis prepared by Eugenia Kuzovleva with the assistance of J. P. Das.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1999 Mar; Vol 9(1): 53-56.

AU: Tobach,-Ethel
TI: Evolution, genetics and psychology: The crisis in psychology. Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev revisited.
BK: Chaiklin, Seth (Ed); Hedegaard, Mariane (Ed); et-al. (1999). Activity theory and social practice. (pp. 136-160).


AU: Armengol,-Carmen-G
TI: Stroop test in Spanish: Children's norms.
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 2002 Feb; Vol 16(1): 67-80.


AU: Padakannaya,-Prakash; Devi,-M-L; Zaveria,-B; Chengappa,-S-K; Vaid,-Jyotsna
TI: Directional scanning effect and strength of reading habit in picture naming and recall.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 2002 Mar-Apr; Vol 48(2-3): 484-490.


AU: Lechevalier,-Bianca
TI: Neurosciences and psychoanalysis.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychoanalysis. 2002 Feb; Vol 83(1): 233-237.


AU: Mahn,-Holbrook
TI: Vygotsky's methodological contribution to sociocultural theory.
SO: Remedial-and-Special-Education. 1999 Nov-Dec; Vol 20(6): 341-350.


AU: Makatura,-Timothy-J; Lam,-Chow-S; Leahy,-Brian-J; Castillo,-Monica-T; Kalpakjian,-Claire-Z
TI: Standardized memory tests and the appraisal of everyday memory.
SO: Brain-Injury. 1999 May; Vol 13(5): 355-367


AU: Teichner,-Gordon; Golden,-Charles-J; Bradley,-James-D-D; Crum,-Thomas-A
TI: Internal consistency and discriminant validity of the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-III.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1999; Vol 98(1-2): 141-152.


AU: Mamdani,-E-H; Assilian,-S
TI: An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy logic controller.
SO: International-Journal-of-Human-Computer-Studies. 1999 Aug; Vol 51(2): 135-147.

AU: Coles,-Claire-D; Bard,-Kim-A; Platzman,-Kathleen-A; Lynch,-Mary-Ellen
TI: Attentional response at eight weeks in prenatally drug-exposed and preterm infants.
SO: Neurotoxicology-and-Teratology. 1999 Sep-Oct; Vol 21(5): 527-537.


AU: Erkwoh,-R; Sabri,-O; Willmes,-K; Steinmeyer,-E-M; Buell,-U; Sass,-H
TI: Aspekte zerebraler Konnektivitaet bei Schizophrenie: Eine vergleichbare rCBF-Studie von nie behandelten Schizophrenen vor und nach Medikation. / Aspects of cerebral connectivity in schizophrenia: A comparative rCBF study of drug-naive schizophrenic patients before and after drug treatment.
SO: Fortschritte-der-Neurologie,-Psychiatrie. 1999 Jul; Vol 67(7): 318-326.


AU: Brosse,-Alisha-L; Craighead,-Linda-W; Craighead,-W-Edward
TI: Testing the mood-state hypothesis among previously depressed and never-depressed individuals.
SO: Behavior-Therapy. 1999 Win; Vol 30(1): 97-115.


AU: Moses,-James-A Jr; Pritchard,-David-A
TI: Performance Scales for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Form I.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1999 Apr; Vol 14(3): 285-302.


AU: Derouesne,-Christian
TI: L'apport de Luria a la comprehension des consequences des lesions frontales. / The contribution af A. R. Luria to the understanding of the clinical symptomatology resulting from frontal lobe lesions.
SO: Revue-de-Neuropsychologie. 1994 Sep; Vol 4(3): 273-288.


AU: Thurber,-Steven; Hollingsworth,-David-K
TI: Neurological impairment and hypersensitivity among psychiatrically disturbed adolescents.
SO: Journal-of-Counseling-and-Development. 1994 Sep-Oct; Vol 73(1): 85-87.

AU: Pavlovic,-Dragan; Ocic,-Gordana
TI: Clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease.
SO: Psihijatrija-Danas. 1994; Vol 26(2-3): 173-178


AU: Shannon,-Brad-C; Tollman,-Shirley-G
TI: A neuropsychological examination of multiple sclerosis and its impact upon higher mental functions.
SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 1994 Sep; Vol 24(3): 152-162.


AU: Iverson,-Grant-L; Demarest,-David-S; Franzen,-Michael-D
TI: Case studies of neuropsychological assessment in a correctional setting.
SO: International-Journal-of-Offender-Therapy-and-Comparative-Criminology. 1994 Fal; Vol 38(3): 231-240.


AU: Giancola,-Peter-R; Zeichner,-Amos
TI: Neuropsychological performance on tests of frontal-lobe functioning and aggressive behavior in men.
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-Psychology. 1994 Nov; Vol 103(4): 832-835.

AU: Michon,-Agnes; Deweer,-B; Pillon,-B; Agid,-Y; et-al
TI: Relation of anosognosia to frontal lobe dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease.
SO: Journal-of-Neurology,-Neurosurgery-and-Psychiatry. 1994 Jul; Vol 57(7): 805-809.

AU: Cimino,-Michelangelo; Cantelmi,-Tonino; Bersani,-Giuseppe; Ciani,-Nicola
TI: Clinical and neuropsychological correlates of size of the cerebral ventricles in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Psichiatria-e-Psicoterapia-Analitica. 1994 Mar; Vol 13(1): 73-82.


AU: Sink,-Christopher-A; Harrington,-Douglas-E
TI: Comparisons among neo-Lurian assessment measures of brain-injured adults.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 1994 Jun; Vol 74(3, Pt 1): 975-978.


AU: Kaufman,-Alan-S; Grossman,-Ira; Kaufman,-Nadeen-L
TI: Comparison of hospitalized depressed patients and matched normal controls on tests that differ in their level of cognitive complexity.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1994 Jun; Vol 12(2): 112-125.

AU: Burns,-S; Kappenberg,-R; McKenna,-A; Wood,-C
TI: Brain injury: Personality, psychopathology and neuropsychology.
SO: Brain-Injury. 1994 Jul; Vol 8(5): 413-427.

AU: McKay,-Kathleen-E; Halperin,-Jeffrey-M; Schwartz,-Susan-T; Sharma,-Vanshdeep
TI: Developmental analysis of three aspects of information processing: Sustained attention, selective attention, and response organization.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 1994; Vol 10(2): 121-132.

AU: Cohen,-Simon-Baron; Robertson,-Mary-M; Moriarty,-John
TI: The development of the will: A neuropsychological analysis of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome.
BK: Cicchetti, Dante (Ed); Toth, Sheree L. (Ed). (1994). Disorders and dysfunctions of the self. Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, Vol. 5. (pp. 57-77).


AU: Rudy,-Jerry-W
TI: The memory-coherence problem, configural associations, and the hippocampal system.
BK: Schacter, Daniel L. (Ed); Tulving, Endel (Ed). (1994). Memory systems 1994. (pp. 119-146).


AU: Anderson,-Robert-M Jr
TI: Practitioner's guide to clinical neuropsychology.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 1994


AU: Hallett,-Steve
TI: Neuropsychology and psychometry.
BK: Tantam, Digby (Ed); Birchwood, Max J. (Ed). (1994). Seminars in psychology and the social sciences. College seminars series. (pp. 107-135).


AU: Bauer,-Russell-M
TI: The flexible battery approach to neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Vanderploeg, Rodney D. (Ed). (1994). Clinician's guide to neuropsychological assessment. (pp. 259-290).


AU: Gordon,-Bruce; Saklofske,-Donald-H
TI: New approaches to the developmental-difference debate.
SO: Developmental-Disabilities-Bulletin. 1994; Vol 22(1): 54-72.


AU: Beatty,-William-W; Monson,-Nancy
TI: Picture and motor sequencing in multiple sclerosis.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1994 Apr; Vol 16(2): 165-172.

AU: Clementz,-Brett-A; Iacono,-William-G; Beiser,-Morton
TI: Handedness in first-episode psychotic patients and their first-degree biological relatives.
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-Psychology. 1994 May; Vol 103(2): 400-403.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Pritchard,-David-A; Faustman,-William-O
TI: Modal profiles for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1994 Jan-Feb; Vol 9(1): 15-30.

AU: Rodriguez-Sutil,-Carlos; Iruela-Cuadrado,-Luis-M
TI: Evaluacion neuropsicologica de dos casos con sindrome de Fahr (demencia subcortical). / Neuropsychological assessment of two cases of Fahr disease (subcortical dementia).
SO: Clinica-y-Salud. 1993; Vol 4(1): 63-73


AU: Galindo,-Gabriela; Paez,-Franciso; Sanchez-de-Carmona,-Manuel; Wolff,-Monica; et-al
TI: Evaluacion neuropsicologica de pacientes con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo: Evidencia de alternaciones en el sistema nervioso central. / Neuropsychological evaluation of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evidence of changes in the central nervous system.
SO: Salud-Mental. 1993 Dec; Vol 16(4): 8-13.

AU: Makatura,-Timothy-Joseph
TI: Convergent and divergent trends pertaining to ecological validity among memory assessment instruments.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1993 Aug; Vol 54(2-B): 1078.


AU: Venkatesh,-S; Verma,-Santosh-K; Siddiqui,-R-S
TI: Neuropsychological assessment in organic brain pathology: An overview.
SO: Psychological-Studies. 1993 Nov; Vol 38(3): 125-134.


AU: Bowers,-Thomas-G
TI: Evaluation of learning disorders with neuropsychological tests.
BK: VandeCreek, Leon (Ed); Knapp, Samuel (Ed); et-al. (1993). Innovations in clinical practice: A source book, Vol. 12. (pp. 227-238).


AU: Leon-Carrion,-Jose; Barroso-y-Martin,-Juan-M; Calvo-Mauri,-Jose-F; Hernandez-Lozano,-Salvador
TI: Examen de la memoria y procesos de aprendizajes para ninos. (Curva de Luria). / Memory and learning processes examination for children: Luria's Task.
SO: Apuntes-de-Psicologia. 1993; No 37: 71-90.

AU: Sims,-Linda-G
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Effects on clinical judgment in identifying learning disabilities.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1993 Jan; Vol 53(7-B): 3832.

AU: Puente,-Antonio-E; Rodenbough,-John; Irrell,-Timothy-D
TI: Neuropsychological differentiation of chronic schizophrenia.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1993 Oct; Vol 72(3-4): 193-200.

AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Harrow,-Martin; Marengo,-Joanne-T
TI: Disordered thinking and cerebral dysfunction: Laterality effects, language, and intellectual functions.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1993 Nov-Dec; Vol 8(6): 497-509.


AU: Boyd,-Thomas-A; Hooper,-Stephen-R
TI: WISC--R IQ estimates from the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1993 Oct; Vol 77(2): 683-688.


AU: Warrick,-Pamela-D; Naglieri,-Jack-A
TI: Gender differences in planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive (PASS) cognitive processes.
SO: Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1993 Dec; Vol 85(4): 693-701.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Braden,-Jeffrey-P; Gottling,-Suzanne-H
TI: Confirmatory factor analysis of the planning, attention, simultaneous, successive (pass) cognitive processing model for a kindergarten sample.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1993 Sep; Vol 11(3): 259-269.


AU: Holowinsky,-Ivan-Z
TI: Pedology in Europe and developmental psychology in Ukraine.
SO: School-Psychology-International. 1993 Nov; Vol 14(4): 327-338.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Schefft,-Bruce-K; Wong,-Jane-L; Berg,-Richard-A; et-al
TI: "Revised norms and decision rules for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form II": Erratum.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1993 Mar-Apr; Vol 8(2): 184.

AU: Katz,-Lynda; Goldstein,-Gerald; Rudisin,-Susan; Bailey,-Daniel
TI: A neuropsychological approach to the Bannatyne recategorization of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales in adults with learning disabilities.
SO: Journal-of-Learning-Disabilities. 1993 Jan; Vol 26(1): 65-72.

AU: DeLuca,-John-W; Putman,-Steven-H
TI: The professional/technician model in clinical neuropsychology: Deployment characteristics and practice issues.
SO: Professional-Psychology:-Research-and-Practice. 1993 Feb; Vol 24(1): 100-106.


AU: Alcaraz-R,-Victor-Manuel; Diaz-de-Leon,-Ana-Eugenia; Garcia-M,-Rocio; Guevara,-Miguel-Angel; Ramirez-A,-Victor
TI: La dinamica de la actividad electrica cerebral en el curso de la composicion de frases. / The dynamics of cerebral electrical activity during the course of sentence composition.
SO: Revista-Latina-de-Pensamiento-y-Lenguaje. 1992 Dec; Vol 1(1): 104-116.

AU: Bas-Ramallo,-Francisco
TI: Las terapias cognitivo-conductuales: una segunda revision critica. / The cognitive-behavior therapies: A second critical review.
SO: Clinica-y-Salud. 1992; Vol 3(2): 117-150.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; McCue,-Michael; Rogers,-Joan; Nussbaum,-Paul-D
TI: Diagnostic differences in memory test based predictions of functional capacity in the elderly.
SO: Neuropsychological-Rehabilitation. 1992; Vol 2(4): 307-317.


AU: Lethbridge,-David
TI: Mind in the world: The Marxist psychology of self-actualization.
SE: Studies in Marxism, Vol. 26.
PY: 1992

AU: Semenovitch,-A-V; Umrikhin,-S-O; Tsyganok,-A-A
TI: Neuropsychological analysis of poor learning progress of some of the pupils of ordinary schools.
SO: Zhurnal-Vysshei-Nervnoi-Deyatel'nosti. 1992 Jul-Aug; Vol 42(4): 655-663.


AU: Mamaichuk,-I-I
TI: Neuropsychological study of the gnostic processes in children with different forms of cerebral paralysis.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1992; Vol 92(4): 42-47.


AU: Kataeva,-N-G; Krasik,-E-D; Komandenko,-N-I
TI: Neuropsychic syndromes in hereditary neuromuscular pathology.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1992; Vol 92(4): 31-35.

AU: Kalska,-Hely
TI: Kognitiiviset muutokset epilepsioissa. / Cognitive changes in epilepsy: A ten-year follow-up.
SO: Psykologia. 1992; Vol 27(1): 31-33.


AU: Osman-Sagi,-Judit
TI: Luria's conception of functional systems in the study of grammar.
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1992 Apr-Jun; No 2: 66-70.

AU: Krotkova,-Ol'ga-A; Naydin,-Vladimir-L
TI: Prospects for using A. R. Luria's neuropsychological method to study the biochemical maintenance of higher mental functions.
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1992 Apr-Jun; No 2: 62-66.


AU: Moskovichyute,-Lenina-I
TI: Neuropsychological research in the cerebrovascular diseases clinic.
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1992 Apr-Jun; No 2: 55-62


AU: Roecker,-Carolyn-E; House,-Alvin-E; Graybill,-Daniel-F
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: High rates of false positives for geriatric subjects.
SO: Current-Psychology:-Research-and-Reviews. 1992-1993 Win; Vol 11(4): 354-359.

AU: Panda,-Jayant-K; Mishra,-Smrutirekha
TI: The neuro-psychological performance of schizophrenic patients on Luria's test.
SO: Social-Science-International. 1992 Jul; Vol 8(1-2): 54-58.


AU: Sherer,-Mark; Nixon,-Sara-J; Parsons,-Oscar-A; Adams,-Russell-L
TI: Performance of alcoholic and brain-damaged subjects on the Luria Memory Words Test.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1992 Nov-Dec; Vol 7(6): 499-504


AU: Tsushima,-William-T; Wong,-Jennifer-M
TI: Comparison of legal and medical referrals to neuropsychological examination following head injury.
SO: Forensic-Reports. 1992 Oct-Dec; Vol 5(4): 359-366


AU: Faustman,-William-O; Bono,-Michael-A; Moses,-James-A; Csernansky,-John-G
TI: Season of birth and neuropsychological impairment in schizophrenia.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1992 Oct; Vol 180(10): 644-648.


AU: Graf,-Martin; Marterer,-Alice; Sluga,-Elfriede
TI: Evoked potentials in neurophysiologic assessment of dementias.
SO: American-Journal-of-EEG-Technology. 1992 Sep; Vol 32(3): 204-212.

AU: Retzlaff,-Paul; Butler,-Michelle; Vanderploeg,-Rodney-D
TI: Neuropsychological battery choice and theoretical orientation: A multivariate analysis.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1992 Sep; Vol 48(5): 666-672.


AU: Rudy,-Jerry-W; Sutherland,-Robert-J
TI: Configural and elemental associations and the memory coherence problem.
SO: Journal-of-Cognitive-Neuroscience. 1992 Sum; Vol 4(3): 208-216.

AU: Grigsby,-Jim; Kaye,-Kathryn; Robbins,-Laurence-J
TI: Reliabilities, norms and factor structure of the Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1992 Jun; Vol 74(3, Pt 1): 883-892.

AU: Morse,-Philip-A; Montgomery,-Carol-E
TI: Neuropsychological evaluation of traumatic brain injury.
BK: White, Roberta Firnhaber (Ed). (1992). Clinical syndromes in adult neuropsychology: The practitioner's handbook. (pp. 85-176).


AU: Meissner,-W-W
TI: Medieval Messianism and Sabbatianism.
BK: Boyer, L. Bryce (Ed); Boyer, Ruth M. (Ed); et-al. (1992). The psychoanalytic study of society, Vol. 17: Essays in honor of George D. and Louise A. Spindler. (pp. 289-325).


AU: Luria,-Alexander-R; Haigh,-Basil (Trans)
TI: Neuropsychology: Its sources, principles, and prospects.
BK: Worden, Frederic G. (Ed); Swazey, Judith P. (Ed); et-al. (1992). The neurosciences: Paths of discovery, 1. (pp. 335-361).


AU: Worden,-Frederic-G (Ed); Swazey,-Judith-P (Ed); Adelman,-George (Ed)
TI: The neurosciences: Paths of discovery, 1.
PY: 1992

AU: Kagan,-Aura; Saling,-Michael-M
TI: An introduction to Luria's aphasiology: Theory and application.
PY: 1992

AU: Villardita,-C; Grioli,-S; Lomeo,-C; Cattaneo,-C; et-al
TI: Clinical studies with oxiracetam in patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and multi-infarct dementia of mild to moderate degree.
SO: Neuropsychobiology. 1992; Vol 25(1): 24-28.


AU: Wertsch,-James-V; Tulviste,-Peeter
TI: L. S. Vygotsky and contemporary developmental psychology.
SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1992 Jul; Vol 28(4): 548-557.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Schefft,-Bruce-K; Wong,-Jane-L; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Revised norms and decision rules for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form II.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1992; Vol 7(3): 251-269.


AU: Hurt,-Jody; Naglieri,-Jack-A
TI: Performance of delinquent and nondelinquent males on planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processing tasks.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1992 Jan; Vol 48(1): 120-128.


AU: Marwaha,-Sonali-B; Barnes,-B-L
TI: Application of the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (Form I) to the Indian population.
SO: Indian-Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1991 Mar; Vol 18(1): 19-23.

AU: Garmoe,-William-S; Schefft,-Bruce-K; Moses,-James-A
TI: Evaluation of the diagnostic validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1991 Aug; Vol 59(4): 231-239.


AU: Kane,-Robert-L
TI: Standardized and flexible batteries in neuropsychology: An assessment update.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1991 Dec; Vol 2(4): 281-339.


AU: Tulviste,-Peeter; Hall,-Marie-Jaroszewska (Trans)
TI: The cultural-historical development of verbal thinking.
SE: Horizons in psychology.
PY: 1991

AU: Heilman,-Kenneth-M; Watson,-Robert-T
TI: Intentional motor disorders.
BK: Levin, Harvey S. (Ed); Eisenberg, Howard M. (Ed); et-al. (1991). Frontal lobe function and dysfunction. (pp. 199-213).


AU: Korsakova,-N-K; Dybovskaya,-N-R; Roshchina,-I-F; Gavrilova,-S-I
TI: Specificity of neuropsychological syndromes of higher mental functions' impairment in Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1991; Vol 91(9): 42-46.

AU: Tkachenko,-S-V; Vovin,-R-Ya; Fakturovich,-A-Ya; Golenkov,-A-V; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological study of the schizophrenic defect.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1991; Vol 91(7): 93-97.

AU: Podmoroff,-Wayne-P
TI: The Manitoba Revision of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Concurrent validity with three learning disability subtypes.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1991 Dec; Vol 52(6-B): 3304-3305


AU: Becker,-H-John
TI: Consequences of closed head injury as measured by the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form II.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1991 Dec; Vol 52(6-B): 3284.

AU: Patterson,-Carolyn-M
TI: The validity of the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision for children with mild mental retardation.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1991 Aug; Vol 52(2-B): 1075.

AU: Dickerson,-Faith-B; Ringel,-Norman-B; Boronow,-John-J
TI: Neuropsychological deficits in chronic schizophrenics: Relationship with symptoms and behavior.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1991 Dec; Vol 179(12): 744-749.

AU: Wirsen,-Ann; Ingvar,-David-H
TI: Memory deficits in patients with chronic frontal lesions.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1991 Jul; Vol 5(3): 151-169.


AU: Pascual-Leone,-Juan
TI: Commentary.
SO: Human-Development. 1991 Sep-Oct; Vol 34(5): 288-293.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Fogg,-Louis; Harrow,-Martin
TI: Prognostic significance of cerebral status: Dimensions of clinical outcome.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1991 Sep; Vol 179(9): 534-539.


AU: Lewis,-Richard-D; Garland,-Barbara; Hutchens,-Teresa-A
TI: Identification of learning disabilities: Accuracy of aptitude/achievement discrepancy criteria vs. the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1991 Jun; Vol 9(2): 130-139.

AU: Faustman,-William-O; Moses,-James-A; Ringo,-David-L; Newcomer,-John-W
TI: Left-handedness in male schizophrenic patients is associated with increased impairment on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1991 Aug; Vol 30(4): 326-334.


AU: Miller,-L-Stephen; Faustman,-William-O; Moses,-James-A; Csernansky,-John-G
TI: Evaluating cognitive impairment in depression with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Severity correlates and comparisons with nonpsychiatric controls.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1991 Jun; Vol 37(3): 219-227.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Comprehensive neuropsychological test batteries and research in schizophrenia.
BK: Steinhauer, Stuart R. (Ed); Gruzelier, J. H. (Ed); et-al. (1991). Neuropsychology, psychophysiology, and information processing. Handbook of schizophrenia, Vol. 5. (pp. 525-551).


AU: Das,-Jagannath-Prasad; Jarman,-Ronald-F
TI: Cognitive integration: Alternative model for intelligence.
BK: Rowe, Helga A. H. (Ed). (1991). Intelligence: Reconceptualization and measurement. (pp. 163-181).


AU: Ratner,-Carl
TI: Vygotsky's sociohistorical psychology and its contemporary applications.
SE: Cognition and language.
PY: 1991


AU: Lewandowski,-Lawrence
TI: Neuropsychological assessment: Case studies.
BK: Obrzut, John E. (Ed); Hynd, George W. (Ed). (1991). Neuropsychological foundations of learning disabilities: A handbook of issues, methods, and practice. (pp. 685-710).


AU: Manning,-Brenda-H
TI: Cognitive self-instruction for classroom processes.
PY: 1991


AU: Bernstein,-Carol-I
TI: The use of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Children's Revision to discriminate subtypes of learning disabilities.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1991 Mar; Vol 51(9-B): 4638-4639


AU: Shurtleff,-Hillary-A
TI: Luria's neurodevelopmental changes in relation to intelligence and academic achievement in kindergarten and first-grade.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1991 Feb; Vol 51(8-B): 4077.

AU: Luria,-Zella; Herzog,-Eleanor-W
TI: Sorting gender out in a children's museum.
SO: Gender-and-Society. 1991 Jun; Vol 5(2): 224-232.


AU: Turnbull,-Oliver-H; Bagus,-Rashad
TI: The translation of the Luria Neuropsychological Investigation into Zulu: Its relationship to the work of A. R. Luria and L. S. Vygotsky.
SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 1991 Mar; Vol 21(1): 61-63.

AU: Tollman,-S-G
TI: "The translation of the Luria Neuropsychological Investigation into Zulu: Its relationship to the work of A. R. Luria and L. S. Vygotsky": A reply.
SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 1991 Mar; Vol 21(1): 63-66.

AU: Helkala,-Eeva-Liisa; Laulumaa,-Veikko; Soikkeli,-Raija; Partanen,-Juhani; et-al
TI: Slow-wave activity in the spectral analysis of the electroencephalogram is associated with cortical dysfunctions in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
SO: Behavioral-Neuroscience. 1991 Jun; Vol 105(3): 409-415.


AU: Rossi,-Alessandro; Galderisi,-Silvana; di-Michele,-Vittorio; Stratta,-Paolo
TI: "Dementia in schizophrenia: Magnetic resonance and clinical correlates": Correction.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1991 Apr; Vol 179(4): 241.


AU: Barocas,-Ralph; Seifer,-Ronald; Sameroff,-Arnold-J; Andrews,-Thomas-A; et-al
TI: Social and interpersonal determinants of developmental risk.
SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1991 May; Vol 27(3): 479-488.

AU: Matthews,-Claire
TI: Serial processing and the "phonetic route": Lessons learned in the functional reorganization of deep dyslexia.
SO: Journal-of-Communication-Disorders. 1991 Feb; Vol 24(1): 21-39.


AU: Solso,-Robert-L; Hoffman,-Christopher-A
TI: Influence of Soviet scholars.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1991 Mar; Vol 46(3): 251-253.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Das,-J-P; Stevens,-Joseph-J; Ledbetter,-Mark-F
TI: Confirmatory factor analysis of planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processing tasks.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1991 Spr; Vol 29(1): 1-17.


AU: Guilmette,-Thomas-J; Faust,-David
TI: Characteristics of neuropsychologists who prefer the Halstead-Reitan or the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Professional-Psychology:-Research-and-Practice. 1991 Feb; Vol 22(1): 80-83.


AU: Meco,-Giuseppe; Bonifati,-V; Cusimano,-G; Fabrizio,-E; et-al
TI: Hallucinations in Parkinson disease: Neuropsychological study.
SO: Italian-Journal-of-Neurological-Sciences. 1990 Aug; Vol 11(4): 373-379.

AU: Cimino,-Michelangelo; Lupardini,-Maurizio; Raimondo,-Giovanna; Canali,-Antonella; et-al
TI: Aspetti deficitari nel profilo neuropsicologico di una popolazione di pazienti schizofrenici. / Deficit aspects in the neuropsychological profile of a population of schizophrenic patients.
SO: Psichiatria-e-Psicoterapia-Analitica. 1990 Dec; Vol 9(3): 321-333.

AU: Bakhurst,-David
TI: Social memory in Soviet thought.
BK: Middleton, David (Ed); Edwards, Derek (Ed). (1990). Collective remembering. Inquiries in social construction. (pp. 203-226). . ix, 230 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 1990


AU: Orudzhev,-Ya-S; Ivanchuk,-E-G
TI: Neuropsychological studies within the clinical course of late psychoses and their role in prognosis of rehabilitational measures.
SO: Trudy-Leningradskogo-Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo-Psikhonevrologicheskogo-Instituta-im-V-M-Bekhtereva. 1990; Vol 125: 129-132.

AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Comparative factor structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery C1 and C2 scales for neurologic and psychiatric samples.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(2): 60-73.

AU: MacInnes,-William-D; Rysavy,-Joseph-A; McGill,-James-E; Mahoney,-Patrick-D; et-al
TI: The usefulness and limitations of CT scans in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(3-4): 127-130.


AU: Cormier,-Pierre; Carlson,-Jerry-S; Das,-J-P
TI: Planning ability and cognitive performance: The compensatory effects of a dynamic assessment approach.
SO: Learning-and-Individual-Differences. 1990 Win; Vol 2(4): 437-449.

AU: Wong,-Jane-L; Schefft,-Bruce-K; Moses,-James-A
TI: A normative study of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form II.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(3-4): 175-179.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: XII. New developments, 1987-1988: I.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(3-4): 191-205.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Comparative factor structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery C5 and C6 scales for neurologic and psychiatric samples.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(3-4): 147-165.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Comparative factor structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery C3 and C4 scales for neurologic and psychiatric samples.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(3-4): 116-126.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Alana,-Silvana
TI: Validation of the Mini-Mental State Examination.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1990 Aug; Vol 53(2-4): 209-212.

AU: Jones,-Miranda
TI: Children's writing.
BK: Grieve, Robert (Ed); Hughes, Martin (Ed). (1990). Understanding children: Essays in honour of Margaret Donaldson. (pp. 94-120).


AU: Sabbadini,-Manuela; Bosio,-Michela; Roscioni,-Maria-C; Cimino,-Michelangelo
TI: Un progetto operativo sul trattamento dei deficit mnestici in pazienti schizofrenici. / An ongoing project aimed at treating memory impairments in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Psichiatria-e-Psicoterapia-Analitica. 1990 Apr; Vol 9(1): 81-87.


AU: Tenaglia,-Teresa; di-Nella,-Vanda; Cimino,-Michelangelo
TI: Le alterazioni linguistiche dei pazienti schizofrenici: proposta per un trattamento di reintegrazione funzionale. / Disorders of speech in schizophrenic patients: A proposed functional rehabilitation treatment.
SO: Psichiatria-e-Psicoterapia-Analitica. 1990 Apr; Vol 9(1): 89-97.


AU: Luque-Lozano,-Alfonso
TI: Problemas metodologicos y conceptuales en el estudio de la funcion autorreguladora del habla. / Methodological and conceptual problems in the study of the self-regulating function of speech.
SO: Estudios-de-Psicologia. 1990; No 41: 111-134.


AU: Koffler,-Sandra-P; Roberts,-Elizabeth-V; Mancall,-Elliott-L
TI: Replacement of dominant temporal lobe by arteriovenous malformation with minimal neuropsychological impairment: Report of a case.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 4(4): 201-213.


AU: Leavell,-Carol; Lewandowski,-Lawrence
TI: Neurolinguistic deficits and the left hemisphere in the reading disabled.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 6(4): 319-337.


AU: Galski,-Thomas; Thornton,-Kirtley-E; Shumsky,-David
TI: Brain dysfunction in sex offenders.
SO: Journal-of-Offender-Rehabilitation. 1990; Vol 16(1-2): 65-80.


AU: Beatty,-William-W; Monson,-Nancy
TI: Picture and motor sequencing in Parkinson's disease.
SO: Journal-of-Geriatric-Psychiatry-and-Neurology. 1990 Oct-Dec; Vol 3(4): 192-197.

AU: Vocate,-Donna-R
TI: Luria on language and mind.
SO: Language-and-Communication. 1990; Vol 10(4): 267-284.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Das,-J-P; Jarman,-Ronald-F
TI: Planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processes as a model for assessment.
SO: School-Psychology-Review. 1990; Vol 19(4): 423-442.

AU: Falk-Kessler,-Janet; Quittman,-Michael-S
TI: Functional ability and performance on neuropsychological indices in chronic psychiatric outpatients.
SO: Occupational-Therapy-in-Mental-Health. 1990; Vol 10(2): 1-17


AU: Broe,-G-A; Henderson,-A-S; Creasey,-H; McCusker,-E; et-al
TI: A case-control study of Alzheimer's disease in Australia.
SO: Neurology. 1990 Nov; Vol 40(11): 1698-1707


AU: Stephens,-Charles-W; Clark,-Robert-D; Kaplan,-Ronald-D
TI: Neuropsychological performance of emotionally disturbed students on the LNNB and LNNB-C.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1990 Win; Vol 28(4): 301-308.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Strauss,-Billie-S; Fogg,-Louis
TI: A cluster analysis approach for deriving neuropsychologically-based subtypes of psychiatric disorders.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(1): 7-13.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: XI. Critiques and rebuttals: II.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 12(1): 37-45.


AU: McCue,-Michael; Rogers,-Joan-C; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Relationships between neuropsychological and functional assessment in elderly neuropsychiatric patients.
SO: Rehabilitation-Psychology. 1990 Sum; Vol 35(2): 91-99.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Das,-J-P
TI: Some comments on testing Luria's Model: A response to Cowart and McCallum.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1990 Jun; Vol 8(2): 165-171.


AU: Cowart,-Charles-A; McCallum,-R-Steve
TI: Testing Luria's Model: A reply to Naglieri and Das.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1990 Jun; Vol 8(2): 172-176.

AU: Tollman,-S-G; Msengana,-N-B
TI: Neuropsychological assessment: Problems in evaluating the higher mental functioning of Zulu-speaking people using traditional western techniques.
SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 1990 Mar; Vol 20(1): 20-24.

AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; McDonald,-Cathleen; Fogg,-Louis
TI: Intelligence and neuropsychological functioning in psychiatric disorders.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 5(3): 317-323.


AU: Rossi,-Alessandro; Galderisi,-Silvana; di-Michele,-Vittorio; Stratta,-Paolo; et-al
TI: Dementia in schizophrenia: Magnetic resonance and clinical correlates.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1990 Aug; Vol 178(8): 521-524.

AU: Pickering,-John (Ed); Skinner,-Martin (Ed)
TI: From sentience to symbols: Readings on consciousness.
PY: 1990


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Comprehensive neuropsychological assessment batteries.
BK: Goldstein, Gerald (Ed); Hersen, Michel (Ed). (1990). Handbook of psychological assessment (2nd ed.). Pergamon general psychology series, Vol. 131. (pp. 197-227).


AU: Hartlage,-Lawrence-C; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Neuropsychological assessment techniques.
BK: Gutkin, Terry B. (Ed); Reynolds, Cecil R. (Ed). (1990). The handbook of school psychology (2nd ed.). (pp. 431-457).


AU: Murdoch,-B-E
TI: Acquired speech and language disorders: A neuroanatomical and functional neurological approach.
PY: 1990


AU: Sacks,-Oliver
TI: Luria and "Romantic Science"
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 181-194).


AU: Butters,-Nelson; Salmon,-David-P; Heindel,-William-C
TI: Processes underlying the memory impairments of demented patients.
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 99-126).


AU: Pribram,-Karl-H
TI: The frontal cortex: A Luria/Pribram rapprochement.
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 77-97).


AU: Lorys,-Alison-R; Hynd,-George-W; Lahey,-Benjamin-B
TI: Do neurocognitive measures differentiate Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) with and without hyperactivity?
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 5(2): 119-135.

AU: Sussman,-Karen; Lenwandowski,-Lawrence
TI: Left-hemisphere dysfunction in autism: What are we measuring?

SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1990; Vol 5(2): 137-146.

AU: Molloy,-Geoffrey-N; Das,-J-P; Pierce,-C-M
TI: Some developmental trends in children's information-processing strategies.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 1990 Apr; Vol 66(2): 443-448.


AU: Calil,-Helena-M; Zwicker,-A-Paulo; Klepacz,-Sergio
TI: The effects of lithium carbonate on healthy volunteers: Mood stabilization?
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1990 Apr; Vol 27(7): 711-722.

AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Hooper,-Stephen-R; Curley,-Alison-D; Nardolillo,-Elaine-M
TI: Determinants of academic achievement in children with psychiatric disorders.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Academy-of-Child-and-Adolescent-Psychiatry. 1990 Mar; Vol 29(2): 265-268.

AU: Faustman,-William-O; Moses,-J-A; Csernansky,-J-G
TI: Limitations of the Mini-Mental State Examination in predicting neuropsychological functioning in a psychiatric sample.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1990 Feb; Vol 81(2): 126-131


AU: Adams,-James-J; Meloy,-J-Reid; Moritz,-M-Sue
TI: Neuropsychological deficits and violent behavior in incarcerated schizophrenics.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1990 Apr; Vol 178(4): 253-256.


AU: Altepeter,-Thomas-S; Adams,-Russell-L; Buchanan,-William-L; Buck,-Paul
TI: Luria Memory Words Test and Wechsler Memory Scale: Comparison of utility in discriminating neurologically impaired from controls.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1990 Mar; Vol 46(2): 190-193.


AU: Paulman,-Ronald-G; Devous,-Michael-D; Gregory,-Rodrick-R; Herman,-John-H; et-al
TI: Hypofrontality and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia: Dynamic single-photon tomography and neuropsychological assessment of schizophrenic brain function.
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1990 Feb; Vol 27(4): 377-399.

AU: Mirsky,-Allan-F; Rosvald,-H-Enger
TI: The case of Carolyn Wilson: A 38-year follow-up of a schizophrenic patient with two prefrontal lobotomies.
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 51-75).

AU: Stuss,-Donald-T; Benson,-D-Frank
TI: The frontal lobes and language.
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 29-49).


AU: Cole,-Michael
TI: Alexandr Romanovich Luria: Cultural Psychologist.
BK: Goldberg, Elkhonon (Ed). (1990). Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria. Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience. (pp. 11-28).


AU: Goldberg,-Elkhonon (Ed)
TI: Contemporary neuropsychology and the legacy of Luria.
SE: Institute for research in behavioral neuroscience.
PY: 1990


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Vaeth,-Jack; Anilane,-Juline
TI: Computerized interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A pilot study.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1990 Aug; Vol 71(1): 83-86.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Das,-J-P
TI: Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) cognitive processes as a model for intelligence.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1990 Sep; Vol 8(3): 303-337.


AU: Garmoe,-Williams-S
TI: Evaluation of the discriminative validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1990 Jul; Vol 51(1-B): 427-428.

AU: Bogner,-Jennifer-A
TI: Neuropsychological assessment: Application to mental retardation.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1990 Jul; Vol 51(1-B): 421.

AU: Nagel,-Jeffrey-A
TI: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the clinical scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery, Form II.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1990 Nov; Vol 51(5-B): 2630-2631


AU: Damulin,-I-V; Yakhno,-N-N; Goncharov,-O-A
TI: Comparative assessment of the disorders of higher cerebral functions in different types of cerebral atrophy.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1990; Vol 90(9): 35-38.


AU: Aguglia,-Eugenio; Zolli,-Pietro; Duse,-Patrizia; de-Vanna,-Maurizio
TI: Infezione da HIV e patologia neuropsichiatrica. / HIV infection and neuropsychiatric pathology.
SO: Rivista-di-Psichiatria. 1990 Jul-Sep; Vol 25(3): 101-104.


AU: McCracken,-Lance-M; Franzen,-Michael-D
TI: Principal-components analysis of the equivalence of alternate forms of the Trail Making Test.
SO: Psychological-Assessment. 1992 Jun; Vol 4(2): 235-238.


AU: Smith,-Robert-C; Largen,-John; Vroulis,-George; Ravichandran,-G-K
TI: Neuropsychological test scores and clinical response to neuroleptic drugs in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Comprehensive-Psychiatry. 1992 Mar-Apr; Vol 33(2): 139-145.


AU: Meier,-Manfred-J
TI: Modern clinical neuropsychology in historical perspective.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1992 Apr; Vol 47(4): 550-558.


AU: di-Michele,-Vittorio; Rossi,-A; Stratta,-P; Schiazza,-G; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological and clinical correlates of temporal lobe anatomy in schizophrenia.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1992 Jun; Vol 85(6): 484-488.


AU: Ardila,-Alfredo
TI: Luria's approach to neuropsychological assessment.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1992 Sep; Vol 66(1-2): 35-43.

AU: Macciocchi,-Stephen-N; Fowler,-Patrick-C; Ranseen,-John-D
TI: Trait analyses of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes, Motor Functions, and Memory Scales.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1992 Nov-Dec; Vol 7(6): 541-551.


AU: Lilja,-Asa; Salford,-Leif-G; Smith,-Gudmund-J; Hagstadius,-Stefan; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological indexes of a partial frontal syndrome in patients with nonfrontal gliomas.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1992 Oct; Vol 6(4): 315-326.


AU: Luria,-Saul-M; Newacheck,-James-S
TI: The effect of defocussing the image on the perception of the temporal order of flashing lights.
SO: Perception. 1992; Vol 21(3): 359-363.

AU: Akhutina,-Tat'yana-V
TI: The riddles of semantic aphasia.
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1992 Apr-Jun; No 2: 46-55.


AU: Glozman,-Zhanna-M
TI: Foreign researchers on A. R. Luria and "Lurianism."
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1992 Apr-Jun; No 2: 39-46


AU: Bekkari,-Mohamed
TI: Theoretical and clinical integration of Luria's thesis of cognitive development and Erikson's psychosocial stages.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1992 Aug; Vol 53(2-A): 444.

AU: Condray,-Ruth; Steinhauer,-Stuart-R; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Language comprehension in schizophrenics and their brothers.
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1992 Nov; Vol 32(9): 790-802.

AU: Wong,-Jane-L; Schefft,-Bruce-K; Moses,-James-A
TI: Comparison of empirically derived and predicted standard scores for Form II of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1992 Dec; Vol 75(3, Pt 1): 731-736.


AU: Languis,-Marlin-L; Miller,-Daniel-C
TI: Luria's theory of brain functioning: A model for research in cognitive psychophysiology.
SO: Educational-Psychologist. 1992 Fal; Vol 27(4): 493-511.


AU: Milstein,-Joel-C
TI: Comparison of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery in a psychiatric inpatient population.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1992 Jun; Vol 52(12-A): 4226-4227.

AU: Worthen,-Roger-B
TI: Neuropsychological differences between two Down syndrome age groups: A perspective on the precocious aging process.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1992 Aug; Vol 53(2-B): 1086.


AU: Kang,-Cha-Yeun
TI: A preliminary study for a Korean version of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Korean-Journal-of-Child-Studies. 1992 Nov; Vol 13(2): 203-216.

AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; Katz,-Lynda; Slomka,-Gregory-T; Kelly,-Mary-A
TI: Relationships among academic, neuropsychological, and intellectual status in subtypes of adults with learning disability.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1993 Jan-Feb; Vol 8(1): 41-53.


AU: Shurtleff,-Hillary-A; Abbott,-Robert-D; Townes,-Brenda-D; Berninger,-Virginia-W
TI: Luria's neurodevelopmental stages in relation to intelligence and academic achievement in kindergarten and first grade.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 1993; Vol 9(1): 55-75.


AU: Bukowski,-William-M; Gauze,-Cyma; Hoza,-Betsy; Newcomb,-Andrew-F
TI: Differences and consistency between same-sex and other-sex peer relationships during early adolescence.
SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1993 Mar; Vol 29(2): 255-263.

AU: Bryson,-Gary-J; Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Nathan,-Alan; Stephen,-Laurin
TI: Differential rate of neuropsychological dysfunction in psychiatric disorders: Comparison between the Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska batteries.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1993 Feb; Vol 76(1): 305-306.


AU: Holt,-G-Richard; Morris,-Anthony-W
TI: Activity theory and the analysis of organizations.
SO: Human-Organization. 1993 Spr; Vol 52(1): 97-106.


AU: Katz,-Lynda; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the WAIS--R in assessment of adults with specific learning disabilities.
SO: Rehabilitation-Counseling-Bulletin. 1993 Jun; Vol 36(4): 190-198.

AU: Bornstein,-R-A; Podraza,-Anthony-M; Para,-Michael-F; Whitacre,-Caroline-C; et-al
TI: Effect of minor head injury on neuropsychological performance in asymptomatic HIV-2 infection.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1993 Apr; Vol 7(2): 228-234.


AU: Zarantonello,-Matthew-M; Munley,-Patrick-H; Milanovich,-John
TI: Predicting Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised (WAIS--R) IQ scores from the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (Form I).
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1993 Mar; Vol 49(2): 225-233.


AU: Spinelli,-Marco-A
TI: Diferencial psicopatologico das sindromes delirantes/alucinatorias organicas e esquizofrenia: uma revisao critica. / Psychopathological differentiation between organic delusional^organic hallucinatory syndromes and schizophrenia: A critical review.
SO: Jornal-Brasileiro-de-Psiquiatria. 1993 May; Vol 42(4): 219-224.


AU: Burgess,-Adrian; Gruzelier,-John
TI: Individual reliability of amplitude distribution in topographical mapping of EEG.
SO: Electroencephalography-and-Clinical-Neurophysiology. 1993 Apr; Vol 86(4): 219-223.


AU: Arnkelsson,-Gudmundur-B
TI: Reading-retarded Icelandic children: The discriminant validity of psychological tests.
SO: Scandinavian-Journal-of-Educational-Research. 1993; Vol 37(2): 163-174.

AU: Lewis,-Richard-D; Hutchens,-Teresa-A; Garland,-Barbara-L
TI: Cross-validation of the discriminative effectiveness of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for learning disabled adolescents.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1993 Sep-Oct; Vol 8(5): 437-447.

AU: Klein,-Sandra-H
TI: Misuse of the Luria-Nebraska localization scales: Comments on a criminal case study.
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 1993 Jul; Vol 7(3): 297-299.


AU: Harrell,-Ernest-H; Nagel,-Jeffrey-A; Gray,-Steven-G
TI: Prediction of WAIS--R performance based on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II in a psychiatric population.
SO: Psychology:-A-Journal-of-Human-Behavior. 1993; Vol 30(2): 44-48.


AU: Blachstein,-Haya; Vakil,-Eli; Hoofien,-Dan
TI: Impaired learning in patients with closed-head injuries: An analysis of components of the acquisition process.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1993 Oct; Vol 7(4): 530-535.


AU: Wong,-Jane-L; Gilpin,-Andrew-R
TI: Verbal vs. visual categories on the Wechsler Memory Scale--Revised: How meaningful a distinction?
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1993 Nov; Vol 49(6): 847-854.

AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Harris,-Carole-V
TI: Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Application of a modified multiple baseline design.
SO: Brain-Injury. 1993 Nov-Dec; Vol 7(6): 525-534.

AU: Baribeau,-Jacinthe; Laurent,-Jean-Paul; Decary,-Anne
TI: Tardive dyskinesia and associated cognitive disorders: A convergent neuropsychological and neurophysiological approach.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 1993 Sep; Vol 23(1): 40-55.


AU: Tsushima,-William-T; Tsushima,-Vincent-G
TI: Relation between headaches and neuropsychological functioning among head injury patients.
SO: Headache. 1993 Mar; Vol 33(3): 139-142.


AU: Teichner,-Gordon; Golden,-Charles-J; Van-Hasselt,-Vincent-B; Peterson,-Angela
TI: Assessment of cognitive functioning in men who batter.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2001 Dec; Vol 111(3-4): 241-253.


AU: Caetano,-Carla; Christensen,-Anne-Lise
TI: Outpatient/day patient rehabilitation at the Centre for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Copenhagen Denmark.
SO: Neuropsychological-Rehabilitation. 1999 Jul-Oct; Vol 9(3-4): 447-456.


AU: Nachson,-Israel; Argaman,-Einat; Luria,-Assaf
TI: Effects of directional habits and handedness on aesthetic preference for left and right profiles.
SO: Journal-of-Cross-Cultural-Psychology. 1999 Jan; Vol 30(1): 106-114.

AU: Balamore,-Usha; Wozniak,-Robert-H
TI: Speech-action coordination in young children.
BK: Llyod, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Thought and language, Vol. II. (pp. 168-182).


AU: Wozniak,-R-H
TI: Verbal regulation of motor behavior: Soviet research and non-Soviet replications.
BK: Llyod, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Thought and language, Vol. II. (pp. 123-167).


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Speech development and the formation of mental processes.
BK: Llyod, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Thought and language, Vol. II. (pp. 84-122).


AU: Llyod,-Peter (Ed); Fernyhough,-Charles (Ed)
TI: Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Thought and language, Vol. II.
IB: 0415111560 (hardcover, set); 0415111536 (hardcover, vol. II)

AU: Cole,-Michael
TI: Cross-cultural research in the sociohistorical tradition.
BK: Lloyd, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Vygotsky's theory, Vol. I. (pp. 392-410).


AU: Bakhurst,-David
TI: Social memory in Soviet thought.
BK: Lloyd, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Vygotsky's theory, Vol. I. (pp. 203-224).

AU: Leontiev,-A-N; Luria,-A-R
TI: The psychological ideas of L. S. Vygotskii.
BK: Lloyd, Peter (Ed); Fernyhough, Charles (Ed). (1999). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Vygotsky's theory, Vol. I. (pp. 56-88).


AU: Lloyd,-Peter (Ed); Fernyhough,-Charles (Ed)
TI: Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Vygotsky's theory, Vol. I.
PY: 1999


AU: Grafman,-Jordan
TI: Experimental assessment of adult frontal lobe function.
BK: Miller, Bruce L. (Ed); Cummings, Jeffrey L. (Ed). (1999). The human frontal lobes: Functions and disorders. The science and practice of neuropsychology series. (pp. 321-344).


AU: Zelazo,-Philip-David; Frye,-Douglas
TI: Cognitive complexity and control: II. The development of executive function in childhood.
SO: Current-Directions-in-Psychological-Science. 1998 Aug; Vol 7(4): 121-126.

AU: Wait,-Eldon
TI: Merleau-Ponty's account of the perception of speech and Luria's description of semantic aphasia.
SO: Journal-of-Phenomenological-Psychology. 1998 Fal; Vol 29(2): 177-200.


AU: Levitin,-K-E
TI: Confusion of thought.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 1998 Sep-Oct; Vol 36(5): 3-22.


AU: Sechi,-Enzo; Corcelli,-Alessandra; Vasques,-Paolo
TI: Difficolta esecutive e problemi di programmazione prassica nei bambini con disturbi da deficit dell'attenzione con iperattivita. / Executive dysfunction and praxis difficulties in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
PY: 1998
SO: Psichiatria-dell'Infancia-e-dell'Adolescenza. 1998 Mar-Apr; Vol 65(2): 187-195.

AU: Tsvetkova,-L-S
TI: New directions in aphasiology.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 1998 May-Jun; Vol 36(3): 5-59.


AU: Kline,-Nancy-Finkelstein
TI: The Modified Dynamic Visual Processing Assessment (modified DVPA): Its relationship to function.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1998 Mar; Vol 58(9-B): 4748.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A
TI: A closer look at new kinds of intelligence tests.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1998 Oct; Vol 53(10): 1158-1159.


AU: Barsky,-Arthur-J; Ahern,-David-K; Brener,-Jasper; Surman,-Owen-S; Ring,-Christopher; Dec,-G-William
TI: Palpitations and cardiac awareness after heart transplantation.
SO: Psychosomatic-Medicine. 1998 Sep-Oct; Vol 60(5): 557-562.

AU: Kiese-Himmel,-Christiane; Kruse,-Eberhard
TI: Hoehere taktile und kinaesthetische Funktionen bei ehemals sprech-/sprachentwicklungsgestoerten Kindern: Eine neuropsychologische Studie. / Higher tactile and kinesthetic functions in children with a former specific speech/language impairment: A neuropsychological study.
SO: Folia-Phoniatrica-et-Logopaedica. 1998 Jul-Aug; Vol 50(4): 195-204.


AU: Laatsch,-Linda
TI: Application of cognitive rehabilitation therapy to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A neurobiological syndrome.
SO: Journal-of-Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 1998 Sep-Oct; Vol 16(5): 14-18.

AU: Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Neuropsychological assessment of adults.
BK: Goldstein, Gerald; Nussbaum, Paul David; et-al. (1998). Neuropsychology. Human brain function: Assessment and rehabilitation. (pp. 63-81).


AU: Moscovici,-Serge; Duveen,-Gerard (Trans)
TI: The history and actuality of social represenations.
BK: Flick, Uwe (Ed). (1998). The psychology of the social. (pp. 209-247).


AU: Yaroshevsky,-Mikhail-Grigor'yevich
TI: History of behavior interpretation by Vygotsky-Luria scientific school.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1998; No 2: 118-125.

AU: McKinzey,-R-Kim; Roecker,-Carolyn-E; Puente,-Antonio-E; Rogers,-Edward-B
TI: Performance of normal adults on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form I.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1998 May; Vol 13(4): 397-413.

AU: Swendsen,-Joel-David
TI: The helplessness-hopelessness theory and daily mood experience: An idiographic and cross-situational perspective.
SO: Journal-of-Personality-and-Social-Psychology. 1998 May; Vol 74(5): 1398-1408.


AU: Small,-Brent-J; Basun,-Hans; Baeckman,-Lars
TI: Three-year changes in cognitive performance as a function of apolipoprotein E genotype: Evidence from very old adults without dementia.
SO: Psychology-and-Aging. 1998 Mar; Vol 13(1): 80-87.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Grier,-Christine-A
TI: Detecting malingering on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Reynolds, Cecil R. (Ed). (1998). Detection of malingering during head injury litigation. Critical issues in neuropsychology. (pp. 133-162).


AU: Reynolds,-Cecil-R (Ed)
TI: Detection of malingering during head injury litigation.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 1998


AU: Voiskounsky,-Alexander-E
TI: Telelogue conversations.
SO: Journal-of-Computer-Mediated-Communication. 1997 Mar; Vol 2(4): np


AU: Gryzbowski,-Sissi; Alvarez,-Hernan; Hurtado,-Margaret; Quiroga,-Edgar; Quintanar,-Luis
TI: Evaluacion neuropsicologica del lenguaje en poblaciones de habla hispana y aymara. / Neuropsychological assessment of language in Spanish-speaking and Aymara-speaking populations.
SO: Revista-Latina-de-Pensamiento-y-Lenguaje. 1997 Sum; Vol 5(2): 169-181.

AU: Bueno,-Jose-Lino-Oliveira
TI: Corpo, consciencia e psicologia. / Body, consciousness and psychology.
SO: Psicologia:-Reflexao-e-Critica. 1997; Vol 10(1): 147-154.

AU: Lanigan,-Richard-L
TI: Capta versus data: Metodo e evidencia em comunicologia. / Capta versus data: Method and evidence in communicology.
SO: Psicologia:-Reflexao-e-Critica. 1997; Vol 10(1): 17-45.


AU: Hittner,-James-B; Carpenter,-Kenneth-M
TI: Measuring cognitive impairment in substance abusers with psychiatric comorbidity using the Screening Test for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Comments regarding positive predictive power and diagnostic prevalence.
 SO: Substance-Abuse. 1997 Jun; Vol 18(2): 67-77.


AU: Mikadze,-Iu-V
TI: A neuropsychological approach to diagnosing learning ability.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 1997 Sep-Oct; Vol 35(5): 43-51.


AU: Belopol'skaia,-Natalia-L; Grebennikova,-Natalia-V
TI: Neuropsychology and psychological diagnosis of abnormal development.
BK: Grigorenko, Elena L. (Ed); Ruzgis, Patricia (Ed); et-al. (1997). Psychology of Russia: Past, present, future. (pp. 155-179).


AU: Zelazo,-Philip-David; Jacques,-Sophie
TI: Children's rule use: Representation, reflection and cognitive control.
BK: Vasta, Ross (Ed). (1997). Annals of child development: A research annual, Vol. 12, 1996. (pp. 119-176).


AU: Leven,-Sam
TI: Negotiating inside the brain--and out: The microfoundations project.
BK: Levine, Daniel S. (Ed); Elsberry, Wesley R. (Ed). (1997). Optimality in biological and artificial networks? The International Neural Networks Society series. (pp. 43-56).


AU: Luria,-Alexander
TI: Synaesthesia.
BK: Baron-Cohen, Simon (Ed); Harrison, John E. (Ed). (1997). Synaesthesia: Classic and contemporary readings. (pp. 101-105).


AU: Baron-Cohen,-Simon (Ed); Harrison,-John-E (Ed)
TI: Synaesthesia: Classic and contemporary readings.
PY: 1997


AU: Marion,-Tod-R
TI: Assessment of incapacitation of older adults facing a challenge to their decisional capacity.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1997 Dec; Vol 58(6-B): 3321


AU: Robbins,-Helene-Charlotte
TI: Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative scoring systems of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in distinguishing between left and right cerebral vascular accident patients.
PY: 1997


AU: Kline,-Sybil-Rose
TI: Sociocultural influences on the development of cognitive processing as measured by the PASS+S Dynamic Assessment.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 1997 Feb; Vol 57(8-A): 3392.


AU: White,-Michael-C; Marin,-Daniel-B; Brazeal,-Deborah-V; Friedman,-William-H
TI: The evolution of organizations: Suggestions from complexity theory about the interplay between natural selection and adaptation.
SO: Human-Relations. 1997 Nov; Vol 50(11): 1383-1401.


AU: Asmolov,-A-G
TI: The social biography of cultural-historical psychology.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 1997 Mar-Apr; Vol 35(2): 48-65.


AU: Tager-Flusberg,-Helen; Sullivan,-Kate; Boshart,-Jenea
TI: Executive functions and performance on false belief tasks.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 1997; Vol 13(4): 487-493.

AU: McKinzey,-R-K; Russell,-Elbert-W
TI: A partial cross-validation of a Halstead-Reitan Battery malingering formula.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1997 Aug; Vol 19(4): 484-488.


AU: Nagel,-Jeffrey-A; Harrell,-Ernest; Gray,-Steve-G
TI: Prediction of achievement scores using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form II.
SO: Psychology:-A-Journal-of-Human-Behavior. 1997; Vol 34(1): 41-47.

AU: Moses,-James-A Jr
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychology Battery: Advances in interpretation.
BK: Horton, Arthur MacNeill Jr. (Ed); Wedding, Danny (Ed); et-al. (1997). The neuropsychology handbook, Vol. 1: Foundations and assessment (2nd ed.). (pp. 255-289). . xiii, 530 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 1997

AU: Horton,-Arthur-MacNeill Jr (Ed); Wedding,-Danny (Ed); Webster,-Jeffrey (Ed)
TI: The neuropsychology handbook, Vol. 1: Foundations and assessment (2nd ed.).
PY: 1997

AU: Leon-Carrion,-Jose
TI: Rehabilitation and assessment: Old tasks revisited for computerized neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Leon-Carrion, Jose (Ed). (1997). Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Fundamentals, innovations and directions. (pp. 47-61). . xix, 568 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 1997


AU: Uzzell,-Barbara-P
TI: Neuropsychological rehabilitation models.
BK: Leon-Carrion, Jose (Ed). (1997). Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Fundamentals, innovations and directions. (pp. 41-46).


AU: Moses,-James-A Jr; Purisch,-Arnold-D
TI: The evolution of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Goldstein, Gerald (Ed); Incagnoli, Theresa M. (Ed). (1997). Contemporary approaches to neuropsychological assessment. Critical issues in neuropsychology. (pp. 131-170).


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald (Ed); Incagnoli,-Theresa-M (Ed)
TI: Contemporary approaches to neuropsychological assessment.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 1997


AU: Brushlinsky,-Andrei
TI: The "Pavlovian" session of the two academies.
SO: European-Psychologist. 1997 Jun; Vol 2(2): 102-105.

AU: Akhutina,-T-V
TI: The remediation of executive functions in children with cognitive disorders: The Vygotsky-Luria neuropsychological approach.
SO: Journal-of-Intellectual-Disability-Research. 1997 Apr; Vol 41(2): 144-151.

AU: Wishart,-Heather-A; Barr,-William-B; Bilder,-Robert-M; Schaul,-Neil
TI: Examination of executive ability in epilepsy surgery candidates.
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 1997 May; Vol 11(2): 161-166.

AU: Small,-Brent-J; Baeckman,-Lars
TI: Cognitive correlates of mortality: Evidence from a population-based sample of very old adults.
SO: Psychology-and-Aging. 1997 Jun; Vol 12(2): 309-313.

AU: Tsuchida,-Noriaki
TI: Inhibitory function in elderly adults.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Developmental-Psychology. 1997 Apr; Vol 8(1): 26-33.


TI: Kunstig laaesning--og bevidsthedens laaeseprogram. / Artificial reading and the reading program of the mind.
SO: Psykologisk-Paedagogisk-Radgivning. 1997 Apr; Vol 34(2): 127-137.

AU: Moses,-James-A Jr; Pritchard,-David-A; Adams,-Russell-L
TI: Neuropsychological information in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1997; Vol 12(2): 97-109.


AU: McKinzey,-R-Kim; Podd,-Marvin-H; Krehbiel,-Mary-Ann; Mensch,-Abraham-J; Trombka,-Candace-Conley
TI: Detection of malingering on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: An initial and cross-validation.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1997; Vol 12(5): 505-512.


AU: Carpenter,-Kenneth-M; Hittner,-James-B
TI: Cognitive impairment among the dually-diagnosed: Substance use history and depressive symptom correlates.
SO: Addiction. 1997 Jun; Vol 92(6): 747-759.

AU: Zelazo,-Philip-David; Carter,-Alice; Reznick,-J-Steven; Frye,-Douglas
TI: Early development of executive function: A problem-solving framework.
SO: Review-of-General-Psychology. 1997 Jun; Vol 1(2): 198-226.

AU: Carlson,-Jerry-S; Das,-J-P
TI: A process approach to remediating word-decoding deficiencies in Chapter 1 children.
SO: Learning-Disability-Quarterly. 1997 Spr; Vol 20(2): 93-102.

AU: Higbee,-Kenneth-L
TI: Novices, apprentices, and mnemonists: Acquiring expertise with the phonetic mnemonic.
SO: Applied-Cognitive-Psychology. 1997 Apr; Vol 11(2): 147-161.

AU: Puente,-Antonio-E; Tune,-Larry
TI: Lack of relationship of neuroleptic dose and blood serum levels to neuropsychological performance on the LNNB in chronic schizophrenia.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1996; Vol 87(1-2): 107-110.

AU: Hoff,-Anne-L; Harris,-Debra; Faustman,-William-O; Beal,-Michael; DeVilliers,-Diana; Mone,-Robert-D; Moses,-James-A; Csernansky,-John-G
TI: A neuropsychological study of early onset schizophrenia.
SO: Schizophrenia-Research. 1996 May; Vol 20(1-2): 21-28.

AU: Cuesta,-Manuel-J; Peralta,-Victor; de-Leon,-Jose
TI: Neurological frontal signs and neuropsychological deficits in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Schizophrenia-Research. 1996 May; Vol 20(1-2): 15-20


AU: Pruneti,-Carlo-A; Cocci,-Donatella; Marchionni,-Moira; Rota,-Sabrina; Muratorio,-Graziella-Baracchini
TI: La Batteria Neuropsicologica Luria Nebraska: risultati preliminari di una prima somministrazione in eta evolutiva ed adolescenziale. / The Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Preliminary results of a first administration on children and adolescents.
SO: Psichiatria-dell'Infancia-e-dell'Adolescenza. 1996 Sep-Oct; Vol 63(5): 595-603.


AU: Bianki,-V-L; Filippova,-E-B; Shramm,-V-A; Magnitskaya,-K-B; Kharitonov,-E-V
TI: Audio-verbal and visuo-spatial memory of elementary school children with varying lateral profiles.
SO: Human-Physiology. 1996 May-Jun; Vol 22(3): 296-301.

AU: Glozman,-Z-H; Aartem'ev,-D-V; Dammulin,-I-V; Koviazina,-M-S
TI: Age-related features of neuropsychological disorders in Parkinsons's disease.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 1996 Nov-Dec; Vol 34(6): 46-58.


AU: Rousseaux,-Marc; Godefroy,-O; Cabaret,-M; Bernati,-T
TI: Syndrome dysexecutif et troubles du controle moteur dans les lesions prefrontales medio-basales et cingulaires. / Dysexecutive syndrome and disorders of motor control in prefrontal mediobasal and cingulate lesions.
SO: Revue-Neurologique. 1996 Aug-Sep; Vol 152(8-9): 517-527.


AU: Tsushima,-William-T; Newbill,-William
TI: Effects of headaches during neuropsychological testing of mild head injury patients.
SO: Headache. 1996 Nov-Dec; Vol 36(10): 613-615.

AU: Abaurre,-Maria-Bernadette-Marques
TI: The rhythms of speech and writing.
BK: Pontecorvo, Clotilde (Ed); Orsolini, Margherita (Ed); et-al. (1996). Children's early text construction. (pp. 47-66).


AU: Mcdonough,-Michael-C
TI: Adult attentional functioning in families with children diagnosed as Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 1996 Sep; Vol 57(3-A): 1033.


AU: Glozman,-Janna-M
TI: A brief history of Russian aphasiology.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 1996 Mar; Vol 6(1): 1-10.


AU: Deckel,-A-Wallace; Hesselbrock,-Victor; Bauer,-Lance
TI: Antisocial personality disorder, childhood delinquency, and frontal brain functioning: EEG and neuropsychological findings.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1996 Nov; Vol 52(6): 639-650.

AU: Little,-Allison-J; Templer,-Donald-I; Persel,-Craig-S; Ashley,-Mark-J
TI: Feasibility of the neuropsychological spectrum in prediction of outcome following head injury.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1996 Jul; Vol 52(4): 455-460.


AU: Bain,-B; Panarin,-A-Iu; Panarin,-I-A
TI: Rearing children bilingually (with yet again reference to Vygotsky and Luria).
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychiatry. 1995 May-Jun; Vol 33(3): 35-56.


AU: Yorke,-Clifford
TI: Freud's psychology: Can it survive?
SO: Psychoanalytic-Study-of-the-Child. 1995; Vol 50: 3-31.

AU: Pruneti,-C-A; Cocci,-D; Marchionni,-M; Rota,-S; et-al
TI: Applicazione della Batteria Neuropsicologica Luria Nebraska nell'analisi funzionale di soggetti con pregresso trauma cranico e coma. / Application of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in the functional analysis of subjects with head injury and subsequent coma.
SO: Giornale-di-Neuropsichiatria-dell'Eta-Evolutiva. 1995 Sep; Vol 15(3): 159-165.


AU: Carte,-Estol-T; Nigg,-Joel-T; Hinshaw,-Stephen-P
TI: Neuropsychological functioning, motor speed, and language processing in boys with and without ADHD.
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-Child-Psychology. 1996 Aug; Vol 24(4): 481-498.


AU: Solms,-Mark
TI: Towards an anatomy of the unconscious.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychoanalysis. 1996; Vol 5(3): 331-367.

AU: Trupp,-Michael-S
TI: Prefatory remarks: Comments on neuroscience and psychoanalysis.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychoanalysis. 1996; Vol 5(3): 317-323.

AU: Hopkins,-Kathleen-Ricards
TI: A study of the effect of interactive language in the stimulation of cognitive functioning for students with learning disabilities.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 1996 Sep; Vol 57(3-A): 1093.

AU: Moses,-James-A Jr; Pritchard,-David-A; Adams,-Russell-L
TI: Modal profiles for the Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological battery.
PY: 1996
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1996; Vol 11(6): 469-480.


AU: Diamond,-Adele; Taylor,-Colleen
TI: Development of an aspect of executive control: Development of the abilities to remember what I said and to "Do as I say, not as I do."
SO: Developmental-Psychobiology. 1996 May; Vol 29(4): 315-334.

AU: Kilpatrick,-David-A; Lewandowski,-Lawrence-J
TI: Validity of screening tests for learning disabilities: A comparison of three measures.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1996 Mar; Vol 14(1): 41-53.

AU: Kashden,-Jody; Franzen,-Michael-D
TI: An interrater reliability study of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form-II quantitative scoring system.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1996 Mar-Apr; Vol 11(2): 155-163.

AU: Christensen,-Anne-Lise; Caetano,-Carla
TI: Alexandr Romanovich Luria (1902-1977): Contributions to neuropsychological rehabilitation.
SO: Neuropsychological-Rehabilitation. 1996 Oct; Vol 6(4): 279-303.

AU: Scarvalone,-Polly-A
TI: Distress reduction and alliance in standardized clinical evaluations of adults at risk for HIV infection or AIDS.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1996 May; Vol 56(11-B): 6406


AU: Kashden,-Jody-Lynn
TI: An interrater reliability study of the qualitative and quantitative scoring systems in the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form-II.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1996 Feb; Vol 56(8-B): 4634.


AU: Friedl-Francesconi,-Hedwig; Binder,-Heinrich
TI: Kognitives Funktionstraining in der neurologischen Rehabilitation von Schaedel-Hirntraumen. / Functional cognitive training in neurological rehabilitation of severe head injury.
SO: Zeitschrift-fuer-Experimentelle-Psychologie. 1996; Vol 43(1): 1-21.


AU: Miller,-L-Stephen; Swanson-Green,-Tonja; Moses,-James-A; Faustman,-William-O
TI: Comparison of cognitive performance in RDC-diagnosed schizoaffective and schizophrenic patients with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Psychiatric-Research. 1996 Jul-Aug; Vol 30(4): 277-282.


AU: Hartlage,-Lawrence-C; Templer,-Donald-I
TI: Ecological issues and child neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Sbordone, Robert J. (Ed); Long, Charles J. (Ed). (1996). Ecological validity of neuropsychological testing. (pp. 301-313).


AU: Tremont,-Geoffrey; Mittenberg,-Wiley
TI: Clinical neuropsychology of older adults.
BK: Hersen, Michel (Ed); Van Hasselt, Vincent B. (Ed). (1996). Psychological treatment of older adults: An introductory text. The Plenum series in adult development and aging. (pp. 69-89).


AU: Yaroshevsky,-Mikhail-Grigor'yevich
TI: When did L. S. Vygotsky and his scientific school appear in psychology?
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1996; No 5: 110-121.


AU: Akhoutina,-Tat'yana-Vasil'yevna
TI: L. S. Vygotsky and A. R. Luria: Initial stages of neuro-psychology.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1996; No 5: 83-98.

AU: Khomskaya,-Evgeniya-Davydovna
TI: The role of L. S. Vygotsky in A. R. Luria's scientific work.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1996; No 5: 72-83.

AU: Devaraju-Backhaus,-S; Espe-Pfeifer,-P; Mahrou,-M-L; Golden,-C-J
TI: Correlation of the LNNB-III with the WAIS-III in a mixed psychiatric and brain-injured population.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2001 Dec; Vol 111(3-4): 235-240.

AU: Schulman,-Melanie-B
TI: The frontal lobes, epilepsy, and behavior.
SO: Epilepsy-and-Behavior. 2000 Dec; Vol 1(6): 384-395.


AU: Nichelli,-F; Bulgheroni,-S; Riva,-D
TI: Developmental patterns of verbal and visuospatial spans.
SO: Neurological-Sciences. 2001; Vol 22(5): 377-384.

AU: Sarris,-Viktor; Wertheimer,-Michael
TI: Max Wertheimer's research on aphasia and brain disorders: A brief account.
SO: Gestalt-Theory. 2001 Dec; Vol 23(4): 267-277.

AU: Roa-Capilla,-Luisa; del-Barrio,-Victoria
TI: Adaptacion del Cuestionario de Crianza Parental (PCRI-M) a poblacion espanola.. / Adaptation of the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) to the Spanish population.
SO: Revista-Latinoamericana-de-Psicologia. 2001; Vol 33(3): 329-341.

AU: Purisch,-Arnold-D
TI: Misconceptions about the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: NeuroRehabilitation. 2001; Vol 16(4): 275-280.

AU: Colby,-Faulder
TI: Using the binomial distribution to assess effort: Forced-choice testing in neuropsychological settings.
SO: NeuroRehabilitation. 2001; Vol 16(4): 253-265.

AU: Wells,-Gordon
TI: Responding in interviews and tests: Children learning to participate in the activity of evaluation.
SO: Human-Development. 2002 May-Jun; Vol 45(3): 187-193.


AU: Bressler,-Steven-L; Kelso,-J-A-Scott
TI: Cortical coordination dynamics and cognition.
SO: Trends-in-Cognitive-Sciences. 2001 Jan; Vol 5(1): 26-36.


AU: Rowe,-Shawn
TI: The role of objects in active, distributed meaning-making.
BK: Paris, Scott G. (Ed). (2002). Perspectives on object-centered learning in museums. (pp. 19-35). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. xxii, 383 pp.


AU: Vaid,-Jyotsna; Singh,-Maharaj; Sakhuja,-Tripti; Gupta,-G-C
TI: Stroke direction asymmetry in figure drawing: Influence of handedness and reading/writing habits.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 2002 Mar-Apr; Vol 48(2-3): 597-602.


AU: Chong,-M-S; Smith,-T-E
TI: Anticonvulsants for the management of pain.
SO: Pain-Reviews. 2000 Oct; Vol 7(3-4): 129-149.


AU: Perner,-Josef; Lang,-Birgit; Kloo,-Daniela
TI: Theory of mind and self-control: More than a common problem of inhibition.
SO: Child-Development. 2002 May-Jun; Vol 73(3): 752-767.
PB: US: Blackwell Publishers.


AU: Zanini,-Sergio; Rumiati,-Raffaella-I; Shallice,-Tim
TI: Action sequencing deficit following frontal lobe lesion.
SO: Neurocase. 2002 Feb; Vol 8(1): 88-99.
PB: England: Oxford Univ Press.


AU: Kotik-Friedgut,-Bella
TI: A systemic-dynamic Lurian approach to aphasia in bilingual speakers.
SO: Communication-Disorders-Quarterly. 2001 Win; Vol 22(2): 100-109.


AU: Bjoraker,-Kendra-J
TI: An examination of the neuropsychological basis of emotional disabilities in children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2002 Apr; Vol 62(9-B):


AU: van-Oers,-Bert
TI: Fruits of polyphony: A commentary on a multiperspective analysis of mathematical discourse.
SO: Journal-of-the-Learning-Sciences. 2002 Jul; Vol 11(2-3): 359-363.

AU: Boatman,-Dana; Alidoost,-Moona; Bergey,-Gregory; Gordon,-Barry; Crone,-Nathan; Hart,-John; Lenz,-Frederick
TI: Right hemisphere language dominance in a right-handed patient with late-onset seizures.
SO: Epilepsy-and-Behavior. 2000 Aug; Vol 1(4,Part1): 281-286.


AU: Lamberty,-Greg-J
TI: Traditions and trends in neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Ferraro, F. Richard (Ed). (2002). Minority and cross-cultural aspects of neuropsychological assessment. Studies on neuropsychology, development, and cognition. (pp. 3-15). Bristol, PA, US: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: A better look at intelligence.
SO: Current-Directions-in-Psychological-Science. 2002 Feb; Vol 11(1): 28-33.


AU: Wirga,-Mariusz; De-Bernardi,-Michael
TI: The ABCs of cognition, emotion, and action.

 SO: Archives-of-Psychiatry-and-Psychotherapy. 2002 Mar; Vol 4(1): 5-16.

AU: Mikheev,-Maxim; Mohr,-Christine; Afanasiev,-Sergei; Landis,-Theodor; Thut,-Gregor
TI: Motor control and cerebral hemispheric specialization in highly qualified judo wrestlers.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 2002; Vol 40(8): 1209-1219.


AU: Vieira,-Elaine
TI: Representacao mental: As dificuldades na atividade cognitiva e metacognitiva na resolucao de problemas matematicos. / Mental representation: Difficulties in cognitive and metacognitive activity when solving mathematical problems.
SO: Psicologia:-Reflexao-e-Critica. 2001; Vol 14(2): 439-448.


AU: Kircher,-Tilo-T-J; Brammer,-M; Bullmore,-Edward; Simmons,-A; Bartels,-M; David,-Anthony-S
TI: The neural correlates of intentional and incidental self processing.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 2002; Vol 40(6): 683-692.

AU: Dodick,-David-W
TI: Almotriptan increases sustained pain-free outcomes in acute migraine: Results from three controlled clinical trials.
SO: Headache. 2002 Jan; Vol 42(1): 21-27.


AU: Horsfall,-Jessica-L
TI: Schizophrenia syndrome analysis with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB): Use of selected clinical and orthogonal factor scales.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2001 Dec; Vol 62(5-B):


AU: Rumiati,-Raffaella-Ida; Tomasino,-Barbara; Vorano,-Lorenzo; Umilta,-Carlo; De-Luca,-Guido
TI: Selective deficit of imagining finger congifurations.
SO: Cortex. 2001 Dec; Vol 37(5): 730-733.


AU: Tanji,-Kazuyo; Suzuki,-Kyoko; Yamadori,-Atsushi; Tabuchi,-Michio; Endo,-Keiko; Fujii,-Toshikatsu; Itoyama,-Yasuto
TI: Pure anarthria with predominantly sequencing errors in phoneme articulation: A case report.
SO: Cortex. 2001 Dec; Vol 37(5): 671-678


AU: Levert,-Tanya; Jansen,-Patricia
TI: A Lurian-Piagetian approach to assessment of historically disadvantaged Black scholars in English medium schools.
SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 2001 Nov; Vol 31(4): 21-31.

AU: Wachtel,-S-R; de-Wit,-H
TI: Lack of effect of intravenous hydrocortisone on mood in humans: A preliminary study.
SO: Behavioural-Pharmacology. 2001 Sep; Vol 12(5): 373-376.

AU: Plaza,-Monique
TI: Presentation d'une batterie neuropsychologique pour enfants en cours d'etalonnage et de validation en France: la "NEPSY." / Presentation of a neuropsychological battery for children undergoing standardization and validation in France: The "NEPSY."
SO: Approche-Neuropsychologique-des-Apprentissages-chez-l'Enfant. 2001 Oct; Vol 13(4)[64]: 173-175.

AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Rojahn,-Johannes
TI: Intellectual classification of Black and White children in special education programs using the WISC--III and the Cognitive Assessment System.
SO: American-Journal-on-Mental-Retardation. 2001 Jul; Vol 106(4): 359-367.


AU: Ciasca,-Sylvia-Maria; Araujo,-Ana-Paula; De-Paula-Simao,-Adriana-Nobre; Capellini,-Simone-Aparecida; Chiaratti,-Paula-Scalla; Camargo,-Edwaldo-Eduardo; De-Oliveira-Santos,-Allan; De-Camargo,-Elba-Cristina-Sa
TI: Avaliacao neuropsicologica e fonologica na sindrome de Aprt: Estudio de dois casos.
SO: Arquivos-de-Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2001 Jun; Vol 59(2-B): 342-346.

AU: Gordon,-Evian
TI: Integrative psychophysiology.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychophysiology. 2001 Oct; Vol 42(2): 95-108.


AU: Westerlund,-Monica
TI: Relationship between a global rating of speech ability at the age of 3 yrs and a phonological screening 1 yr later: A prospective field study.
SO: Scandinavian-Journal-of-Caring-Sciences. 2001; Vol 15(3): 222-227.


AU: Pope,-Harrison-G; Gruber,-Amanda-J; Hudson,-James-I; Huestis,-Marilyn-A; Yurgelun-Todd,-Deborah
TI: Neuropsychological performance in long-term cannabis users.

SO: Archives-of-General-Psychiatry. 2001 Oct; Vol 58(10): 909-915.


AU: Wise,-Thomas; Sheridan,-Michael-J
TI: Psychometric properties of the Illness Attitudes Scale in psychiatric patients.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 2001 Aug; Vol 89(1): 73-76.

AU: Iruarrizaga,-Itziar; Miguel-Tobal,-Juan-Jose; Cano,-Antonio
TI: Alteraciones neuropsicologicas en el alcoholismo cronico. Un apoyo empirico a la hipotesis del continuo. / Neuropsychological deficits in chronic alcoholism: Empirical support for the continuum hypothesis.
SO: Psicothema. 2001 Nov; Vol 13(4): 571-580.

AU: McDaniel,-William-F
TI: A simple strategy for the qualitative assessment of learning capacity of clients with mental retardation or other severe cognitive deficits.
SO: Developmental-Disabilities-Bulletin. 2001; Vol 29(1): 1


AU: Shenal,-B-V; Rhodes,-R-D; Moore,-T-M; Higgins,-D-A; Harrison,-D-W
TI: Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) and neuropsychological syndrome analysis.
SO: Neuropsychology-Review. 2001 Mar; Vol 11(1): 31-44.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Rojahn,-Johannes
TI: Gender differences in planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive (PASS) cognitive processes and achievement.
SO: Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 2001 Jun; Vol 93(2): 430-437.


AU: Abudarham,-Sam; White,-Alfred
TI: 'Insuring' a correct differential diagnosis: A 'forensic' collaborative experience.
SO: International-Journal-of-Language-and-Communication-Disorders. 2001; Vol 36(Suppl): 58-63.

AU: Andres,-Pilar; Van-der-Linden,-Martial
TI: Supervisory attentional system in patients with focal frontal lesions.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 2001 Apr; Vol 23(2): 225-239.

AU: Girelli,-Luisa; Seron,-Xavier
TI: Rehabilitation of number processing and calculation skills.
SO: Aphasiology. 2001 Jul; Vol 15(7): 695-712.


AU: Slater,-Jan-M; Guthrie,-Barbara-J; Boyd,-Carol-J
TI: A feminist theoretical approach to understanding health of adolescent females.
SO: Journal-of-Adolescent-Health. 2001 Jun; Vol 28(6): 443-449.

AU: Kaplan,-Brenda-Cheryl
TI: Remediating abstract thinking and flexibility of thinking following head injury.
SO: International-Journal-of-Cognitive-Technology. 2001 Spr; Vol 6(1): 29-32.

AU: Er,-Nurhan; Dinc,-Linda
TI: Goersel kisa suereli bellek ve dikkat fonksiyonlarini oelcmeye yoenelik bir bellek bataryasi gelistirme calismasi. / A study of development of a battery for measuring visual short-term memory and attention formation.
SO: Turk-Psikoloji-Dergisi. 2001; Vol 16(47): 35-54


AU: Laatsch,-Linda
TI: Treatment of post-concussion syndrome: An illustration of the development metacognitive approach to cognitive rehabilitation therapy.
SO: Journal-of-Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 2001 Spr; Vol 19(1): 10-16.


AU: Mataro,-Maria; Jurado,-M-Angeles; Garcia-Sanchez,-Carmen; Barraquer,-Lluis; Costa-Jussa,-Frederic-R; Junque,-Carme
TI: Long-term effects of bilateral frontal brain lesion 60 years after injury with an iron bar.
SO: Archives-of-Neurology. 2001 Jul; Vol 58(7): 1139-1142.

AU: McCauley,-S-R; Vanier,-M; Mazaux,-J -M; Boake,-C; Goldfader,-P-R; Rockers,-D; Butters,-M; Kareken,-D-A; Lambert,-J; Clifton,-G-L
TI: The neurobehavioural rating scale-revised: Sensitivity and validity in closed head injury assessment.
SO: Journal-of-Neurology,-Neurosurgery-and-Psychiatry. 2001 Nov; Vol 71(5): 643-651.


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Reconceptualizing intelligence: Luria's contributions.
SO: Psychological-Studies. 2001 Jan-Jul; Vol 46(1-2): 1-6.

AU: Semenova,-O-V; Machinskaya,-R-I; Akhutina,-T-V; Krupskaya,-E-V
TI: Brain mechanisms of voluntary regulation of activity during acquisition of the skill of writing in seven-to-eight-year-old children.
SO: Human-Physiology. 2001 Jul; Vol 27(4): 405-412.

AU: Avila,-Cesar; Ralph,-Matthew-A-Lambon; Parcet,-Maria-Antonia; Geffner,-Daniel; Gonzalez-Darder,-Jose-Manuel
TI: Implicit word cues facilitate impaired naming performance: Evidence from a case of anomia.
SO: Brain-and-Language. 2001 Nov; Vol 79(2): 185-200.


AU: Golden,-Zarabeth-L; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Do early onset conduct disordered adolescents perform like brain injured or normal adolescents on cognitive tests?
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2001; Vol 111(1-2): 109-121.


AU: Pohjasvaara,-Tarja; Ylikoski,-Raija; Leskelae,-Maarit; Kalska,-Hely; Heitanen,-Marja; Kaste,-Markku
TI: Evaluation of various methods of assessing symptoms of cognitive impairment and dementia.
SO: Alzheimer-Disease-and-Associated-Disorders. 2001 Oct-Dec; Vol 15(4): 184-193.


AU: Roca-i-Balasch,-Josep
TI: Sobre el concepto de "proceso" cognitivo. / On the concept of cognitive "process."
SO: Acta-Comportamentalia. 2001 Dec; Vol 9(2): 21-30.

AU: Kaufman,-Alan-S
TI: Emotional intelligence as an aspect of general intelligence: What would David Wechsler say?
SO: Emotion. 2001 Sep; Vol 1(3): 258-264


AU: Costenbader,-Virginia; Ngari,-Stephen-Mbugua
TI: A Kenya standardization of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices.
SO: School-Psychology-International. 2001 Aug; Vol 22(3): 258-268.


AU: Cantalupo,-Claudio; Hopkins,-William-D
TI: Asymmetric Broca's area in great apes: A region of the ape brain is uncannily similar to one linked with speech in humans.
SO: Nature. 2001 Nov; Vol 414(6863): 505.

AU: Hart,-Carl-L; Ward,-Amie-S; Haney,-Margaret; Foltin,-Richard-W; Fischman,-Marian-W
TI: Methamphetamine self-administration by humans.
SO: Psychopharmacology. 2001; Vol 157(1): 75-81.

AU: Slechta,-Petr
TI: Zmeny kozni vodivosti behem testu slovnich asociaci. / Changes in skin conductance during test of word associations.
SO: Ceskoslovenska-Psychologie. 2001; Vol 45(3): 243-251.


AU: Fink,-Gereon-R
TI: What the brain needs for managing both hands at the same time.
SO: Neuroreport:-For-Rapid-Communication-of-Neuroscience-Research. 2001 Aug; Vol 12(12): A69.


AU: Serrien,-Deborah-J; Nirkko,-Arto-C; Loevblad,-Karl-Olof; Wiesendanger,-Mario
TI: Damage to the parietal lobe impairs bimanual coordination.
SO: Neuroreport:-For-Rapid-Communication-of-Neuroscience-Research. 2001 Aug; Vol 12(12): 2721-2724.

AU: Vigliecca,-Nora-Silvana; Martini,-Marisel-Andrea; Aleman,-Gretel-Patricia; Jaime,-Maria-Paula
TI: Pruebas neuropsicologicas abreviadas y adaptadas para hispanohablantes: Estudios de confiabilidad y de validez para la discriminacion de pacientes con lesiones lateralizadas. / Neuropsychological tests abbreviated and adapted for Spanish-speaking persons: Reliability and validity for the discrimination of patients with lateralized lesions.
SO: Revista-Latina-de-Pensamiento-y-Lenguaje. 2001; Vol 9(2): 223-244.

AU: Bixby,-Walter-R; Spalding,-Thomas-W; Hatfield,-Bradley-D
TI: Temporal dynamics and dimensional specificity of the affective response to exercise of varying intensity: Differing pathways to a common outcome.
SO: Journal-of-Sport-and-Exercise-Psychology. 2001 Sep; Vol 23(3): 171-190.

AU: Broerse,-Annelies; Holthausen,-Esther-A-E; van-den-Bosch,-Robert-J; den-Boer,-Johan-A
TI: Does frontal normality exist in schizophrenia? A saccadic eye movement study.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 2001 Sep; Vol 103(2-3): 167-178.

AU: Thorpe,-Karen; Greenwood,-Rosemary; Eivers,-Areana; Rutter,-Michael
TI: Prevalence and developmental course of 'secret language.'
SO: International-Journal-of-Language-and-Communication-Disorders. 2001 Jan-Mar; Vol 36(1): 43-62.


AU: Korkman,-Marit; Kemp,-Sarah-L; Kirk,-Ursula
TI: Effects of age on neurocognitive measures of children ages 5 to 12: A cross-sectional study on 800 children from the United States.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 2001 Aug; Vol 20(1): 331-354.


AU: Harari,-Edwin
TI: Whose evidence? Lessons from the philosophy of science and the epistemology of medicine.
SO: Australian-and-New-Zealand-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 2001 Dec; Vol 35(6): 724-730.


AU: Ablon,-Steven-Luria
TI: The work of transformation: Changes in technique since Anna Freud's Normality and Pathology in Childhood.
SO: Psychoanalytic-Study-of-the-Child. 2001; Vol 56: 27-38.

AU: Butler,-Lisa-Michelle
TI: A study of the interplay between traditional agricultural practices, horticultural concepts, and cultural change in rural South Africa.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2001 Jun; Vol 61(11-B):


AU: Divis,-Bernard-J
TI: Relationships between cognitive abilities, social skills, communication skills, and maladaptive behavior in students with behavioral disabilities in three specialized urban schools.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 2001 Jun; Vol 61(11-A


AU: Kim,-Dai-Jin; Lee,-Heung-Pyo; Kim,-Myung-Sun; Park,-Yu-Jin; Go,-Hyo-Jin; Kim,-Kwang-Soo; Lee,-Sung-Phil; Chae,-Jeong-Ho; Lee,-Chung-Tai
TI: The effect of total sleep deprivation on cognitive functions in normal adult male subjects.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2001 Jul; Vol 109(1-2): 127-137.

AU: Ahmad,-Saadia-A; Warriner,-Erin-M
TI: Review of the NEPSY: A developmental neuropsychological assessment.
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 2001 May; Vol 15(2): 240-249.

AU: Everhart,-D-Erik; Demaree,-Heath-A; Harrison,-David-W; Williamson,-John-B
TI: "Delusions" of space: A case study utilizing topographical brain mapping and QEEG.
SO: Journal-of-Neurotherapy. 2001; Vol 4(4): 19-29.


AU: Kertesz,-Andrew; Osman-Sagi,-Judit
TI: Manifestations of aphasic symptoms in Hungarian.
SO: Journal-of-Neurolinguistics. 2001 Apr-Oct; Vol 14(2-4): 313-319.


AU: Iznak,-A-F; Zhigul'skaya,-S-E; Gorbachevskaya,-N-L; Vasil'eva,-A-G; Chayanov,-N-V; Gavrilova,-S-I; Roshchina,-I-F; Kolykhalov,-I-V; Zharikov,-G-A
TI: EEG correlates of mild impairments of higher cortical functions.
SO: Human-Physiology. 2001 Jan; Vol 27(1): 1-8.

AU: Martino,-Gail; Marks,-Lawrence-E
TI: Synesthesia: Strong and weak.
SO: Current-Directions-in-Psychological-Science. 2001 Apr; Vol 10(2): 61-65.

AU: Lamminranta,-S; Aberg,-L-E; Autti,-T; Moren,-R; Laine,-T; Kaukoranta,-J; Santavuori,-Pirkko
TI: Neuropsychological test battery in the follow-up of patients with juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.
SO: Journal-of-Intellectual-Disability-Research. 2001 Feb; Vol 45(1): 8-17.

AU: Lerman,-Stephen
TI: A cultural/discursive psychology for mathematics teaching and learning.
BK: Atweh, Bill (Ed); Forgasz, Helen (Ed); et-al. (2001). Sociocultural research on mathematics education: An international perspective. (pp. 3-17).


AU: Velasco-Diaz,-Jose-Avelino; Quiroga-Romero,-Ernesto
TI: Formulacion y solucion de un caso de abuso de alcohol en terminos de aceptacion y compromiso. / Study of a clinical case of alcohol abuse treated by acceptance and commitment therapy.
SO: Psicothema. 2001 Feb; Vol 13(1): 50-56.

AU: Malloy,-Paul-F; Richardson,-Emily-D
TI: Assessment of frontal lobe functions.
BK: Salloway, Stephen P. (Ed); Malloy, Paul F. (Ed); et-al. (2001). The frontal lobes and neuropsychiatric illness. (pp. 125-137).


AU: Anderson,-Peter; Anderson,-Vicki; Garth,-Jenny
TI: Assessment and development of organizational ability: The Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS).
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 2001 Feb; Vol 15(1): 81-94.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Freshwater,-Shawna-M
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Dorfman, William I. (Ed); Hersen, Michel (Ed). (2001). Understanding psychological assessment. Perspectives on individual differences. (pp. 59-75).


AU: Anderson,-Michael-C; Green,-Collin
TI: Suppressing unwanted memories by executive control.
SO: Nature. 2001 Mar; Vol 410(6826): 366-369.

AU: Goldberg,-Elkhonon
TI: The executive brain: Frontal lobes and the civilized mind.
PY: 2001


AU: Pedersen,-Palle-Moller; Vinter,-Kirsten; Olsen,-Tom-Skyhoj
TI: Improvement of oral naming by unsupervised computerised rehabilitation.
SO: Aphasiology. 2001 Feb; Vol 15(2): 151-169.

AU: Razmyslov,-P
TI: On Vygotsky's and Luria's "cultural-historical theory of psychology."
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 2000 Nov-Dec; Vol 38(6): 45-58.


AU: Abel'skaia,-R; Neopikhonova,-Ia-S
TI: The problem of development in German psychology and its influence on Soviet pedology and psychology.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 2000 Nov-Dec; Vol 38(6): 31-44.


AU: Feofanov,-M-P
TI: The theory of cultural development in pedology as an eclectic conception with basically idealist roots.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 2000 Nov-Dec; Vol 38(6): 12-30.


AU: Teichner,-Gordon; Golden,-Charles-J; Crum,-Thomas-A; Azrin,-Nathan-H; Donohue,-Brad; Van-Hasselt,-Vincent-B
TI: Identification of neuropsychological subtypes in a sample of delinquent adolescents.
SO: Journal-of-Psychiatric-Research. 2000 Mar-Apr; Vol 34(2): 129-132.


AU: Caggiano,-Alan-D
TI: Identifying violent-toward-staff juvenile delinquents via the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory and neuropsychological measures.
SO: Journal-of-Offender-Rehabilitation. 2000; Vol 32(1-2): 147-165.


AU: Yang,-Ok-Seung
TI: Guiding children's verbal plan and evaluation during free play: An application of Vygotsky's genetic epistemology to the early childhood classroom.
SO: Early-Childhood-Education-Journal. 2000 Fal; Vol 28(1): 3-10.


AU: Chin,-David-N
TI: Strategies for expressing concise, helpful answers.
SO: Artificial-Intelligence-Review. 2000 Oct; Vol 14(4-5): 333-350.


AU: Ablon,-Steven-Luria
TI: "Where work is play for mortal stakes": The good hour in child analysis.
SO: Psychoanalytic-Study-of-the-Child. 2000; Vol 55: 113-123.

AU: Holland,-Albert-W
TI: Psychology of spaceflight.
SO: Human-Performance-in-Extreme-Environments. 2000 Oct; Vol 5(1): 4-20


AU: Laatsch,-Linda; Stress,-Maureen
TI: Neuropsychological change following individualized cognitive rehabilitation therapy.
SO: NeuroRehabilitation. 2000; Vol 15(2): 189-197.

AU: Meshcheriakov,-B-G
TI: Vygotsky's conception: A logico-semantic analysis.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychology. 2000 Mar-Apr; Vol 38(2): 34-55.


AU: Algermissen,-Molly-Ann
TI: The relationship between executive dysfunction and functional impairment in Alzheimer's disease.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2000 Jun; Vol 60(11-B): 5760.

AU: Mall,-Harriet-J
TI: Effects of perceived memory functions in mild brain injured adults as compared with non brain injured adults: A comparison of the Wechsler Memory Scale III and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery, memory subtest.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2000 Feb; Vol 60(7-B): 3571.

AU: Yang,-Fude; Phillips,-Michael; Zhang,-Peiyan; Jie,-Zhongfu
TI: Cognitive function in first episode schizophrenics.
SO: Chinese-Mental-Health-Journal. 2000 Nov; Vol 14(6): 383-385, 396.

AU: Maestu,-F; Fernandez,-A; Martinez,-E; Lopez-Ibor,-M-I; Paul,-N; Calcedo-Barba,-A; Ortiz,-T
TI: Dano neuropsiquico: Evaluacion neuropsicologica. / Neuropsychic injury: Neuropsychological evaluation.
SO: Actas-Espanolas-de-Psiquiatria. 2000 Mar-Apr; Vol 28(2): 115-124.

AU: Livianos-Aldana,-Lorenzo; Rojo,-L; Guillem,-J-L; Villavicencio,-D; Pino,-A; Mora,-R; Vila,-M-L; Dominguez,-A
TI: Adaptacion de la Escala para la Valoracion de la Mania por Clinicos (EVMAC). / Adaptation of the Clinician Administered Rating Scale for Mania.
SO: Actas-Espanolas-de-Psiquiatria. 2000 May-Jun; Vol 28(3): 169-177.

AU: Binetti,-Giuliano; Locascio,-Joseph-J; Corkin,-Suzanne; Vonsattel,-Jean-Paul; Growdon,-John-H
TI: Differences between Pick disease and Alzheimer disease in clinical appearance and rate of cognitive decline.
SO: Archives-of-Neurology. 2000 Feb; Vol 57(2): 225-232.

AU: Lesser,-Ruth
TI: Managing aphasia: Then and now.
SO: Folia-Phoniatrica-et-Logopaedica. 2000 Jan-Jun; Vol 52(1-3): 24-31.


AU: McTear,-M-F
TI: Intelligent interface technology: From theory to reality?
SO: Interacting-with-Computers. 2000 Feb; Vol 12(4): 323-336.


AU: Rankin,-Eugene-J
TI: Bedside evaluation of learning and memory: Descriptive information on a shortened version of the Luria Memory Words Test.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 2000 Jan; Vol 56(1): 113-118.


AU: Black,-Deborah-N; Stip,-Emmanuel; Bedard,-Marc-Andre; Kabay,-Michel; Paquette,-Isabelle; Bigras,-Marie-Josee
TI: Leukotomy revisited: Late cognitive and behavioral effects in chronic institutionalized schizophrenics.
SO: Schizophrenia-Research. 2000 May; Vol 43(1): 57-64.

AU: Kimberg,-Daniel-Y; D'Esposito,-Mark; Farah,-Martha-J
TI: Frontal lobes II: Cognitive issues.
BK: Farah, Martha J. (Ed); Feinberg, Todd E. (Ed). (2000). Patient-based approaches to cognitive neuroscience. Issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology. (pp. 317-326). . x, 412 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 2000

AU: Benson,-D-Frank; Miller,-Bruce-L
TI: Frontal lobes I: Clinical and anatomic issues.
BK: Farah, Martha J. (Ed); Feinberg, Todd E. (Ed). (2000). Patient-based approaches to cognitive neuroscience. Issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology. (pp. 309-316). . x, 412 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 2000


AU: Aguas,-S-J; Ampudia,-M-S; Macaya,-A; Molina,-J; Tomas,-J
TI: Secuelas neuropsicologicas de la hemorragia cerebral en ninos nacidos a termino. / Neuropsychological outcome of cerebral hemorrhage in full-term newborn infants.
SO: Revista-de-Psiquiatria-Infanto-Juvenil. 1999; No 1: 5-17.

AU: Glass,-Jennifer-M; Park,-Denise-C; Zucker,-Robert-A
TI: Alcoholism, aging, and cognition: A review or evidence for shared on independent impairments.
SO: Aging,-Neuropsychology,-and-Cognition. 1999 Sep; Vol 6(3): 157-178.


AU: Greenwood,-John-D
TI: From Veolkerpsychologie to cultural psychology: The once and future discipline?
SO: Philosophical-Psychology. 1999 Dec; Vol 12(4): 503-514.


AU: Boatman,-Dana; Freeman,-John; Vining,-Eileen; Pulsifer,-Margaret; Miglioretti,-Diana; Minahan,-Robert; Carson,-Benjamin; Brandt,-Jason; McKhann,-Guy
TI: Language recovery after left hemispherectomy in children with late-onset seizures.
SO: Annals-of-Neurology. 1999 Oct; Vol 46(4): 579-586.

AU: McKinzey,-R-Kim; Podd,-Marvin-H; Krehbiel,-Mary-Ann; Raven,-John
TI: Detection of malingering on Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices: A cross-validation.
SO: British-Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1999 Nov; Vol 38(4): 435-439.


AU: Solms,-Mark
TI: Zur Integration von Psychoanalyse und Neurowissenschaften: Teil 2: Die Syndromanalyse psychischer Funktionen. / Towards an integration of psychoanalysis and the neurosciences: Part 2: Syndromanalysis of psychic functions.
SO: Forum-der-Psychoanalyse:-Zeitschrift-fuer-klinische-Theorie-and-Praxis. 1999 Mar; Vol 15(1): 58-70.


AU: Miura,-Irene-T; Okamoto,-Yukari; Vlahovic-Stetic,-Vesna; Kim,-Chungsoon-C; Han,-Jong-Hye
TI: Language supports for children's understanding of numerical fractions: Cross-national comparisons.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Child-Psychology. 1999 Dec; Vol 74(4): 356-365.

AU: Ylikoski,-Raija; Ylikoski,-Ari; Keskivaara,-Pertti; Tilvis,-Reijo; Sulkava,-Raimo; Erkinjuntti,-Timo
TI: Heterogeneity of cognitive profiles in aging: Successful aging, normal aging, and individuals at risk for cognitive decline.
SO: European-Journal-of-Neurology. 1999 Nov; Vol 6(6): 645-652.

AU: Manalo,-Emmanuel
TI: Spontaneous mnemonic use in simulated foreign word learning.
SO: Psychologia:-An-International-Journal-of-Psychology-in-the-Orient. 1999 Sep; Vol 42(3): 160-169.

AU: Trikas,-Panayotis; Vlachonikolis,-Ioannis; Fragkiadakis,-Nicholas; Vasilakis,-Sofoklis; Manousos,-Orestis; Paritsis,-Nicholas
TI: Core mental state in irritable bowel syndrome.
SO: Psychosomatic-Medicine. 1999 Nov-Dec; Vol 61(6): 781-788.


AU: Galderisi,-Silvana; Bucci,-Paola; Mucci,-Armida; D'Amato,-Alessandro-Colucci; Conforti,-Renata; Maj,-Mario
TI: 'Simple schizophrenia': a controlled MRI and clinical/neuropsychological study.
SO: Psychiatry-Research:-Neuroimaging. 1999 Oct; Vol 91(3): 175-184.


AU: Macht,-Michael; Ellgring,-Heiner
TI: Behavioral analysis of the freezing phenomenon in Parkinson's disease: A case study.
SO: Journal-of-Behavior-Therapy-and-Experimental-Psychiatry. 1999 Sep; Vol 30(3): 241-247.

AU: Martin,-John-E
TI: Assessment of executive functions in sexual offenders.

SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1999 April; Vol 59(10-B): 5580.

AU: Sutherland,-Frances-C
TI: Emergence of the planning factor as distinct from simultaneous and successive processes in first and third-grade children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1999 Feb; Vol 59(8-B): 4514.

AU: White,-Janis-B
TI: An efficacy study of the laws of living cognitive restructuring program for the rehabilitation of criminals, using an historical-descriptive meta-analysis method.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1999 Jan; Vol 59(7-B): 3729.

AU: Grabois,-Howard
TI: The convergence of sociocultural theory and cognitive linguistics: Lexical semantics and the L2 acquisition of love, fear and happiness.
BK: Palmer, Gary B. (Ed); Occhi, Debra J. (Ed). (1999). Languages of sentiment: Cultural constructions of emotional substrates. Advances in consciousness research, Vol. 18. (pp. 201-233).
PY: 1999

AU: Yeates,-Keith-Owen; Luria,-Joseph; Bartkowski,-Henry; Rusin,-Jerome; Martin,-Lisa; Bigler,-Erin-D
TI: Postconcussive symptoms in children with mild closed head injuries.
SO: Journal-of-Head-Trauma-Rehabilitation. 1999 Aug; Vol 14(4): 337-350.


AU: Iraurgi,-Ioseba; Bombin,-Igor; Imaz,-Izaskun
TI: Professional training in the rehabilitation of people with psychiatric disability.
SO: Psychiatric-Rehabilitation-Journal. 1999 Fal; Vol 23(2): 175-180.


AU: Nell,-Victor
TI: Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment: Theory and practice.
PY: 2000. NJ: Erlbaum


AU: Kaplan-Solms,-Karen; Solms,-Mark
TI: Clinical studies in neuro-psychoanalysis: Introduction to a depth neuropsychology.
PY: 2000

AU: Bauer,-Russell-M
TI: The flexible battery approach to neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Vanderploeg, Rodney D. (Ed). (2000). Clinician's guide to neuropsychological assessment. (pp. 419-448). . x, 551 pp.SEE BOOK
PY: 2000

AU: Ardila,-Alfredo; Pineda,-David; Rosselli,-Monica
TI: Correlation between intelligence test scores and executive function measures.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 2000 Jan; Vol 15(1): 31-36.


AU: Morais,-Jose; Kolinsky,-Regine
TI: Biology and culture in the literate mind.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 2000 Feb; Vol 42(1): 47-49.


AU: Gupta,-Surya; Khandelwal,-S-K; Tandon,-P-N; Maheshwari,-M-C; Mehta,-V-S; Sundaram,-K-R; Mahapatra,-A-K; Jain,-Satish
TI: The development and standardization of a comprehensive neuropsychological battery in Hindi (adult form).
SO: Journal-of-Personality-and-Clinical-Studies. 2000 Sep; Vol 16(2): 75-109.

AU: Teichner,-Gordon; Donohue,-Brad; Crum,-Thomas-A; Azrin,-Nathan-H; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: The relationship of neuropsychological functioning to measures of substance use in an adolescent drug abusing sample.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2000 Sep-Oct; Vol 104(1-4): 113-124


AU: Sbordone,-Robert-J; Saul,-Ronald-E
TI: Neuropsychology for health care professionals and attorneys (2nd ed.).
PY: 2000

AU: Conway,-Tim; Crosson,-Bruce
TI: Neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Frank, Robert G. (Ed); Elliott, Timothy R. (Ed). (2000). Handbook of rehabilitation psychology. (pp. 327-343).


AU: Fernandez-Marin,-P; Montes-Marin,-A; Collado-Vega,-J-A
TI: Desarrollo de un instrumento de medida de severidad sintomatica del sindrome del intestine irritable. / Designing a tool for the measurement of symptom severity in irritable bowel syndrome.
SO: Clinica-y-Salud. 2000; Vol 11(2): 171-194.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Thomas,-Rhiannon-B
TI: Cross-cultural applications of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery and Lurian principles of syndrome analysis.
BK: Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine (Ed); Strickland, Tony L. (Ed); et-al. (2000). Handbook of cross-cultural neuropsychology. Critical issues in neuropsychology. (pp. 305-313).


AU: Fletcher-Janzen,-Elaine (Ed); Strickland,-Tony-L (Ed); Reynolds,-Cecil-R (Ed)
TI: Handbook of cross-cultural neuropsychology.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 2000

AU: Bradley,-James-D-D; Teichner,-Gordon; Crum,-Thomas-A; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Concurrent validity and analysis of learning curves on the memory scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-third edition.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 2000; Vol 103(1-4): 115-126.

AU: Ivnik,-Robert-J; Smith,-Glenn-E; Petersen,-Ronald-C; Boeve,-Bradley-F; Kokmen,-Emre; Tangalos,-Eric-G
TI: Diagnostic accuracy of four approaches to interpreting neuropsychological test data.
SO: Neuropsychology. 2000 Apr; Vol 14(2): 163-177.


AU: Kaufman,-Alan-S; Kaufman,-James-C; Lincoln,-Alan-J; Kaufman,-Jennie-L
TI: Intellectual and cognitive assessment.
BK: Hersen, Michel (Ed); Ammerman, Robert T. (Ed). (2000). Advanced abnormal child psychology (2nd ed.). (pp. 153-175).

AU: Hovland,-David; Mateer,-Catherine-A
TI: Irritability and anger.
BK: Raskin, Sarah A. (Ed); Mateer, Catherine A. (Ed). (2000). Neuropsychological management of mild traumatic brain injury. (pp. 187-212).

AU: Good,-Sally-Rasor
TI: A. R. Luria: A humanistic legacy.
SO: Journal-of-Humanistic-Psychology. 2000 Win; Vol 40(1): 17-32.

AU: Baranov-Krylov,-I-N; Shuvaev,-V-T
TI: Neurophysiological indicators of voluntary and involuntary visual attention in a human.
SO: Human-Physiology. 2000 Nov-Dec; Vol 26(6): 675-683.


AU: Guedalia,-Judith; Finkelstein,-Yoram; Drukker,-Alfred; Frishberg,-Yaacov
TI: The use of Luria's method for the neurobehavioral assessment of encephalopathy in an adolescent: Application in a rehabilitation setting.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 2000 Feb; Vol 15(2): 177-184.

AU: Kindermann,-Sandra-S; Kalayam,-Balu; Brown,-Gregory-G; Burdick,-Katherine-E; Alexopoulos,-George-S
TI: Executive functions and P300 latency in elderly depressed patients and control subjects.
SO: American-Journal-of-Geriatric-Psychiatry. 2000 Win; Vol 8(1): 57-65.


AU: Hooks,-Kim-A
TI: Validity of technetium-99m-spect in predicting the presence and laterality of traumatic brain injury.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2000 Jun; Vol 60(11-B): 5775.

AU: Powell,-Shawn-David
TI: Assessing learning disabilities in reading: A validity study of the Cognitive Assessment System.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 2000 Dec; Vol 61(5-B): 2777


AU: Orbeck,-Beate; Bryhn,-Grete; Rasmussen,-Magnhild; Falsen,-Anne
TI: En nevropsykologisk studie av barn i psykiatrisk behandling. / A neuropsychological study of child psychiatric patients.
SO: Tidsskrift-for-Norsk-Psykologforening. 2000 Feb; Vol 37(2): 108-114.


AU: Rath,-Joseph-F; Simon,-Dvorah; Langenbahn,-Donna-M; Sherr,-Rose-Lynn; Diller,-Leonard
TI: Measurement of problem-solving deficits in adults with acquired brain damage.
SO: Journal-of-Head-Trauma-Rehabilitation. 2000 Feb; Vol 15(1): 724-733.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Freshwater,-Shawna-M; Vayalakkara,-Jyothi
TI: The Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Groth-Marnat, Gary (Ed). (2000). Neuropsychological assessment in clinical practice: A guide to test interpretation and integration. (pp. 263-289).


AU: Groth-Marnat,-Gary (Ed)
TI: Neuropsychological assessment in clinical practice: A guide to test interpretation and integration.
PY: 2000


AU: Solms,-Mark
TI: A psychoanalytic perspective on confabulation.
SO: Neuro-psychoanalysis. 2000; Vol 2(2): 133-138.

AU: Glenn,-Sheila-M; Cunningham,-Cliff-C
TI: Parents' reports of young people with Down syndrome talking out loud to themselves.
SO: Mental-Retardation. 2000 Dec; Vol 38(6): 498-505.

AU: Canestri,-Jorge
TI: "A cognitive neuroscience perspective on confabulation": Comment.
SO: Neuro-psychoanalysis. 2000; Vol 2(2): 144-148.


AU: Dorfman,-William-I (Ed); Hersen,-Michel (Ed)
TI: Understanding psychological assessment.
SE: Perspectives on individual differences.
PY: 2001


AU: Winn,-Laura-L; Giles,-Howard; Bradac,-James-J
TI: Language, truth, and social reality in the work of W. Peter Robinson: A prologue.
SO: Journal-of-Language-and-Social-Psychology. 2001 Mar-Jun; Vol 20(1-2): 5-22.


AU: Ylvisaker,-Mark; Todis,-Bonnie; Glang,-Ann; Urbanczyk,-Beth; Franklin,-Cecilia; DePompei,-Roberta; Feeney,-Timothy; Maxwell,-Nancy-Maher; Pearson,-Sue; Tyler,-Janet-Siantz
TI: Educating students with TBI: Themes and recommendations.
SO: Journal-of-Head-Trauma-Rehabilitation. 2001 Feb; Vol 16(1): 76-93.


AU: Glozman,-J-M; Tupper,-David-E
TI: Converging impressions in Russian and American neuropsychology: Discussion of a clinical case.
SO: Applied-Neuropsychology. 1995 Feb; Vol 2(1): 15-23.


AU: Hooper,-Stephen-R
TI: Relationship between the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised in children with psychiatric imparirment.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1995 Jun; Vol 80(3, Pt 2): 1353-1354.


AU: Mapou,-Robert-L (Ed); Spector,-Jack (Ed)
TI: Clinical neuropsychological assessment: A cognitive approach.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 1995

AU: Lebrun,-Yvan
TI: Luria's notion of "(frontal) dynamic aphasia."
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 171-180.

AU: Gainotti,-Guido; Silveri,-M-C; Daniele,-A; Giustolisi,-L
TI: How Luria and Vinogradova's theory on the dynamics of the semantic systems could explain an unusual case of lexical comprehension disorders.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 153-161.

AU: Brown,-Jason-W; Chobor,-Karen-L
TI: Severe retrograde amnesia.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 163-170.

AU: Akhutina,-Tatiana-V; Glozman,-Jeanne-M
TI: The neurolinguistic study of semantics.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 143-152.

AU: Absher,-John-R; Cummings,-Jeffrey-L
TI: Neurobehavioral examination of frontal lobe functions.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 181-192.


AU: Tlokinski,-Waldemar
TI: Linguistic competence, experience and agrammatism.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 137-142.


AU: Pena-Casanova,-J; Manero-Borras,-R-M
TI: Lurianism and "neolurianism."
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 111-121.

AU: Garland,-Barbara-Lynn
TI: Diagnostic validity of neuropsychological and discrepancy analysis methods for identification of learning-disabled children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 1994; Vol 55(3-A): 511.


AU: Berninger,-Virginia-Wise
TI: Codes, connections, context and constructive processes: Integrating the Vygotskian and Lurian perspectives.
BK: Assink, Egbert M. H. (Ed). (1994). Literacy acquisition and social context. The developing body and mind. (pp. 25-46).


AU: Assink,-Egbert-M-H (Ed)
TI: Literacy acquisition and social context.
SE: The developing body and mind.
PY: 1994

AU: Buzin,-V-N
TI: Psychoanalysis in the Soviet Union: On the history of a defeat.
SO: Journal-of-Russian-and-East-European-Psychiatry. 1994-1995 Fal-Win; Vol 27(3-4): 143-154.


AU: Puka,-Bill (Ed)
TI: Caring voices and women's moral frames: Gilligan's view.
SE: Moral development: A compendium, Vol. 6.
PY: 1994

AU: Kozulin,-Alex; Venger,-Alexander
TI: Immigration without adaptation: The psychological world of Russian immigrants in Israel.
SO: Mind,-Culture,-and-Activity. 1994 Fal; Vol 1(4): 230-238.

AU: Bournot-Trites,-M; Jarman,-R-F; Das,-J-P
TI: Luria's language theory within a cognitive theory: A Canadian perspective.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 123-135.

AU: Pachalska,-Maria; Kaczmarek,-B-L-J; Knapik,-H
TI: Cracow Neurolinguistic Battery of Aphasia Examination.
SO: Aphasiology. 1995 Mar-Apr; Vol 9(2): 193-206.

AU: Lynam,-Donald-R; Moffitt,-Terrie-E
TI: Delinquency and impulsivity and IQ: A reply to Block (1995).
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-Psychology. 1995 May; Vol 104(2): 399-401.


AU: Hough,-Brenda-Stuart
TI: Cognitive, behavioral, and academic sequelae of severe hypoglycemic episodes in children and adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1995 Apr; Vol 55(10-B): 4605.


AU: Truelle,-Jean-Luc; Le-Gall,-Didier; Joseph,-Pierre-Alain; Aubin,-Ghislaine; et-al
TI: Movement disturbances following frontal lobe lesions: Qualitative analysis of gesture and motor programming.
SO: Neuropsychiatry,-Neuropsychology,-and-Behavioral-Neurology. 1995 Jan; Vol 8(1): 14-19.

AU: Poole,-Janet-Louise
TI: A comparison of gesture performance and motor learning in dyspratic children, dyspratic adults, and apractic adults.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1995 Nov; Vol 56(5-B): 2904


AU: Kilpatrick,-David-Andrew
TI: Screening for learning disabilities using single task, soft sign, and neuropsychological screening approaches.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1995 Jul; Vol 56(1-B): 0562.


AU: Biggerstaff,-Margaret-Ann
TI: Can Mary do mathematics problem solving? an investigation of the relationship between cognitive processing controls and mathematics problem solving.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International-Section-A:-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences. 1995 Dec; Vol 56(6-A): 2156.


AU: Bartz,-Lynne-Ellen
TI: Neuropsychological and cognitive correlates of academic achievement in a psychiatrically-disordered child sample.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1995 Dec; Vol 56(6-B): 3431.


AU: Doss,-Sylvia-Marie
TI: Impaired self-awareness of personality traits in persons with frontal system dysfunction due to traumatic brain injury.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International:-Section-B:-The-Sciences-and-Engineering. 1995 Nov; Vol 56(5-B): 2929


AU: Jorgensen,-Kasper; Christensen,-Anne-Lise
TI: The approach of A. R. Luria to neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Mapou, Robert L. (Ed); Spector, Jack (Ed). (1995). Clinical neuropsychological assessment: A cognitive approach. Critical issues in neuropsychology. (pp. 217-236).


AU: Munoz-Cespedes,-Juan-M; Iruarrizaga-Diez,-Iciar; Miguel-Tobal,-Juan-J; Cano-Vindel,-Antonio
TI: Deficits neuropsicologicos asociados a la enfermedad de Alzheimer. / Neuropsychological deficits related to Alzheimer's disease.
SO: Psicothema. 1995 Nov; Vol 7(3): 473-487.

AU: Hanlon,-Robert; Clontz,-Bradley; Snow,-Dawn; Thomas,-Milton
TI: Treatment of supplementary motor area syndrome.
SO: Journal-of-Neurologic-Rehabilitation. 1995; Vol 9(4): 197-204.

AU: Wertsch,-James-V; Hagstrom,-Fran; Kikas,-Eve
TI: Voices of thinking and speaking.
BK: Martin, Laura M. W. (Ed); Nelson, Katherine (Ed); et-al. (1995). Sociocultural psychology: Theory and practice of doing and knowing. Learning in doing: Social, cognitive, and computational perspectives. (pp. 276-290).


AU: Mayes,-Andrew-R
TI: The assessment of memory disorders.
BK: Baddeley, Alan D. (Ed); Wilson, Barbara A. (Ed); et-al. (1995). Handbook of memory disorders. (pp. 367-391).


AU: Gibbons,-Pamela
TI: A cognitive processing account of individual differences in novice Logo programmers' conceptualisation and use of recursion.
SO: Journal-of-Educational-Computing-Research. 1995; Vol 13(3): 211-226


AU: Das,-J-P; Abbott,-J
TI: PASS: An alternative approach to intelligence.
SO: Psychology-and-Developing-Societies. 1995 Jul-Dec; Vol 7(2): 155-184.

AU: Schwartz,-Myrna-F
TI: Re-examining the role of executive functions in routine action production.
BK: Grafman, Jordan (Ed); Holyoak, Keith James (Ed); et-al. (1995). Structure and functions of the human prefrontal cortex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 769. (pp. 321-335).


AU: Condray,-Ruth; Van-Kamen,-Daniel-P; Steinhauer,-Stuart-R; Kasparek,-Annette; et-al
TI: Language comprehension in schizophrenia: Trait or state indicator?
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1995 Sep; Vol 38(5): 287-296.


AU: Smagorinsky,-Peter
TI: The social construction of data: Methodological problems of investigating learning in the zone of proximal development.
SO: Review-of-Educational-Research. 1995 Fal; Vol 65(3): 191-212.


AU: Watters,-James-J; English,-Lyn-D
TI: Children's application of simultaneous and successive processing in inductive and deductive reasoning problems: Implications for developing scientific reasoning skills.
SO: Journal-of-Research-in-Science-Teaching. 1995 Sep; Vol 32(7): 699-714.

AU: Tivis,-Laura-J; Parsons,-Oscar-A
TI: An investigation of verbal spatial functioning in chronic alcoholics.
SO: Assessment. 1995 Sep; Vol 2(3): 285-292.


AU: Freeman,-Marianne-R; Ryan,-Joseph-J; Lopez,-Shane-J; Mittenberg,-Wiley
TI: Cognitive estimation in traumatic brain injury: Relationships with measures of intelligence, memory, and affect.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1995 Oct; Vol 83(3-4): 269-273.


AU: Gellatly,-Angus
TI: Colourful Whorfian ideas: Linguistic and cultural influences on the perception and cognition of colour, and on the investigation of them.
SO: Mind-and-Language. 1995 Sep; Vol 10(3): 199-225.

AU: Puente,-Antonio-E
TI: Intellectual perestroika and Russian neuropsychology.
SO: Journal-of-the-International-Neuropsychological-Society. 1995 Sep; Vol 1(5): 510


AU: Holland,-Dorothy; Cole,-Michael
TI: Between discourse and schema: Reformulating a cultural-historical approach to culture and mind.
SO: Anthropology-and-Education-Quarterly. 1995 Dec; Vol 26(4): 475-489.


AU: Agid,-Ofer; Shalev,-Arieh; Lerer,-Bernard
TI: Triiodothyronine augmentation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in posttraumatic stress disorder.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychiatry. 2001 Mar; Vol 62(3): 169-173.

AU: Lynch,-William-J
TI: Neuropsychological assessment.
BK: Rosenthal, Mitchell (Ed); Bond, Michael R. (Ed); et-al. (1990). Rehabilitation of the adult and child with traumatic brain injury (2nd ed.). (pp. 310-326).


AU: Huettner,-Marion-I
TI: Neurological basis of language and reading.
SO: Learning-and-Individual-Differences. 1989 Win; Vol 1(4), Spec Issue: 407-421.

AU: Perez-Villar,-Jose; Marrero-Laseria,-Virginia; Blanco-Rodriguez,-Sonia
TI: El analisis neuropsicologico de la lectoescritura en nin_os de cuarto grado. / Neuropsychological analysis of fourth graders' reading and writing.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1989 Jul-Sep; Vol 30(3): 453- 463.


AU: Neumaeker,-K-J; Bzufka,-M-W
TI: An evaluation of neuropsychological investigation methods for the mentally handicapped.
SO: European-Journal-of-Child-and-Adolescent-Psychiatry:-Acta-Paedopsychiatrica. 1989; Vol 52(4): 307-316.

AU: Armstrong,-Carol
TI: Luria's theory of brain function recovery with applications to the use of computers in cognitive retraining.
SO: Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 1989 Jan-Feb; Vol 7(1): 10-15.

AU: Marcos,-T; Guijarro,-A
TI: Un caso de afasia amnesica postraumatica. / Posttraumatic amnesic aphasia: A case study.
SO: Revista-del-Departamento-de-Psiquiatria-de-la-Facultad-de-Medicina-de-Barcelona. 1989 Jan-Feb; Vol 16(1): 53-55.


AU: Wong,-Jane-L
TI: A normative study of Form II of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1989 Sep; Vol 50(3-B): 1129.

AU: Lifrieri,-Frank-R
TI: Understanding grammatical relationships as a function of simultaneous processing: A prediction based on the Luria-Das model of cognitive processing.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1989 Jun; Vol 49(12-A, Pt 1): 3664-3665.

AU: Gambini,-Orsola; Bellini,-Laura; Abbruzzese,-Massimo; Scarone,-Silvio
TI: Neurofunctional assessment of functional CNS disorders: Neuropsychological characteristics of hemispheric functioning as related to drug treatment in schizophrenia.
SO: Research-Communications-in-Psychology,-Psychiatry-and-Behavior. 1989; Vol 14(4): 257-267.

AU: Giordano,-Pierluigi-L; Fasullo,-S; Rubino,-M-A; Cordovana,-V
TI: Use of CT and MRI in the neurobiological study of schizophrenia.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1989 Sep; Vol 29(3): 265-266.

AU: Heinrichs,-R-Walter
TI: Neuropsychological test performance and employment status in patients referred for assessment.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1989 Dec; Vol 69(3, Pt 1): 899-902.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Abbreviating administration of the LNNB in significantly impaired patients.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(4): 177-181.


AU: Kuhs,-H; Hermann,-W; Kammer,-K; Toelle,-R
TI: The daily course of the symptomatology and the impaired time estimation in endogenous depression (melancholia).
SO: Journal-of-Affective-Disorders. 1989 Nov-Dec; Vol 17(3): 285-290.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: X. Critiques and rebuttals: I.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(4): 145-162.


AU: Meyers,-John-E; McMordie,-William-R
TI: The LNNB Memory Scale and WMS as memory screening instruments.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(3): 137-142.


AU: Donias,-Stamatis-H; Vassilopoulou,-Elpida-O; Golden,-Charles-J; Lovell,-Mark-R
TI: Reliability and clinical effectiveness of the standardized Greek version of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(3): 129-133.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-MacNeill Jr; Puente,-Antonio-E
TI: Neuropsychological considerations.
BK: Hersen, Michel (Ed). (1989). Innovations in child behavior therapy. Springer series on behavior therapy & behavioral medicine, Vol. 21. (pp. 105-133).


AU: Seron,-Xavier (Ed); Deloche,-Gerard (Ed)
TI: Cognitive approaches in neuropsychological rehabilitation.
SE: Neuropsychology and neurolinguistics.
PY: 1989

AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Robbins,-Douglas-E; Sawicki,-Robert-F
TI: Reliability and validity in neuropsychological assessment.
SE: Critical issues in neuropsychology.
PY: 1989


AU: Newmark,-Charles-S (Ed)
TI: Major psychological assessment instruments, Vol. 2.
PY: 1989

AU: Schaughency,-Elizabeth-A; Lahey,-Benjamin-B; Hynd,-George-W; Stone,-Penny-A; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological test performance and the attention deficit disorders: Clinical utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1989 Feb; Vol 57(1): 112-116.


AU: Gruber,-Joseph-J; Hall,-John-W; McKay,-Stephen-E; Humphries,-Laurie-L; et-al
TI: Motor proficiency and neuropsychological function in depressed adolescent inpatients: A pilot investigation.
SO: Adapted-Physical-Activity-Quarterly. 1989 Jan; Vol 6(1): 32-39.


AU: Mishra,-Shitala-P; Lord,-Jan; Sabers,-Darrell-L
TI: Cognitive processes underlying WISC--R performance of gifted and learning disabled Navajos.
SO: Psychology-in-the-Schools. 1989 Jan; Vol 26(1): 31-36.

AU: Guenther,-W; Guenther,-R; Streck,-P; Roemig,-H; et-al
TI: Psychomotor disturbances in psychiatric patients as a possible basis for new attempts at differential diagnosis and therapy: III. Cross validation study on depressed patients: The psychotic motor syndrome as a possible state marker for endogenous depression.
SO: European-Archives-of-Psychiatry-and-Neurological-Sciences. 1988 Feb; Vol 237(2): 65-73.

AU: Toyoda,-Hideki
TI: An exploratory correlation analysis method for two or more variable groups.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1988 Mar; Vol 36(1): 29-37


AU: Boget,-T; Hernandez,-E; Humbert,-M
TI: Rendement neuropsychologique et symptomatologie dans la schizophrenie. / Neuropsychological efficiency and symptomatology in schizophrenia.
SO: Annales-Medico-Psychologiques. 1988 Jan-Feb; Vol 146(1-2): 130-133.


AU: Hernandez,-E; Boget,-T; Marcos,-T
TI: Validation de la batterie neuropsychologique Luria-Nebraska (version espagnole). / Validation of Luria-Nebraska's neuropsychological battery (Spanish version).
SO: Annales-Medico-Psychologiques. 1988 Jan-Feb; Vol 146(1-2): 124-129.

AU: Brambilla,-F; Bondiolotti,-G-P; Maggioni,-M; Sciascia,-A; et-al
TI: Vasopressin (DDAVP) therapy in chronic schizophrenia: Effects on negative symptoms and memory.
SO: Neuropsychobiology. 1988; Vol 20(3): 113-119.

AU: Lezak,-Muriel-D
TI: Neuropsychological tests and assessment techniques.
BK: Boller, F. (Ed); Grafman, J. (Ed); et-al. (1988). Handbook of neuropsychology, Vol. 1. (pp. 47-68).


AU: Young,-Myla-H
TI: Neuropsychological and cognitive development: A comparison of children's performance on Lurian and Piagetian measures.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1988 Dec; Vol 49(6-B): 2398.


AU: Brodie,-Norman-E
TI: A validational investigation of the Luria^Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for use with adolescents.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1988 Nov; Vol 49(5-A): 1092.


AU: Lundin,-Rune-S
TI: The Manitoba Revision and extension of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Children and its utility in an educational setting.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1988 Jun; Vol 48(12-B, Pt 1): 3685.

AU: Korkman,-Marit
TI: NEPSY: An adaptation of Luria's investigation for young children.
SO: Clinical-Neuropsychologist. 1988 Nov; Vol 2(4): 375-392.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Anilane,-Juhan; Puente,-Antonio-E; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Diagnostic parameters of an odd-even item short-form of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 3(4): 375-381.

AU: Faustman,-William-O; Moses,-James-A; Csernansky,-John-G
TI: Luria-Nebraska performance and symptomatology in unmedicated schizophrenic patients.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1988 Oct; Vol 26(1): 29-34.

AU: Hynd,-George-W
TI: Neuropsychological assessment in clinical child psychology.
SE: Developmental clinical psychology and psychiatry, Vol. 16.


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Coding, attention, and planning: A cap for every head.
BK: Berry, John W. (Ed); Irvine, Sidney H. (Ed); et-al. (1988). Indigenous cognition: Functioning in cultural context. NATO ASI series D: Behavioural and social sciences, No. 41. (pp. 39-56).


AU: Downing,-John-A (Ed)
TI: Cognitive psychology and reading in the U.S.S.R.
SE: Advances in psychology, No. 49.
PY: 1988

AU: Hynd,-George-W; Willis,-W-Grant
TI: Pediatric neuropsychology.
PY: 1988

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The pathology of grammatical operations.
BK: Downing, John A. (Ed). (1988). Cognitive psychology and reading in the U.S.S.R. Advances in psychology, No. 49. (pp. 95-141).


AU: Caplan,-David
TI: The biological basis for language.
BK: Newmeyer, Frederick J. (Ed). (1988). Language: Psychological and biological aspects. Linguistics: The Cambridge survey, Vol. 3. (pp. 237-255).


AU: Christensen,-Anne-Lise; Malmros,-Richard; Townes,-Brenda-D
TI: Rehabilitation planned in accordance with the Luria neuropsychological investigation: A case history of a patient with left sided aneurysm.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1987 Nov; Vol 1(2): 45-48.

AU: Makhova,-T-A; Chudina,-T-I
TI: Impaired constructive performance in alcoholics.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1987; Vol 87(12): 1858-1862.


AU: Dergan,-Jose-J
TI: La Bateria Neuropsicologica Luria-Nebraska. / The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.

SO: Avances-en-Psicologia-Clinica-Latinoamericana. 1987; Vol 5: 27-36.


AU: Glozman,-Zh-M; Tsvetkova,-L-S
TI: From the history of Russian aphasiology.
SO: Defektologiya. 1987; No 3: 69-74.

AU: Newman,-Peter-J; Silverstein,-Marshall-L
TI: Neuropsychological test performance among major clinical subtypes of depression.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 2(2): 115-125


AU: Fruehauf,-Klaus
TI: Erfahungen mit dem neuropsychologischen Untersuchungsverfahren von Luria-Golden. / Experiences with the Luria-Golden neuropsychological examination procedure.
SO: Psychiatrie,-Neurologie-und-Medizinische-Psychologie. 1987 Aug; Vol 39(8): 460-466.


AU: Fields,-Francis-R
TI: Brain dysfunction: Relative discrimination accuracy of Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological test batteries.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1987 May; Vol 1(1): 9-12.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Screening batteries for the adult and children's versions of the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Batteries.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1987 Nov; Vol 1(2): 63-66.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M
TI: Luria's contributions to clinical and behavioral neuropsychology.
SO: Neuropsychology. 1987 Nov; Vol 1(2): 39-44.


AU: Davis,-Ron; Freeman,-Richard-J; Garner,-David-M
TI: A naturalistic investigation of eating behavior in bulimia nervosa.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1988 Apr; Vol 56(2): 273-279.

AU: Przesmycka-Kaminska,-Joanna; Zakrzewska,-M (Trans)
TI: The neuropsychological rehabilitation team: Theory, methodology, ethical principles, practice.
SO: Polish-Psychological-Bulletin. 1987; Vol 18(2): 101-112.

AU: Mapou,-Robert-L
TI: Testing to detect brain damage: An alternative to what may no longer be useful.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1988 Mar; Vol 10(2): 271-278.
PB: Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger.

AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Das,-J-P
TI: Planning-super(rousalssimultaneousssuccessive (PASS): A model for assessment.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1988 Spr; Vol 26(1): 35-48


AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: III. Concurrent validity.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(1): 12-19.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: II. Construct validity.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(1): 5-11.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; McDonald,-Cathleen; Meltzer,-Herbert-Y
TI: Differential patterns of neuropsychological deficit in psychiatric disorders.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1988 May; Vol 44(3): 412-415.


AU: Hare-Mustin,-Rachel-T; Marecek,-Jeanne
TI: The meaning of difference: Gender theory, postmodernism, and psychology.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1988 Jun; Vol 43(6): 455-464.


AU: Morgan,-Sam-B; Brown,-Tina-L
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Concurrent validity with three learning disability subtypes.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1988 Jun; Vol 56(3): 463-466.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Csernansky,-John-G; Leiderman,-Deborah-B
TI: Neuropsychological criteria for identification of cognitive deficit in limbic epilepsy.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(3): 106-112.

AU: Kemali,-Dargut; Galderisi,-Silvana; Maj,-Mario
TI: EEG correlates of clinical heterogeneity of schizophrenia.
BK: Giannitrapani, Duilio (Ed); Murri, L. (Ed). (1988). The EEG of mental activities. (pp. 169-181).


AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: V. Cognitive deficit in miscellaneous psychiatric disorders.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(2): 63-73.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: IV. Cognitive deficit in schizophrenia and related disorders.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(2): 51-62.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; McDonald,-Cathleen
TI: Personality trait characteristics in relation to neuropsychological dysfunction in schizophrenia and depression.
SO: Journal-of-Personality-Assessment. 1988 Sum; Vol 52(2): 288-296.


AU: Hattie,-John; Fraser,-Colin
TI: The constraining of parameters in restricted factor analysis.
SO: Applied-Psychological-Measurement. 1988 Jun; Vol 12(2): 155-162.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: VI. Neurologic cognitive deficit parameters.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(3): 130-140.


AU: Cole,-Michael
TI: Cross-cultural research in the sociohistorical tradition.
SO: Human-Development. 1988 May-Jun; Vol 31(3): 137-152.


AU: Oehler-Stinnett,-Judy; Stinnett,-Terry-A; Wesley,-Andrea-L; Anderson,-Howard-N
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Discrimination between learning-disabled and slow-learner children.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1988 Mar; Vol 6(1): 24-34.


AU: Cowart,-Charles-A; McCallum,-R-Steve
TI: Multi-trait--multi-method investigation of the Simultaneous-Successive-Planning model.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1988 Mar; Vol 6(1): 55-66.


AU: Fava,-Giovanni-A; Zielezny,-Maria; Luria,-Edoardo; Canestrari,-Renzo
TI: Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in agoraphobia: Changes with treatment.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1988 Jan; Vol 23(1): 57-63.

AU: St-Clair,-David-M; Blackburn,-Ivy-M; Blackwood,-Douglas-H; Tyrer,-Gillian-M
TI: Measuring the course of Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study of neuropsychological function and changes in P3 event-related potential.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1988 Jan; Vol 152: 48-54.


AU: Panda,-Jayant-K
TI: The neuropsychological performance of the schizophrenic patients on Luria's test.
SO: Indian-Journal-of-Psychological-Medicine. 1988 Jan; Vol 11(1): 11-12.


AU: Sheridan,-Kathleen; Sheridan,-Edward-P
TI: Psychological consultation to persons with AIDS.

 SO: Professional-Psychology:-Research-and-Practice. 1988 Oct; Vol 19(5): 532-535.

AU: Paniagua,-Freddy-A; Baer,-Donald-M
TI: Luria's regulatory concept and its misplacement in verbalonverbal correspondence training.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 1988 Apr; Vol 62(2): 371-378.


AU: Lewis,-Richard-D; Lorion,-Raymond-P
TI: Discriminative effectiveness of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for LD adolescents.
SO: Learning-Disability-Quarterly. 1988 Win; Vol 11(1): 62-70.


AU: McBurnett,-Keith; Hynd,-George-W; Lahey,-Benjamin-B; Town,-Patricia-A
TI: Do neuropsychological measures contribute to the prediction of academic achievement? The predictive validity of the LNNB-CR Pathognomonic Scale.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1988 Jun; Vol 6(2): 162-167.

AU: Falk-Kessler,-Janet; Quittman,-Michael-S; Moore,-Robert
TI: The SCSIT: A potential tool for assessing neurological impairment in adult psychiatric outpatients.
SO: Occupational-Therapy-Journal-of-Research. 1988 May-Jun; Vol 8(3): 131-146.


AU: Golden,-Charles
TI: Using the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological examination in cognitive rehabilitation.
SO: Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 1988 May-Jun; Vol 6(3): 26-30.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: VII: Specific neurologic syndromes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1988; Vol 10(4): 178-188.

AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Intelligence: A view from neuropsychology.
SO: Alberta-Journal-of-Educational-Research. 1988 Mar; Vol 34(1): 76-82.


AU: Nizamie,-S-Haque; Nizamie,-A; Borde,-M; Sharma,-S
TI: Mania following head injury: Case reports and neuropsychological findings.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1988 Jun; Vol 77(6): 637-639.


AU: Bellini,-L; Gambini,-O; Palladino,-F; Scarone,-Silvio
TI: Neuropsychological assessment of functional central nervous system disorders: I. Hemispheric functioning characteristics in schizophrenia and affective illness.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1988 Aug; Vol 78(2): 242-246.

AU: McCallum,-R-Steve; Merritt,-Frank-M; Dickson,-Andrew-L; Oehler-Stinnett,-Judy; et-al
TI: Planning ability across ranges of intellectual ability: An examination of the Luria^Das information-processing model.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1988 Win; Vol 26(4): 405-411.


AU: Rieck,-Miriam
TI: Evaluation of children with learning disabilities on Luria's Neuropsychological Test Battery.
SO: School-Psychology-International. 1988 Nov; Vol 9(4): 285-289.

AU: Boget,-T; Hernandez,-E; Marcos,-T
TI: Version castellana de la bateria neuropsicologica Luria-Nebraska. / Spanish version of the Luria-Nebraska Battery.
SO: Revista-del-Departamento-de-Psiquiatria-de-la-Facultad-de-Medicina-de-Barcelona. 1988 May-Jun; Vol 15(3): 121-132.

AU: Bjerke,-Leif-G
TI: Arbeidskapasitet etter traumatiske hjerneskader: En vurdering basert pa fem hyppige brukte prognostiske faktorer. / Working-capacity after traumatic brain injuries.
SO: Nordisk-Psykologi. 1988; Vol 40(1): 1-14.

AU: Hucker,-S; Langevin,-Ron; Bain,-J
TI: A double blind trial of sex drive reducing medication in pedophiles.
SO: Annals-of-Sex-Research. 1988; Vol 1(2): 227-242.

AU: Hucker,-S; Langevin,-Ron; Dickey,-R; Handy,-Lorraine; et-al
TI: Cerebral damage and dysfunction in sexually aggressive men.
SO: Annals-of-Sex-Research. 1988; Vol 1(1): 33-47.


AU: Saksvik,-Per-O; Gimse,-Randi
TI: Praktiske og forskningsmessige problemer med psykologiske undersokelser av losemiddeleksponerte. Kan en database vaere et nyttig hjelpemiddel? / Scientific and clinical problems in the research on workers exposed to solvents: Is a database a useful tool?
SO: Tidsskrift-for-Norsk-Psykologforening. 1988 Aug; Vol 25(8): 529-535.

AU: Gagoshidze,-Tamara-S
TI: Functional asymmetry and logical thinking in case of lesions in subcortical formations of the man's brain.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1988 Mar-Apr; No 2: 152-156


AU: Garcia-Sanchez,-Magaly; Acuna,-Marina; Argudin,-Onelia
TI: Algunas consideraciones sobre lateralidad cruzada y aprendizaje en ninos. / Some considerations on crossed-laterality and learning in children.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1988 Apr-Jun; Vol 29(2): 289-297.

AU: Korkman,-Marit
TI: Neuropsykologinen testistoe lasten erityisvaikeuksien laadullista selvittaemistae varten. / A neuropsychological test battery for defining qualitatively the specific disabilities of children.
SO: Psykologia. 1988; Vol 23(5): 345-348.

AU: Stadler,-Michael
TI: Gestalttheoretische Wurzeln in der Taetigkeitstheorie der Kulturhistorischen Schule. / Gestalt-theory origins of the activity theory of the cultural-history school of thought.
SO: Gestalt-Theory. 1988 Dec; Vol 10(4): 257-265.


AU: Grandi,-S; Fava,-G-A; Luria,-E
TI: Sintomi ipocondriaci nell'agorafobia. / Hypochondriacal symptoms in agoraphobia.
SO: Medicina-Psicosomatica. 1988 Jan-Mar; Vol 33(1): 19-27.


AU: Uzelac,-Ubavka
TI: Lurija--Piaget i komponenta razvojnosti u analizi pojave inteligencije. / Lurija: Piaget and the component of development in the analysis of the occurrence of intelligence.
SO: Psihijatrija-Danas. 1988; Vol 20(1-2): 153-161.


AU: Bjerke,-Leif-G
TI: Trekk ved en gruppe losemiddeleksponerte. / Fifty-seven workers exposed to industrial solvents.
SO: Tidsskrift-for-Norsk-Psykologforening. 1988 Mar; Vol 25(3): 155-162.


AU: Frazier,-Mark-F; Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Fogg,-Louis
TI: Lateralized cerebral dysfunction in schizophrenia and depression: Gender and medication effects.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 4(1): 33-44.


AU: Bellini,-Laura; Massironi,-Roberto; Palladino,-Filomena; Locatelli,-Marco; et-al
TI: Neurofunctional assessment of obsessive^compulsive disorder (OCD): A neuropsychological study.
SO: Research-Communications-in-Psychology,-Psychiatry-and-Behavior. 1989; Vol 14(1): 73-83.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: VIII. New summary indices.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(1): 9-20.


AU: McCue,-Michael; Goldstein,-Gerald; Shelly,-Carolyn
TI: The application of a short form of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery to discrimination between dementia and depression in the elderly.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(1): 21-29.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Construct validation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery clinical and summary scales with the WAIS--R subtests.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(2): 80-89.


AU: Kinnealey,-Moya
TI: Tactile functions in learning-disabled and normal children: Reliability and validity considerations.
SO: Occupational-Therapy-Journal-of-Research. 1989 Jan-Feb; Vol 9(1): 3-15.


AU: Keating,-Marion-G
TI: Mood disorder response patterns on the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1989 Apr; Vol 49(10-B): 4546.


AU: Kane,-Robert-L; Goldstein,-Gerald; Parsons,-Oscar-A
TI: "Testing to detect brain damage: An alternative to what may no longer be relevant": Response.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1989 Aug; Vol 11(4): 589-595.


AU: de-Lacy-Costello,-Angela; Warrington,-Elizabeth-K
TI: Dynamic aphasia: The selective impairment of verbal planning.
SO: Cortex. 1989 Mar; Vol 25(1): 103-114.

AU: Moss,-Donald
TI: Brain, body, and world: Body image and the psychology of the body.
BK: Valle, Ronald S. (Ed); Halling, Steen (Ed). (1989). Existential-phenomenological perspectives in psychology: Exploring the breadth of human experience. (pp. 63-82).


AU: Selz,-Marion-J; Wilson,-Sheryl-L
TI: Neuropsychological bases of common learning and behavior problems in children.
BK: Reynolds, Cecil R. (Ed); Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine (Ed). (1989). Handbook of clinical child neuropsychology. Critical issues in neuropsychology. (pp. 129-145).


AU: Golden,-Charles-J
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Newmark, Charles S. (Ed). (1989). Major psychological assessment instruments, Vol. 2. (pp. 165-198).


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A
TI: A cognitive processing theory for the measurement of intelligence.
SO: Educational-Psychologist. 1989 Spr; Vol 24(2): 185-206.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery literature: IX. Alternate forms.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 11(3): 97-110.


AU: Shinn-Strieker,-Toni; House,-Gary; Klink,-Barbara
TI: The roles of cognitive processing and language development in emergent literacy.
SO: RASE:-Remedial-and-Special-Education. 1989 Sep-Oct; Vol 10(5): 43-50.


AU: Meek,-Patricia-S; Clark,-H-Westley; Solana,-Virginia-L
TI: Neurocognitive impairment: The unrecognized component of dual diagnosis in substance abuse treatment.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoactive-Drugs. 1989 Apr-Jun; Vol 21(2): 153-160.


AU: Halpern,-Jennifer-J; Luria,-Zella
TI: Labels of giftedness and gender-typicality: Effects on adults' judgments of children's traits.
SO: Psychology-in-the-Schools. 1989 Jul; Vol 26(3): 301-310.


AU: Myers,-DeRosset; Sweet,-Jerry-J; Deysach,-Robert; Myers,-Felicity-C
TI: Utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision in the evaluation of reading disabled children.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1989; Vol 4(3): 201-215.


AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Prewett,-Peter-N; Bardos,-Achilles-N
TI: An exploratory study of planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processes.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1989 Win; Vol 27(4): 347-364.


AU: Mattingley,-Jason-B; Rich,-Anina-N; Yelland,-Greg; Bradshaw,-John-L
TI: Unconscious priming eliminates automatic binding of colour and alphanumeric form in synaesthesia.
SO: Nature. 2001 Mar; Vol 410(6828): 580-582.

AU: de-Freitas-Campos,-Regina-Helena
TI: Helena Antipoff (1892-1974): A synthesis of Swiss and Soviet psychology in the context of Brazilian education.
SO: History-of-Psychology. 2001 May; Vol 4(2): 133-158.


AU: McCallum,-R-S; Karnes,-F-A
TI: The relationship between cognitive processing and intelligence among gifted students.
SO: Educational-and-Psychological-Research. 1987 Sum; Vol 7(3): 183-190.


AU: Fontanari,-Juliano-L
TI: Elementos pragmaticos da fala de afasicos de Broca: Estudo clinico preliminar. / Pragmatic elements of the speech of Broca's aphasia patients: Preliminary clinical study.
SO: Arquivos-de-Neuro-Psiquiatria. 1987 Mar; Vol 45(1): 16-28.


AU: Ramirez,-Juan-D
TI: Regulacion verbal: un tema a debate. / Verbal regulation: A debate.
SO: Infancia-y-Aprendizaje. 1987; Vol 37(1): 59-70.

AU: Ramirez,-Juan-D
TI: Desarrollo del lenguaje y control de las acciones: En torno a la regulacion verbal. / Language development and control of actions: Concerning verbal regulation.
SO: Infancia-y-Aprendizaje. 1987; Vol 37(1): 71-89.


AU: Garlock,-John; McCallum,-R-Steve
TI: Processing and academic improvement as a function of processing training for EMR students.

SO: Educational-and-Psychological-Research. 1987 Fal; Vol 7(4): 227-242.


AU: Erlandson,-Gaya-L
TI: Gender differences, diagnostic validity and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 Jul; Vol 48(1-A): 82-83.


AU: Burger,-Mary-C; Botwinick,-Jack; Storandt,-Martha
TI: Aging, alcoholism, and performance on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Gerontology. 1987 Jan; Vol 42(1): 69-72.


AU: Kane,-Robert-L; Parsons,-Oscar-A; Goldstein,-Gerald; Moses,-James-A
TI: Diagnostic accuracy of the Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Batteries: Performance of clinical raters.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1987 Oct; Vol 55(5): 783-784.

AU: Langell,-M-Elizabeth; Purisch,-Arnold-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Neuropsychological differences between paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenics on the Luria-Nebraska Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(2): 88-95.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Item analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery clinical and summary scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(2): 83-88.


AU: Vocate,-Donna-R
TI: The theory of A. R. Luria: Functions of spoken language in the development of higher mental processes.
PY: 1987


AU: Karras,-Deborah; Newlin,-David-B; Franzen,-Michael-D; Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Development of factor scales for Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Child-Psychology. 1987 Mar; Vol 16(1): 19-28.

AU: Merritt,-Frank-M
TI: Planning ability across ranges of intellectual ability: A test of the Luria-Das information processing model.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Sep; Vol 47(3-B): 1260.


AU: Miller,-Marc-E
TI: An investigative study of a 124-item factor selection version of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (Wolfgang form).
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Aug; Vol 47(2-B): 844.

AU: Berney,-Kent-M
TI: A neuropsychological screening test derived from the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Jun; Vol 46(12-B, Pt 1): 4448-4449.


AU: Conley,-Candace-G
TI: Faking neuropsychological test data: A further examination of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Jun; Vol 46(12-B, Pt 1): 4393.


AU: Burger,-Mary-C
TI: Aging, alcoholism and performance on the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Jun; Vol 46(12-B, Pt 1): 4383.


AU: Leonard,-Terry-P
TI: Application of the Luria-Das processing model to the WAIS in college learning disabled students.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 May; Vol 46(11-A): 3320.

AU: Stambrook,-Michael-G
TI: Lateralizing brain damage with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Diagnostic effectiveness as compared to the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 May; Vol 46(11-B): 4029-4030.


AU: Faust,-David; Libon,-David; Pueschel,-Sigfried
TI: Neuropsychological functioning in treated phenylketonuria.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychiatry-in-Medicine. 1986-1987; Vol 16(2): 169-177.

AU: Hucker,-S; Langevin,-R; Wortzman,-G; Bain,-J; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological impairment in pedophiles.
SO: Canadian-Journal-of-Behavioural-Science. 1986 Oct; Vol 18(4): 440-448.


AU: Garofalo,-Joe
TI: Simultaneous synthesis, regulation, and arithmetical performance.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1986 Sep; Vol 4(3): 229-238.


AU: Barrett,-Catherine-E
TI: In search of brain-behavior relationships in dementia and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Physical-and-Occupational-Therapy-in-Geriatrics. 1986 Spr; Vol 4(3): 113-139.


AU: Wagner,-Mark-T; Khanna,-Prabha
TI: A neuropsychological model of hypnosis.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychosomatics. 1986; Vol 33(3): 26-28.


AU: Wexler,-Bruce-E
TI: A model of brain function: Its implications for psychiatric research.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1986 Apr; Vol 148: 357-362.


AU: Quattrocchi,-Mary-M; Walker,-Alexander-M; Golden,-Charles-J; Fix,-A-James
TI: Regional cerebral blood flow and neuropsychological functioning among adolescent psychiatric inpatients.
SO: Hillside-Journal-of-Clinical-Psychiatry. 1986 Fal-Win; Vol 8(2): 174-182.


AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Tishelman,-Amy-C; Seime,-Richard-J; Friedman,-Alice
TI: Case study: Neuropsychological evaluation of an individual with congenital left hemisphere porencephaly.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(4): 156-163.


AU: Sweet,-Jerry-J; Carr,-Margaret-A; Rossini,-Edward; Kaspar,-Clifford
TI: Relationship between the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision and the WISC--R: Further examination using Kaufman's factors.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(4): 177-180.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Orthogonal factor structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery localization scale items for the left and right hemispheres.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(4): 148-155.

AU: Kumagai,-Takayuki
TI: Characteristics of language disorder of autistic children: An application of Luria's aphasia model.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Special-Education. 1986 Jun; Vol 24(1): 1-10.


AU: Zec,-Ronald-F; Weinberger,-Daniel-R
TI: Relationship between CT scan findings and neuropsychological performance in chronic schizophrenia.
SO: Psychiatric-Clinics-of-North-America. 1986 Mar; Vol 9(1): 49-61.


AU: Wolk,-Lesley
TI: Cluttering: A diagnostic case report.
SO: British-Journal-of-Disorders-of-Communication. 1986 Aug; Vol 21(2): 199-207.

AU: Erkinjuntti,-Timo; Laaksonen,-R; Sulkava,-Raimo; Syrjaelaeinen,-R; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological differentiation between normal aging, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
SO: Acta-Neurologica-Scandinavica. 1986 Nov; Vol 74(5): 393-403.


AU: Kirkpatrick,-Brian; Johnson,-Mark; McGuire,-Kathy; Fletcher,-Robert-H
TI: Confounding and the dementia of schizophrenia.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1986 Nov; Vol 19(3): 225-231


AU: Zivin,-Gail
TI: Image or neural coding of inner speech and agency?
SO: Behavioral-and-Brain-Sciences. 1986 Sep; Vol 9(3): 534-535.

AU: Teeter,-Phyllis-A; Boliek,-Carol-A; Obrzut,-John-E; Malsch,-Karen
TI: Diagnostic utility of the critical level formula and clinical summary scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with learning disabled children.
SO: Developmental-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 2(2): 125-135.

AU: Lo,-C-W
TI: A unitary view on the aetiology of schizophrenia.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1986 Aug; Vol 149: 245.


AU: Reitan,-Ralph-M; Wolfson,-Deborah
TI: The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery and aging.
SO: Clinical-Gerontologist. 1986 Jun; Vol 5(1-2): 39-61.


AU: Maj,-Mario
TI: Neuropsychological functioning in schizoaffective disorder, depressed type.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1986 Nov; Vol 74(5): 524-528.


AU: Ferrer-Sarmiento,-Adis; Yedvabinsky-Guirson,-Sonia
TI: Dominancia hemisferica. / Hemispheric prevalence.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1986 Apr-Jun; Vol 27(2): 261-264.


AU: Ida,-Yukihide
TI: Latent handedness and individual hemisphericity.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Psychology. 1986 Feb; Vol 56(6): 349-352.


AU: Bo,-Ola-O
TI: Diagnose basert pa Lurias teori og den psykometriske tradisjon. / Diagnosis based on Luria's theory and the psychometric tradition.
SO: Nordisk-Psykologi. 1986; Vol 38(3): 177-193.


AU: Calzada-Bobak,-Alina; Oliva-Ruiz,-Luis; Rodriguez-Iglesias,-Jorge
TI: Estudio neurolingueistico de la denominacion de objetos en pacientes afasicos. / Neurolinguistic study of object denomination in aphasic patients.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1986 Jan-Mar; Vol 27(1): 45-56.

AU: Budza,-V-G
TI: Psycholinguistic analysis of speech in patients with senile dementia.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1986; Vol 86(12): 1856-1859.

AU: Guma,-Emilio; Gonzalez,-I
TI: Lateralizacion hemisferica y esquizofrenia: I. La coordinacion reciproca, la copia de palabras y figuras y la identificacion izquierda^derecha. / Hemispheric lateralization and schizophrenia: I. Reciprocal coordination, copying of words and figures, and leftight identification.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1986 Jul-Sep; Vol 27(3): 337-350.

AU: Marcos,-T
TI: Alexia sin agrafia: Evolucion neuropsicologica de un caso en tratamiento. / Alexia without agraphia: Neuropsychological assessment of a case under treatment.
SO: Revista-del-Departamento-de-Psiquiatria-de-la-Facultad-de-Medicina-de-Barcelona. 1986 May-Jun; Vol 13(3): 153-154.


AU: Pheley,-Alfred-M; Klesges,-Robert-C
TI: The relationship between experimental and neuropsychological measures of memory.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 1(3): 231-241.


AU: Molodetskikh,-T-D
TI: Disorders of memory and visual-spatial orientation in children with brain injuries and compressions in the acute period of trauma.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1986; Vol 86(5): 646-649.

AU: Fruehauf,-Klaus
TI: Schwerpunkte der Neuropsychologie unter Beruecksichtigung der Untersuchungsverfahren von A. R. Luria. / A. R. Luria's examination method and principle directions in neuropsychology.
SO: Psychiatrie,-Neurologie-und-Medizinische-Psychologie. 1986 Nov; Vol 38(11): 641-646.

AU: Stephanatos,-G; Lemperiere,-T; Rouillon,-F; Lancrenon,-S
TI: Anhedonie et depression chez les schizophrenes. / Anhedonia and depression in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Psychiatrie-and-Psychobiologie. 1986 Jun; Vol 1(2): 123-129.

AU: Barry,-Philip; Riley,-Jonathan-M
TI: Adult norms for the Kaufman Hand Movements Test and a single-subject design for acute brain injury rehabilitation.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1987 Aug; Vol 9(4): 449-455.


AU: Lewandowski,-Lawrence-J
TI: Brain-behavior relationships.
BK: Hartlage, Lawrence C. (Ed); Asken, Michael J. (Ed); et-al. (1987). Essentials of neuropsychological assessment. (pp. 12-29).


AU: Christensen,-Anne-Lise; Danielsen,-Ulla-Tarp
TI: Neuropsychological rehabilitation in Denmark.
BK: Meier, Manfred J. (Ed); Benton, Arthur L. (Ed); et-al. (1987). Neuropsychological rehabilitation. (pp. 381-386).


AU: Luria,-Aleksandr-Romanovich; Solotaroff,-Lynn (Trans)
TI: The man with a shattered world: The history of a brain wound.
PY: 1987

AU: Luria,-A-R; Solotaroff,-Lynn (Trans)
TI: The mind of a mnemonist: A little book about a vast memory.
PY: 1987

AU: Klich,-L-Z
TI: A focal review of research on the Luria-Das model of cognitive processing.
BK: Irvine, Sidney H. (Ed); Newstead, Stephen E. (Ed). (1987). Intelligence and cognition: Contemporary frames of reference. NATO ASI series D: Behavioural and social sciences, No. 38. (pp. 313-347).


AU: Irvine,-Sidney-H (Ed); Newstead,-Stephen-E (Ed)
TI: Intelligence and cognition: Contemporary frames of reference.


AU: Morrison,-Helen-L
TI: Neuropsychiatric assessment of dementia: Inadequacy of test protocols.
BK: Rosner, Richard (Ed); Schwartz, Harold I. (Ed). (1987). Geriatric psychiatry and the law. Critical issues in American psychiatry and the law, Vol. 3. (pp. 187-201).


AU: Wagner,-Edwin-E; Greene,-Robert-S; Adair,-Holiday-E; Dawson,-Jack
TI: Maximized reliability coefficients for LNNB factor scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(3): 132-135.


AU: Ayers,-Michael-R; Abrams,-Donald-I; Newell,-Terry-G; Friedrich,-Frances
TI: Performance of individuals with AIDS on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(3): 101-105.

AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Hooper,-Stephen-R
TI: Discriminating the presence and pattern of neuropsychological impairment in child psychiatric disorders.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(3): 111-119.


AU: Xu,-Yun; Gong,-Yao-xian; Matthews,-Janet-R
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery revised in China.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(3): 97-101.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Vinogradov,-Sophia; Berger,-Philip-A
TI: Serial neuropsychological evaluation of a case of bilateral frontal lobe brain tumor.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(3): 106-110.

AU: Moses,-James-A; Maruish,-Mark-E
TI: A critical review of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Literature: I. Reliability.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 9(4): 149-157


AU: Duncan,-David; Snow,-William-G
TI: Base rates in neuropsychology.
SO: Professional-Psychology:-Research-and-Practice. 1987 Aug; Vol 18(4): 368-370.

AU: David,-A-S; Jeste,-D-V; Folstein,-M-F; Folstein,-S-E
TI: Voluntary movement dysfunction in Huntington's disease and tardive dyskinesia.
SO: Acta-Neurologica-Scandinavica. 1987 Feb; Vol 75(2): 130-139.


AU: Price,-J-Randall; Mount,-George-R; Coles,-Elizabeth-A
TI: Evaluating the visually impaired: Neuropsychological techniques.
SO: Journal-of-Visual-Impairment-and-Blindness. 1987 Jan; Vol 81(1): 28-30.


AU: Li,-Edith-C; Canter,-Gerald-J
TI: An investigation of Luria's hypothesis on prompting in aphasic naming disturbances.
SO: Journal-of-Communication-Disorders. 1987 Dec; Vol 20(6): 469-475.

AU: Blackwood,-D-H; St-Clair,-D-M; Blackburn,-I-M; Tyrer,-G-M
TI: Cognitive brain potentials and psychological deficits in Alzheimer's dementia and Korsakoff's amnesic syndrome.
SO: Psychological-Medicine. 1987 May; Vol 17(2): 349-358.


AU: Langevin,-Ron; Ben-Aron,-Mark; Wortzman,-George; Dickey,-Robert; et-al
TI: Brain damage, diagnosis, and substance abuse among violent offenders.
SO: Behavioral-Sciences-and-the-Law. 1987 Win; Vol 5(1): 77-94.

AU: Schofield,-Neville-J; Ashman,-Adrian-F
TI: The cognitive processing of gifted, high average, and low average ability students.
SO: British-Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1987 Feb; Vol 57(1): 9-20.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; Shelly,-Carolyn
TI: The classification of neuropsychological deficit.

SO: Journal-of-Psychopathology-and-Behavioral-Assessment. 1987 Jun; Vol 9(2): 183-202.

AU: Cripe,-Lloyd-I
TI: The neuropsychological assessment and management of closed head injury: General guidelines.
SO: Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 1987 Jan-Feb; Vol 5(1): 18-22.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Anilane,-Juhan
TI: Relationships of Satz-Mogel short forms of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery to the full scale in brain damaged and psychiatric populations.
SO: Psychotherapy-in-Private-Practice. 1987 Sum; Vol 5(2): 97-101.


AU: Greene,-Robert-S; Dawson,-Jack-E
TI: Hand Test, WAIS--R and Luria-Nebraska intercorrelations.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1987 Jun; Vol 64(3, Pt 1): 906.


AU: Menich,-Stephen-R; Baron,-Alan
TI: Behavioral slowing and neuropsychological signs in a sample of active older men.
SO: Experimental-Aging-Research. 1987 Spr-Sum; Vol 13(1-2): 23-27.

AU: Kemali,-Dargut; Maj,-Mario; Galderisi,-Silvana; Salvati,-Antonio; et-al
TI: Clinical, biological, and neuropsychological features associated with lateral ventricular enlargement in DSM-III schizophrenic disorder.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1987 Jun; Vol 21(2): 137-149.

AU: Maffei,-C; Luoni,-P; Vita,-A; Bertrando,-P; et-al
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in schizophrenic disorders: Relationships to neuromorphological, intellectual and educational variables.
SO: New-Trends-in-Experimental-and-Clinical-Psychiatry. 1987 Jan-Mar; Vol 3(1): 25-34.

AU: Baser,-Christine-A; Ruff,-Ronald-M
TI: Construct validity of the San Diego Neuropsychological Test Battery.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 2(1): 13-32.


AU: Luria,-R-A
TI: The intrinsic picture of illness and iatrogenic diseases.
SO: Soviet-Psychology. 1987 Fal; Vol 26(1): 25-36.

AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; Shelly,-Carolyn; McCue,-Michael; Kane,-Robert-L
TI: Classification with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: An application of cluster and ipsative profile analysis.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 2(3): 215-235.


AU: MacInnes,-William-D; Paull,-Dana; Uhl,-Henry-S; Schima,-Edward
TI: Longitudinal neuropsychological changes in a "normal" elderly group.
SO: Archives-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1987; Vol 2(3): 273-282.

AU: Oehler-Stinnett,-Judy-J
TI: The ability of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision to discriminate between learning disabled and slow learner children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 May; Vol 47(11-A): 4029-4030.

AU: Robinson,-Gregory-R
TI: The differential sensitivity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with learning disabled, language impaired, and normal children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 Apr; Vol 47(10-A): 3715.

AU: Gechter,-Gena-L
TI: Changes in neuropsychological functions among detoxifying and recovering alcoholics as measured by the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 Jul; Vol 48(1-B): 262.

AU: Kruszecki,-Leonard-S
TI: The relationship between the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision in a sample of Black low academic achievers.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 Sep; Vol 48(3-B): 898.

AU: Myers,-DeRosset
TI: Learning disabilities and neurological impairment: An assessment using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1987 Oct; Vol 48(4-B): 1158.

AU: Angelini,-Alberto
TI: Alexander Romanovich Luria e la psiconanalisi in Russia. / Alexander Romanovic Luria and psychoanalysis in Soviet Russia.
SO: Giornale-Storico-di-Psicologia-Dinamica. 1987 Jan; Vol 11(21): 51-74.


AU: Pfeiffer,-Steven-I; Naglieri,-Jack-A; Tingstrom,-Daniel-H
TI: Comparison of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision and the WISC--R with learning disabled children.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1987 Dec; Vol 65(3): 911-916.


AU: Joravsky,-David
TI: L. S. Vygotskii: The muffled deity of Soviet psychology.
BK: Ash, Mitchell G. (Ed); Woodward, William R. (Ed). (1987). Psychology in twentieth-century thought and society. (pp. 189-211).


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Anilane,-Juhan; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Efficacy of Satz-Mogel short forms of the Luria-Nebraska Battery for the differential diagnosis of organic vs. psychiatric patients.
SO: Psychotherapy-in-Private-Practice. 1987 Win; Vol 5(4): 65-69.

AU: Ferre,-Jeanane-M
TI: Pediatric central auditory processing disorder: Considerations for diagnosis, interpretation, and remediation.
SO: Journal-of-the-Academy-of-Rehabilitative-Audiology. 1987; Vol 20: 73-81.


AU: Giordano,-Pierluigi; Fasullo,-Silvio; Rubino,-Maria-A; Cordovana,-Vincenzo
TI: Neuropsychological aspects of schizophrenia: Preliminary report.
SO: Psichiatria-e-Psicoterapia-Analitica. 1987 Jun; Vol 6(1): 131-139.


AU: Koffler,-Sandra; Zehler,-Daniel
TI: Correlation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery with the WAIS--R.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(2): 68-71.


AU: Neri,-David-F; Luria,-S-M; Kobus,-David-A
TI: The detection of various color combinations under different chromatic ambient illuminations.
SO: Aviation,-Space,-and-Environmental-Medicine. 1986 Jun; Vol 57(6): 555-560.


AU: Strauss,-Billie-S; Silverstein,-Marshall-L
TI: Luria-Nebraska measures in neuropsychologically nonimpaired schizophrenics: A comparison with normal subjects.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(1): 35-38.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Factor analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by sensorimotor, speech, and conceptual item bands.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(1): 26-35.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Hallman,-Karen
TI: Derived IQ estimates from the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in neuropsychiatric disorders.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1986 Jun; Vol 54(3): 398-399.


AU: Carr,-Margaret-A; Sweet,-Jerry-J; Rossini,-Edward
TI: Diagnostic validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1986 Jun; Vol 54(3): 354-358.


AU: Ostrosky,-Peggy; et-al
TI: Efectos socioculturales en la evaluacion neuropsicologica. / Sociocultural effects on neuropsychological evaluation.
SO: Boletin-de-Psicologia-Cuba. 1985 May-Aug; Vol 8(2): 13-38.

AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Boyd,-Thomas-A
TI: Psychometric screening of neuropsychological abnormality in older children.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(2): 53-59.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: The relative efficiency of WAIS IQ and subtest variables as predictors of Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery performance level.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(2): 90-94.

AU: Mensch,-Abraham-J; Woods,-Donald-J
TI: Patterns of feigning brain damage on the LNNB.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(2): 59-63.


AU: Mulhern,-Raymond-K; Williams,-J-Michael; LeSure,-Suzanne-S; Kun,-Larry-E
TI: Neuropsychological performance of children surviving cerebellar tumors: Six case studies.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(2): 72-76.


AU: Sutter,-Emily-G; Bishop,-Peter-C; Battin,-R-Ray
TI: Factor similarities between traditional psychoeducational and neuropsychological test batteries.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1986 Mar; Vol 4(1): 73-82.

AU: Fowler,-Patrick-C; Macciocchi,-Stephen-N; Ranseen,-John
TI: WAIS--R factors and performance on the Luria-Nebraska's Intelligence, Memory, and Motor Scales: A canonical model of relationships.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1986 Jul; Vol 42(4): 626-635.

AU: Robbins,-Douglas-E
TI: The Luria-Wisconsin Memory Battery: A neuropsychological assessment of memory functioning.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Feb; Vol 46(8-B): 2821.


AU: Baser,-Christine-A
TI: Discrimination among schizophrenic, head injured and normal subjects using a Luria-based neuropsychological approach.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Feb; Vol 46(8-B): 2794.


AU: Purisch,-Arnold-D; Sbordone,-Robert-J
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Goldstein, Gerald (Ed); Tarter, Ralph E. (Ed). (1986). Advances in clinical neuropsychology, Vol. 3. (pp. 291-316).


AU: Hackett,-Carol-A
TI: Comparisons between the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale with institutionalized mentally retarded adults.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Mar; Vol 46(9-B): 3260.


AU: Farage,-Christopher-M
TI: The language scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Its use with an aphasic population.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1986 Apr; Vol 46(10-B): 3591.

AU: Wedding,-Danny (Ed); Horton,-Arthur-MacNeill Jr (Ed); Webster,-Jeffrey-S (Ed)
TI: The neuropsychology handbook: Behavioral and clinical perspectives.
PY: 1986


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Maruish,-Mark
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
BK: Wedding, Danny (Ed); Horton, Arthur MacNeill Jr. (Ed); et-al. (1986). The neuropsychology handbook: Behavioral and clinical perspectives. (pp. 161-193).


AU: Das,-J-P; Varnhagen,-Connie-K
TI: Neuropsychological functioning and cognitive processing.
BK: Obrzut, John E. (Ed); Hynd, George W. (Ed). (1986). Child neuropsychology: Vol 1: Theory and research. Perspectives in neurolinguistics, neuropsychology, and psycholinguistics series. (pp. 117-140).


AU: Willis,-W-Grant; Widerstrom,-Anne-H
TI: Structure and function in prenatal and postnatal neuropsychological development: A dynamic interaction.
BK: Obrzut, John E. (Ed); Hynd, George W. (Ed). (1986). Child neuropsychology: Vol 1: Theory and research. Perspectives in neurolinguistics, neuropsychology, and psycholinguistics series. (pp. 13-53).


AU: Teeter,-Phyllis-Anne
TI: Standard neuropsychological batteries for children.
BK: Obrzut, John E. (Ed); Hynd, George W. (Ed). (1986). Child neuropsychology, Vol. 2: Clinical practice. Perspectives in neurolinguistics, neuropsychology, and psycholinguistics: A series of monographs and treatises. (pp. 187-227).


AU: Catan,-Liza
TI: The dynamic display of process: Historical development and contemporary uses of the microgenetic method.
SO: Human-Development. 1986 Sep; Vol 29(5): 252-263.


AU: Rousey,-Carol-G; Arjunan,-K-N; Rousey,-Clyde-L
TI: Successful treatment of stuttering following closed head injury.
SO: Journal-of-Fluency-Disorders. 1986 Sep; Vol 11(3): 257-261.

AU: Newman,-Peter-J; Sweet,-Jerry-J
TI: The effects of clinical depression on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(3): 109-114.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Pickett,-Diane
TI: False localizing signs in a case of pontine infarction.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1986; Vol 8(3): 123-126.

AU: Luque,-Alfonso
TI: La autorregulacion verbal en tareas de reproduccion de series. / Self-regulation in reproductions of sequence tasks.

SO: Infancia-y-Aprendizaje. 1987; Vol 37(1): 91-102.


AU: Solano-Suarez,-Julieta; Cardenas-Crespo,-Lucia; Nieto-Almeida,-Emilio; Lleonart,-Guillermo
TI: Estudio del funcionamiento de dos metodicas de pensamiento en ninos normales. / A study of the functioning of two modes of thought in normal children.
SO: Boletin-de-Psicologia-Cuba. 1985 May-Aug; Vol 8(2): 122-138.

AU: Hartlage,-Lawrence-C
TI: Neuropsychological assessment.
SO: Special-Services-in-the-Schools. 1985-1986 Win-Spr; Vol 2(2-3): 107-119.


AU: Zeigarnik,-B-V; Rubinstein,-S-Ya
TI: Psychology during the war years.
SO: Vestnik-Moskovskogo-Universiteta-Seriya-14:-Psikhologiya. 1985 Apr-Jun; Vol 14(2): 8-12.

AU: Molodetskikh,-T-D; Kirdan,-K-P
TI: The psychological structure of post-traumatic syndromes in children with a history of brain concussion.
SO: Soviet-Neurology-and-Psychiatry. 1985-1986 Win; Vol 18(4): 10-19.

AU: Leong,-Che-Kan; Cheng,-Shiu-Ching; Das,-J-P
TI: Simultaneous-successive syntheses and planning in Chinese readers.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychology. 1985 Feb; Vol 20(1): 19-31.

AU: Taylor,-Michael-A; Abrams,-Richard
TI: Short-term cognitive effects of unilateral and bilateral ECT.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1985 Mar; Vol 146: 308-311.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Neuropsychological deficit and regional cerebral blood flow in schizophrenic patients.
SO: Hillside-Journal-of-Clinical-Psychiatry. 1985; Vol 7(1):


AU: Rozensky,-Ronald-H; Stiles,-Paul-G; Sweet,-Jerry-J
TI: A BASIC computer program to score the standard and the decision-tree Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Psychological-Documents. 1985 Jul; Vol 15(1) MS. 2687: 9.

AU: Vannieuwkirk,-R-Renee; Galbraith,-Gary-G
TI: The relationship of age to performance on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Jul; Vol 41(4): 527-532.

AU: Hobbs,-Allen-V
TI: The relationship of the Luria-Nebraska and the Mackworth Cognitive-Visual Neuropsychological Batteries.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 May; Vol 45(11-B): 3620.


AU: Anderson,-Frances-N
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Faking as a response set.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Feb; Vol 45(8-B): 2676.

AU: Teegarden,-Elizabeth-A
TI: The relationship of race, age, and education to performance on the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery with non-brain damaged adult males.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Jan; Vol 45(7-B): 2325.

AU: Karras,-Deborah-A
TI: Factor analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Jan; Vol 45(7-B): 2312.

AU: Swigar,-Mary-E; et-al
TI: Behavioral correlates of computed tomographic (CT) scan changes in older psychiatric patients.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Geriatrics-Society. 1985 Feb; Vol 33(2): 96-103.

AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Zerwic,-Mark-J
TI: Clinical psychopathologic symptoms in neuropsychologically impaired and intact schizophrenics.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Apr; Vol 53(2): 267-268.


AU: Kivlahan,-Daniel-R; et-al
TI: Validation of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes Scale as a measure of intelligence in male alcoholics.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Mar; Vol 41(2): 287-290.


AU: Martinez-Perigod,-Braulio; Calvo-Montalvo,-Nereida; Perez-Valdes,-Noemi
TI: Estudio de los recursos mnemotecnicos en pacientes esquizofrenicos. / Study of mnemonic resources of schizophrenic patients.
SO: Boletin-de-Psicologia-Cuba. 1984 Sep-Dec; Vol 7(3): 66-84.

AU: Cowart,-Charles-A; McCallum,-R-Steve
TI: Simultaneous-successive processing across the life-span: A cross-sectional examination of stability and proficiency.
SO: Experimental-Aging-Research. 1984 Win; Vol 10(4): 225-229.

AU: Neumaerker,-K-J; Eckstein,-W-E; Kemmerling,-S
TI: Ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik von Hirnfunktionsstoerungen im Kindesalter. II. Erfahrungen mit der Luria-Nebraska-Neuropsychologischen Batterie fuer Kinder. / A contribution to the diagnosis of brain dysfunction in childhood: II. Clinical experience with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Children.
SO: Zeitschrift-fuer-Kinder-und-Jugendpsychiatrie. 1984; Vol 12(4): 391-405.

AU: Mensch,-Abraham-J
TI: The ability of non-neurologic subjects to simulate brain damage on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1984 Aug; Vol 45(2-B): 680.


AU: May,-Richard-G
TI: A test of the validity of the Luria-Das model of information processing.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1984 Oct; 45(4-B): 1274.

AU: Brown,-James-L
TI: Dissimulation of frontal lobe damage on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Form I.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1984 Dec; Vol 45(6-B): 1907.


AU: Lewis,-Richard-D
TI: Neuropsychological validation of diagnosed learning disabilities in male adolescents.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1984 Dec; Vol 45(6-B): 1918.

AU: Maruish,-Mark-E; Sawicki,-Robert-F; Franzen,-Michael-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Alpha coefficient reliabilities for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Summary and Localization Scales by diagnostic category.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(1): 10-12.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Schefft,-Bruce-K
TI: Interrater reliability analyses of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(1): 31-38.


AU: McCaffrey,-Robert-J; Lorig,-Tyler-S; Isaac,-Walter
TI: Performance of college students on items from the Visual and Intellectual Function Subtests of the Luria-Christensen: Assessment of neuropsychological deficits or intellectual abilities?
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(1): 23-25.


AU: Gustavson,-John-L; et-al
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Validation with brain-damaged and normal children.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1984 Sep; Vol 2(3): 199-208.


AU: Cole,-Michael
TI: The world beyond our borders: What might our students need to know about it?
SO: American-Psychologist. 1984 Sep; Vol 39(9): 998-1005.


AU: Steinmeyer,-Charles-H
TI: Are the rhythm tests of the Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska batteries differentially sensitive to right temporal lobe lesions?
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Nov; Vol 40(6): 1464-1466.

AU: Dana,-Richard-H

TI: Intelligence testing of American Indian children: Sidesteps in quest of ethical practice.
SO: White-Cloud-Journal. 1984; Vol 3(3): 35-43.

AU: Calkins,-Roderick-P; Tharp,-Roland-G
TI: Cognitive mediation of motoric responding.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1984 Aug; Vol 59(1): 51-60.

AU: Johnson,-Glen-L; Moses,-James-A; Bryant,-Ernest
TI: Development of an impairment index for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 242-247.

AU: Su,-Ra-Van; Yerxa,-Elizabeth-J
TI: Comparison of the motor tests of the SCSIT and the L-NNBC.
SO: Occupational-Therapy-Journal-of-Research. 1984 Apr; Vol 4(2): 96-108.


AU: Adams,-Kenneth-M
TI: Luria left in the lurch: Unfulfilled promises are not valid tests.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984 Nov; Vol 6(4): 455-458.

AU: Snow,-Jeffrey-H; Hynd,-George-W; Hartlage,-Lawrence-C
TI: Differences between mildly and more severely learning-disabled children on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1984 Mar; Vol 2(1): 23-28.


AU: Van-Nieuwkerk,-Renee; Galbraith,-Gary-G; Bierley,-Calvin
TI: Prediction of intelligence with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1984 Jun; Vol 58(3): 931-935.


AU: Geary,-David-C; Jennings,-Stephan-M; Schultz,-Denise-D; Alper,-Ted-G
TI: The diagnostic accuracy of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision for 9 to 12 year old learning disabled children.
SO: School-Psychology-Review. 1984 Sum; Vol 13(3): 375-380.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in forensic assessment of head injury.
SO: Psychiatric-Annals. 1984 Jul; Vol 14(7): 532-538.


AU: Balamore,-Usha; Wozniak,-Robert-H
TI: Speech-action coordination in young children.

SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1984 Sep; Vol 20(5): 850-858.

AU: Geary,-David-C; Gilger,-Jeffrey-W
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Comparison of learning disabled and normal children matched on Full Scale IQ.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1984 Feb; Vol 58(1): 115-118.


AU: McKay,-Stephen; Ramsey,-Richard
TI: Neuropsychological correlates of sociometric status in alcoholics.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 191-195.


AU: Spiers,-Paul-A
TI: What more can I say? In reply to Hutchinson, one last comment from Spiers.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Aug; Vol 52(4): 546-552.


AU: Berg,-Richard-A; et-al
TI: Comparative diagnostic accuracy of the Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological adult and children batteries.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 200-204.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: An orthogonal factor solution of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery items: IV. Pathognomonic, Right Hemisphere and Left Hemisphere Scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 161-165.


AU: Ardila,-Alfredo; Lopez,-Maria-V
TI: Transcortical motor aphasia: One or two aphasias?
SO: Brain-and-Language. 1984 Jul; Vol 22(2): 350-353.


AU: Dorman,-Casey; Hurley,-Anne-D; Laatsch,-Linda
TI: Prediction of spelling and reading performance in cerebral palsied adolescents using neuropsychological tests.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 142-144.


AU: Sawicki,-Robert-F; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Multivariate statistical techniques in neuropsychology: I. Comparison of orthogonal rotation methods with the Receptive scale of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 126-134.


AU: Csapo,-Marg
TI: Special education in the USSR: Trends and accomplishments.
SO: RASE:-Remedial-and-Special-Education. 1984 Mar-Apr; Vol 5(2): 5-15.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; Shelly,-Carolyn
TI: Discriminative validity of various intelligence and neuropsychological tests.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Jun; Vol 52(3): 383-389.


AU: Guenther,-W; Gruber,-H
TI: Psychomotorische Stoerungen bei psychiatrischen Patienten als moeglische Grundlage neuer Ansaetze in Differentialdiagnose und Therapie: I. Ergebnisse erster Untersuchungen an depressiven und schizophrenen Kranken. / Psychomotor disturbances in psychiatric patients as a possible basis for new attempts at differential diagnosis and therapy: Results of primary investigations on depressive and schizophrenic patients.
SO: Archiv-fuer-Psychiatrie-und-Nervenkrankheiten. 1983 Jul; Vol 233(3): 187-209


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Process training and remediation of reading disability: Examples of some Soviet tasks.
SO: Mental-Retardation-and-Learning-Disability-Bulletin. 1983; Vol 11(1): 32-41.


AU: Snow,-Jeffrey-H; Hartlage,-Lawrence-C; Hynd,-George-W; Grant,-Daniel-H
TI: The relationship between the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision and the Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic Test with learning disabled students.
SO: Psychology-in-the-Schools. 1983 Oct; Vol 20(4): 415-419.


AU: Newby,-Robert-F; Hallenbeck,-Charles-E; Embretson-(Whitely),-Susan
TI: Confirmatory factor analysis of four general neuropsychological models with a Modified Halstead-Reitan Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983 Jun; Vol 5(2): 115-133.


AU: Chelune,-Gordon-J
TI: Effects of partialing out postmorbid WAIS scores in a heterogenous sample: Comment on Golden et al.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1983 Dec; Vol 51(6): 920-921.


AU: Akhutina,-T-V; Tsvetkova,-L-S
TI: Comments on a standardized version of Luria's tests.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 1983 Apr; Vol 2(2): 129-134.


AU: Merritt,-Frank-M; McCallum,-R-S
TI: Sex-related differences in simultaneous-successive information processing?
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(3): 117-119.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: The Arithmetic Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(3): 122-127.


AU: Gustavson,-John-L
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision: Cross validation with brain-dysfunctional and normal children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Jun; Vol 43(12-B): 4146.


AU: VanNieuwkerk,-Rachel-R
TI: The relationship of intelligence, age, sex, and education to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Mar; Vol 43(9-B): 3048.

AU: Sears,-James-D
TI: An independent cross-validation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Mar; Vol 43(9-B): 3042-3043.

AU: Johnson,-Glen-L
TI: Development of an impairment index for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Jan; Vol 43(7-B): 2341.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M; Scott,-Monte-L; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Discrimination of brain-damaged schizophrenics from non-brain-damaged schizophrenics: Value of the Wiggins MMPI Content Scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(1): 21-22.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: Intellectual processes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(1): 23-28.

AU: West,-Cecile-Y
TI: Discrimination of violent and nonviolent inmates with the standardized Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Apr; Vol 42(10-B): 4218.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Urbina,-Susana-P
TI: Introduccion a la Bateria Neuropsicologica Luria-Nebraska. / Introduction to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Revista-Chilena-de-Psicologia. 1982; Vol 5(1-sup-2): 5-13


AU: Gillen,-Robert-W; Golden,-Charles-J; Eyde,-Donna-R
TI: Use of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery with elderly populations.
SO: Clinical-Gerontologist. 1982 Win; Vol 1(2): 3-21.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item interpretation: The Reading Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(4): 176-179.


AU: Coles,-Gerald-S
TI: Learning disabilities theory and Soviet psychology: A comparison of basic assumptions.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982 Sep; Vol 4(3): 269-283.

AU: Chelune,-Gordon-J
TI: A reexamination of the relationship between the Luria-Nebraska and Halstead-Reitan Batteries: Overlap with the WAIS.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Aug; Vol 50(4): 578-580.


AU: Reynolds,-Cecil-R
TI: Determining statistically reliable strengths and weaknesses in the performance of single individuals on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Aug; Vol 50(4): 525-529.

AU: Tinsley,-Virginia-S; Waters,-Harriet-S
TI: The development of verbal control over motor behavior: A replication and extension of Luria's findings.
SO: Child-Development. 1982 Jun; Vol 53(3): 746-753.


AU: Noonberg,-Aaron-R; Page,-Horace-A
TI: Graduate neuropsychology training: A later look.
SO: Professional-Psychology:-Research-and-Practice. 1982 Apr; Vol 13(2): 252-257.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Item interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: VIII. The Expressive Language Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(1): 8-14.


AU: Puente,-Antonio-E; Heidelberg-Sanders,-Connie; Lund,-Nick-L
TI: Detection of brain-damage in schizophrenics as measured by the Whitaker Index of Schizophrenic Thinking and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1982 Apr; Vol 54(2): 495-499.

AU: Berkowitz,-Marvin-W
TI: Self-control development and relation to prosocial behavior: A response to Peterson.
SO: Merrill-Palmer-Quarterly. 1982 Apr; Vol 28(2): 223-236.


AU: Obrzut,-John-E; Obrzut,-Ann
TI: Neuropsychological perspectives in pupil services: Practical application of Luria's model.
SO: Journal-of-Research-and-Development-in-Education. 1982 Spr; Vol 15(3): 38-47.


AU: Pellegrini,-A-D
TI: Applying a self-regulating private speech model to classroom settings.
SO: Language,-Speech,-and-Hearing-Services-in-Schools. 1982 Apr; Vol 13(2): 129-133


AU: Bates-Smith,-Karen-S
TI: The neuropsychological functioning of older normal people.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Mar; Vol 42(9-B): 3815.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Gustavson,-John-L; Ariel,-Rona
TI: Correlations between the Luria-Nebraska and the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Batteries: Effects of partialing out education and postmorbid intelligence.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Oct; Vol 50(5): 770-771.


AU: Herzog,-Eleanor-W; Enright,-Margaret; Luria,-Zella; Rubin,-Jeffrey-Z
TI: Do gender labels yield sex differences in performance, or is label a fable?
SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1982 May; Vol 18(3): 424-430.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A; Graber,-Benjamin
TI: Test-retest reliability of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in stable, chronically impaired patients.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Jun; Vol 50(3): 452-454.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Paradoxes of memory: A neuropsychological study.
SO: Soviet-Neurology-and-Psychiatry. 1981 Spr-Sum; Vol 14(1-sup-2): 3-9.


AU: Luria,-A-R; Tumaseeva,-N-V
TI: The neuropsychology of recall of a text.
SO: Soviet-Neurology-and-Psychiatry. 1981 Fal; Vol 14(3): 3-14.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Fross,-Kenneth-H; Graber,-Benjamin
TI: Split-half reliability and item-scale consistency of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Apr; Vol 49(2): 304-305.


AU: Lewis,-Geraldine-P
TI: The effects of chronicity of disorder and length of hospitalization on the standardized version of Luria's Neuropsychological Battery in a schizophrenic population.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1980 Nov; Vol 41(5-B): 1922-1923.

AU: Chmielewski,-Charels-J
TI: Alcoholism and brain damage: An investigation using the Standardized Luria Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1980 Nov; Vol 41(5-B): 1907.

AU: Robinson,-Dennis-J
TI: Neuropsychological test differences between congenitally blinded, adventitiously blinded, and sighted adult volunteers.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1980 Apr; Vol 40(10-B)): 5016.

AU: Newlin,-David-B; Tramontana,-Michael-G
TI: Neuropsychological findings in a hyperactive adolescent with subcortical brain pathology.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(4): 178-183.

AU: Osmon,-David-C
TI: An empirical look at the theory of brain function behind the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(4): 145-152.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: The Rhythm scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(4): 153-156.


AU: Vicente,-Peter; et-al
TI: The relationship of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Preliminary report.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(3): 140-141.

AU: Jarman,-Ronald-F
TI: Cognitive processes and syntactical structure: Analyses of paradigmatic and syntagmatic associations.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 153-167.


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Planning: Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 141-151.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: Items 1-24 of the Motor Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(2): 66-71.


AU: Hagberg,-Bo
TI: Psychometry and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements: An evaluation of central concepts in the dynamic localization theory of behaviour determination.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 211-215.


AU: Zaporozec,-A-V
TI: A. R. Luria's role in the development of Soviet psychology.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 103-112.


AU: Wilder,-Larry
TI: A. R. Luria's contribution to the study of the verbal control of behavior.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 133-140.


AU: Scheerer,-Eckart
TI: Gestalt psychology in the Soviet Union: I. The period of enthusiasm.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 113-132.


AU: Cazden,-Courtney-B
TI: Toward a social educational psychology--with Soviet help.
SO: Contemporary-Educational-Psychology. 1980 Apr; Vol 5(2): 196-201.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Neuropsychology in the local diagnosis of brain damage.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(1): 1-7


AU: Berndt,-Rita-S; Caramazza,-Alfonso
TI: Semantic operations deficits in sentence comprehension.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 169-177.


AU: Veroff,-Amy-E
TI: The neuropsychology of aging: Qualitative analysis of visual reproductions.
SO: Psychological-Research. 1980 May; Vol 41(2-sup-3): 259-268.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: Items 25-51 of the Motor scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(3): 105-108.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Cerebral ventricular size and neuropsychological impairment in young chronic schizophrenics: Measurement by the Standardized Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Archives-of-General-Psychiatry. 1980 Jun; Vol 37(6): 619-623.


AU: Jarman,-Ronald-F
TI: Modality-specific information processing and intellectual ability.
SO: Intelligence. 1980 Jul-Sep; Vol 4(3): 201-217.


AU: Osmon,-David-C
TI: The use of a standardized battery of Luria's tests in the diagnosis of lateralized cerebral dysfunction.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1980 May; Vol 40(11-B): 5415.


AU: Marvel,-Gregory-A
TI: Relationship of age and education to Luria-South Dakota performance in different patient populations.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1980 May; Vol 40(11-B): 5412.


AU: Watts,-A-D; Tollman,-S-G
TI: Luria's Neuropsychological Investigation: Adaptations for use with White English-speaking South African adults.

SO: South-African-Journal-of-Psychology. 1980; Vol 10(3-sup-4): 107-111.

AU: Salmaso,-Dario
TI: Vygotskij, Lurija and neuropsychology.
SO: Storia-e-Critica-della-Psicologia. 1980 Jun; Vol 1(1): 53-59


AU: Peiro,-Jose-M; Mateu,-Carmen; Carpintero,-Helio
TI: El impacto de la obra de A. R. Luria en la comunidad cientifica actual. / The impact of Luria's work on today's scientific community.
SO: Revista-de-Historia-de-la-Psicologia. 1980 Apr-Jun; Vol 1(2): 171-197.


AU: Bain,-Bruce; Yu,-Agnes
TI: Cognitive consequences of raising children bilingually: One parent, one language.
SO: Canadian-Journal-of-Psychology. 1980 Dec; Vol 34(4): 304-313.


AU: Peiro,-Jose-M; Mateu,-Carmen; Carpintero,-Helio
TI: Estudio razonado de la bibliografia de A. R. Luria. / A detailed study of the bibliography on A. R. Luria.
SO: Revista-de-Historia-de-la-Psicologia. 1980 Jan-Mar; Vol 1(1): 59-88.


AU: Peters,-R-D; Davies,-K
TI: Effects of self-instructional training on cognitive impulsivity of mentally retarded adolescents.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1981 Jan; Vol 85(4): 377-382.


AU: Diamant,-J-J; Hijmen,-R
TI: Comparison of test results obtained with two neuropsychological test batteries.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Apr; Vol 37(2): 355-358.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Relationship of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Jun; Vol 49(3): 410-417.

AU: Voorhees,-James
TI: Neuropsychological differences between juvenile delinquents and functional adolescents: A preliminary study.
SO: Adolescence. 1981 Spr; Vol 16(61): 57-66.

AU: Berg,-Richard-A; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Identification of neuropsychological deficits in epilepsy using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Oct; Vol 49(5): 745-747.

AU: Pillon,-B
TI: Visuo-constructive deficits and methods of compensation: Results of 85 patients with cerebral lesions.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1981; Vol 19(3): 375-383.


AU: Spiers,-Paul-A
TI: Have they come to praise Luria or to bury him? The Luria-Nebraska battery controversy.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Jun; Vol 49(3): 331-341


AU: Kane,-Robert-L; et-al
TI: Comparative diagnostic accuracy of the Halstead-Reitan and standardized Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological batteries in a mixed psychiatric and brain-damaged population.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Jun; Vol 49(3): 484-485.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: The Tactile scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1981; Vol 3(1): 25-29.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Cross-validation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for the presence, lateralization, and localization of brain damage.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Aug; Vol 49(4): 491-507.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Moses,-James-A; Graber,-Benjamin; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Objective clinical rules for interpreting the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Derivation, effectiveness, and validation.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Aug; Vol 49(4): 616-618.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: VI. The Visual scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1981; Vol 3(2): 22-26.

AU: Malloy,-Paul-F; Webster,-Jeffrey-S
TI: Detecting mild brain impairment using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Oct; Vol 49(5): 768-770.

AU: Prifitera,-Aurelio; Ryan,-Joseph-J
TI: Validity of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes Scale as a measure of adult intelligence.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Oct; Vol 49(5): 755-756.


AU: Mikula,-James-A
TI: The development of a short form for the standardized version of Luria's neuropsychological assessment.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1981 Feb; Vol 41(8-B): 3189.


AU: Bach,-Paul-J; et-al
TI: The interrater reliability of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1981; Vol 3(3): 19-21.


AU: Hatfield,-Frances-M
TI: Analysis and remediation of aphasia in the U.S.S.R.: The contribution of A. R. Luria.
SO: Journal-of-Speech-and-Hearing-Disorders. 1981 Nov; Vol 46(4): 338-347.


AU: McKay,-Stephen-E; et-al
TI: Correlation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery with the WAIS.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1981 Dec; Vol 49(6): 940-946.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: VII. Receptive language.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1981; Vol 3(3): 21-27.

AU: Sharma,-Shridhar; Nandkumar,-V-K; Mazumdar,-M
TI: Luria's Neuropsychological Investigation in organic brain syndrome.

SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1981 May; Vol 63(5): 425-430.

AU: Diamant,-J-J
TI: Similarities and differences in the approach of R. M. Reitan and A. R. Luria.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Scandinavica. 1981 May; Vol 63(5): 431-443


AU: Steinberg,-William
TI: Residual neuropsychological effects following exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE): A case study.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1981; Vol 3(3): 1-4.


AU: Mukherjee,-A
TI: The directive function of speech on motor behaviour in preschool age: A cross-cultural study.
SO: Zeitschrift-fuer-Psychologie. 1981; Vol 189(3): 308-316


AU: Rotundo,-N; Johnson,-E-G
TI: Verbal control of motor behaviour in mentally retarded children: A re-examination of Luria's theory.
SO: Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency-Research. 1981 Dec; Vol 25(4): 281-298.

AU: Sharp,-R-J; Evans,-P-L
TI: Verbal regulation of behaviour and discrimination shift learning in severely retarded children.
SO: Behavior-Research-of-Severe-Developmental-Disabilities. 1981 Sep; Vol 2(1): 37-49.


AU: Radzikhovskii,-L-A; Khomskaya,-E-D
TI: A. R. Luria and L. S. Vygotsky: Early years of their collaboration.
SO: Soviet-Psychology. 1981 Fal; Vol 20(1): 3-21.

AU: Meade,-Edward-R
TI: Impulse control and cognitive functioning in lower- and middle-SES children: A developmental study.
SO: Merrill-Palmer-Quarterly. 1981 Jul; Vol 27(3): 271-285.

AU: Vocate,-Donna-R
TI: Higher mental processes and spoken language: Implications of the work of A. R. Luria.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1981 Feb; Vol 41(8-A): 3325.


AU: Dragunskaya,-L-S
TI: Mnestic activity disturbances in various forms of endogenous depressions.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii-imeni-SS-Korsakova. 1981; Vol 81(12): 1854-1858.

AU: Wertsch,-James-V
TI: Trends in Soviet cognitive psychology.
SO: Storia-e-Critica-della-Psicologia. 1981 Dec; Vol 2(2): 219-295


AU: Teem,-Clayton-L
TI: Neuropsychological functions in chronic alcoholism.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1981 Aug; Vol 42(2-B): 791.


AU: Novinskaya,-N-L
TI: Neuropsychological structure of memory disturbances under developmental backwardness.
SO: Defektologiya. 1981 Jan; No 1: 21-28.


AU: Slepovich,-Ye-S
TI: Several traits of monological speech in senior preschool age developmentally backward children.
SO: Defektologiya. 1981 Jan; No 1: 68-73.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Some recent developments in clinical neuropsychology.
SO: Clinical-Psychology-Review. 1981; Vol 1(2): 245-268.


AU: Crosson,-Bruce; Warren,-R-Lawrence
TI: Use of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in aphasia: A conceptual critique.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Feb; Vol 50(1): 22-31.


AU: Gonzalez,-A-Estevez
TI: El cerebro frontal y motor, segun Luria. Su patologia, sindromes y afasias. / Frontal and motor brain, according to Luria: Its pathology, syndromes and forms of aphasia.
SO: Archivos-de-Neurobiologia. 1981 Mar-Apr; Vol 44(2): 75-94.


AU: Delis,-Dean-C; Kaplan,-Edith
TI: The assessment of aphasia with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A case critique.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Feb; Vol 50(1): 32-39.


AU: Webster,-Jeffrey-S; Dostrow,-Victor
TI: Efficacy of a decision-tree approach to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Apr; Vol 50(2): 313-315.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Analytic techniques in the interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Feb; Vol 50(1): 40-48.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: Cross-validation of the ability of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery to differentiate chronic schizophrenics with and without ventricular enlargement.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Feb; Vol 50(1): 87-95.


AU: Spiers,-Paul-A
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery revisited: A theory in practice or just practicing?
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Apr; Vol 50(2): 301-306.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; et-al
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Theoretical orientation and comment.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Apr; Vol 50(2): 291-300.


AU: Ryan,-Joseph-J; Prifitera,-Aurelio
TI: Concurrent validity of the Luria-Nebraska memory scale.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1982 Apr; Vol 38(2): 378-379.

AU: Berndt,-Rita-S; Caramazza,-Alfonso
TI: Phrase comprehension after brain damage.
SO: Applied-Psycholinguistics. 1982 Sep; Vol 3(3): 263-278.


AU: Leong,-Che-Kan; Sheh,-Simon
TI: Knowing about language: Some evidence from readers.
SO: Annals-of-Dyslexia. 1982; Vol 32: 149-161.

AU: Leon,-Ramon
TI: Luria y el psicoanalisis en Rusia. / Luria and psychoanalysis in Russia.
SO: Revista-de-Psicologia-General-y-Aplicada. 1982; Vol 37(1): 105-128.

AU: Leasak,-Jerry; Hunt,-Dennis; Randhawa,-Bikkar-S
TI: Cognitive processing, intervention and achievement.
SO: Alberta-Journal-of-Educational-Research. 1982 Sep; Vol 28(3): 257-266.


AU: Picker,-William-R; Schlottmann,-Robert-S
TI: An investigation of the Intellectual Processes scale of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(3): 120-124


AU: Shelly,-Carolyn; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Psychometric relations between the Luria-Nebraska and Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological test batteries in a neuropsychiatric setting.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(3): 128-133.


AU: Spitzform,-Marianne
TI: Normative data in the elderly on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(3): 103-105.


AU: Larrabee,-Glenn-J; Kane,-Robert-L; Rodgers,-James-A
TI: Neuropsychological analysis of a case of crossed aphasia: Implications for reversed laterality.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982 Jul; Vol 4(2): 131-142.

AU: Sulkava,-Raimo; Amberla,-Kaarina
TI: Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia of Alzheimer type: A neuropsychological study.
SO: Acta-Neurologica-Scandinavica. 1982 Jun; Vol 65(6): 651-660.

AU: Hale,-Robert-L; Foltz,-Susan-G
TI: Prediction of academic achievement in handicapped adolescents using a modified form of the Luria-Nebraska Pathognomonic scale and WISC-R Full Scale IQ.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(3): 99-102.


AU: Asmolov,-A-G
TI: Basic principles of psychological analysis in the theory of intentional activity.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1982 Mar-Apr; No 2: 14-27.


AU: Portnoff,-Lance-A
TI: A case of Capgras' syndrome assessed with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(4): 153-155.


AU: Shelly,-Carolyn; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Intelligence, achievement, and the Luria-Nebraska battery in a neuropsychiatric population: A factor analytic study.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1982; Vol 4(4): 164-169.


AU: Bach,-Paul-J
TI: Neuropsychological deficits of patients diagnosed with Alcoholic Dementia and Parkinson's Disease: A validation study of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 May; Vol 42(11-B): 4566.


AU: Leark,-Robert-A
TI: Comparison of torque and no-torque groups of special education students on three subtests of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Children's Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 May; Vol 42(11-B): 4581.

AU: Grey,-Perry-T
TI: A neuropsychological study of dyslexia using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.

SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Oct; Vol 43(4-B): 1236.

AU: Haffey,-William-J
TI: An investigation of the validity of Luria's neuropsychological method of cognitive remediation.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Aug; Vol 43(2-B): 551.

AU: Burkhart,-William-A
TI: The IQ factor in Luria-Nebraska test performance.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Aug; Vol 43(2-B): 518.


AU: MacInnes,-William-D
TI: Healthy aging, brain structures and neuropsychological functioning.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 May; Vol 42(11-B): 4582-4583.


AU: de-los-Angeles-Saavedra,-Maria; Zagmutt,-Augusto
TI: Evaluacion de la afasia con la Bateria Luria-Nebraska. / Evaluation of aphasia with the Luria-Nebraska Battery.
SO: Revista-Chilena-de-Neuropsiquiatria. 1982 Jan-Jun; Vol 20(1-2): 49-59.


AU: Luria,-Aleksander-R
TI: Miejsce psychologii wsrod nauk spolecznych i biologicznych. / Place of psychology in social and biological sciences.
SO: Przeglad-Psychologiczny. 1982; Vol 25(1-4): 2-15.

AU: Parolini,-Roger-J
TI: Reading, spelling, and arithmetic disabilities: A neuropsychological investigation using Luria's methods.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1982 Dec; Vol 43(6-B): 1996


AU: Stanley,-Brian; Howe,-James-G
TI: Identification of multiple sclerosis using double discrimination scales derived from the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: An attempt at cross-validation.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1983 Jun; Vol 51(3): 420-423


AU: Plaisted,-James-R; Gustavson,-John-L; Wilkening,-Greta-N; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: Theory and current research findings.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Child-Psychology. 1983 Spr; Vol 12(1): 13-21.

AU: Delis,-Dean-C; Kaplan,-Edith
TI: Hazards of a standardized neuropsychological test with low content validity: Comment on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1983 Jun; Vol 51(3): 396-398.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Cardellino,-James-P; Thompson,-Laetitia-L
TI: Discrimination of brain damage from chronic psychosis by the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A closer look.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1983 Jun; Vol 51(3): 441-449.

AU: Quattrocchi,-Mary-M; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Children: Intercorrelations for normal youngsters.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1983 Apr; Vol 56(2): 632-634.


AU: Saltz,-Eli; Campbell,-Sarah; Skotko,-David
TI: Verbal control of behavior: The effects of shouting.
SO: Developmental-Psychology. 1983 May; Vol 19(3): 461-464.

AU: Shelly,-Carolyn; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Discrimination of chronic schizophrenia and brain damage with the Luria-Nebraska Battery: A partially successful replication.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(2): 82-85.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: The Memory Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(2): 55-59.


AU: Nolan,-Daniel-R; Hammeke,-Thomas-A; Barkley,-Russell-A
TI: A comparison of the patterns of the neuropsychological performance in two groups of learning disabled children.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Child-Psychology. 1983 Spr; Vol 12(1): 22-27.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: The relative effects of cognitive and sensorimotor deficits on Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery performance in a brain-damaged population.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(1): 8-12.

AU: Gomes,-Gilberto-L
TI: O problema da localizacao cerebral de funcoes psiquicas segundo A. R. Luria. / On the problem of the cerebral localization of psychic functions presented by A. R. Luria.
SO: Arquivos-Brasileiros-de-Psicologia. 1983 Oct-Dec; Vol 35(4): 118-124.

AU: Cloke,-Daphne
TI: Deprivation and communication.
SO: Educational-Studies. 1983; Vol 9(3): 199-209.


AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G
TI: Neuropsychological evaluation in child/adolescent psychiatric disorders: Current status.
SO: Psychiatric-Hospital. 1983 Sum; Vol 14(3): 158-162.


AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Sherrets,-Steven-D; Wolf,-Brian-A
TI: Comparability of the Luria-Nebraska and Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Batteries for older children.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 186-190.


AU: Stambrook,-Michael
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A promise that may be partly fulfilled.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983 Sep; Vol 5(3): 247-269.


AU: Conrad,-Karen-E; Cermak,-Sharon-A; Drake,-Charles
TI: Differentiation of praxis among children.
SO: American-Journal-of-Occupational-Therapy. 1983 Jul; Vol 37(7): 466-473.


AU: Homskaya,-Evgeniya-D
TI: Meeting devoted to A. R. Luria's 80th birthday.
SO: Psikologicheskii-Zhurnal. 1983 May-Jun; Vol 4(3): 142-143.

AU: Bertrando,-P; Maffei,-C; Ghezzi,-A
TI: A study of neuropsychological alterations in multiple sclerosis.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Belgica. 1983 Jan-Feb; Vol 83(1): 13-21.

AU: Portnoff,-Lance-A
TI: Simulation of cortical deficit by pure cerebellar lesion on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A case study.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 162-168.

AU: Davydov,-V-V
TI: Results and perspectives of scientific research in the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific Research Institute of General and Educational Psychology.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1983 Jan-Feb; Vol 1: 5-22.


AU: Knight,-Robert-G; Godfrey,-Hamish-P
TI: The interpretation of retest scores on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 171-173.


AU: Khomskaya,-Ye-D
TI: Methodological and theoretical psychological issues in A. R. Luria's works.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1983 Jan-Feb; Vol 1: 66-81.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Schefft,-Bruce-K
TI: Report of a case of alternating abducent hemiplegia studied with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 170-171.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: An orthogonal factor solution of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Items: I. Motor, Rhythm, Tactile and Visual scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 181-185.

AU: McKay,-Stephen; Ramsey,-Richard
TI: Correlation of the Wechsler Memory Scale and the Luria-Nebraska Memory Scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1983; Vol 5(4): 168-170.


AU: Karnes,-Frances-A; McCallum,-R-Steve
TI: Evidence for the Luria-Das model of information processing for gifted students: A preliminary investigation.
SO: Educational-and-Psychological-Research. 1983 Sum; Vol 3(3): 133-137.

AU: Das,-J-P; Heemsbergen,-D-B
TI: Planning as a factor in the assessment of cognitive processes.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1983 Mar; Vol 1(1): 1-15.

AU: Naglieri,-Jack-A; Kamphaus,-Randy-W; Kaufman,-Alan-S
TI: The Luria-Das simultaneous-successive model applied to the WISC.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1983 Mar; Vol 1(1): 25-34.


AU: Hunt,-Dennis; Randhawa,-Bikkar-S
TI: Cognitive processes and achievement.
SO: Alberta-Journal-of-Educational-Research. 1983 Sep; Vol 29(3): 206-215.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery performance of brain dysfunctional patients with positive or negative findings on current neurological examination.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1983; Vol 22(1-2): 135-145.


AU: Laatsch,-Linda-K
TI: Development of a memory training program.
SO: Cognitive-Rehabilitation. 1983 Jul-Aug; Vol 1(4): 15-18.


AU: Lea,-Barbara-W
TI: Neuropsychological correlates of violent behavior in a psychiatric population.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Sep; Vol 44(3-B): 917


AU: Kinney,-Jo-A; Luria,-Saul-M; Schlichting,-Christine-L; Neri,-David-F
TI: The perception of depth contours with yellow goggles.
SO: Perception. 1983; Vol 12(3): 363-366.

AU: Campbell,-Brian-R
TI: Reliability and practice effects on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the Revised Wechsler Memory Scale.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Oct; Vol 44(4-B): 1230.

AU: Logan,-Sandra-G
TI: The effects of depression on the performance on the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Sep; Vol 44(3-B): 919.

AU: Carr,-Margaret
TI: A test of clinical utility: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Children's Revision.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Nov; Vol 44(5-B): 1586.


AU: Horoszowska,-Beatrice
TI: Lurijas neuropsykologiska teori. "Science" eller "Fiction." / Lurija's neuropsychological theory: "Science" or "fiction."
SO: Nordisk-Psykologi. 1983; Vol 35(4): 255-271


AU: Snow,-Jeffrey-H
TI: A multivariate investigation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Children's Revision using learning disabled children.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1983 Nov; Vol 44(5-A): 1394.


AU: Lefevre,-Beatriz-H
TI: Adaptacao da investigacao neuropsicologica de Luria. / A Portuguese version of Luria's neuropsychological investigation.
SO: Neurobiologia. 1983 Apr-Jun; Vol 46(2): 141-168.


AU: Kadzielawa,-Danuta; Dabrowska,-Aleksandra; Nowakowska,-Maria-T; Seniow,-Joanna
TI: Phoneme discrimination and speech comprehension in aphasia.
SO: Polish-Psychological-Bulletin. 1983; Vol 14(2): 101-106.


AU: Bhattacharyya,-A-K; Chattopadhyay,-P-K
TI: Response-inhibition deficit in mentally retarded children.
SO: Indian-Psychologist. 1983 Jun; Vol 2(1): 50-56.


AU: Taylor,-Michael-A; Abrams,-Richard
TI: Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia.
SO: American-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1984 Feb; Vol 141(2): 196-201.


AU: Martinez-Perigod,-Braulio; Fernandez-Lopez,-Clara; Flores-Garcia,-Dayris
TI: Estudio de la memoria mediata en pacientes alcoholicos. / Study of mediated memory in alcoholic patients.
SO: Revista-del-Hospital-Psiquiatrico-de-La-Habana. 1983 Apr-Jun; Vol 24(2): 187-196.


AU: Webster,-Jeffrey-S; Dostrow,-Victor; Scott,-Reda-R
TI: A decision-tree approach to the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(1): 17-21.

AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Klee,-Steven-H; Boyd,-Thomas-A
TI: WISC-R interrelationships with the Halstead-Reitan and Children's Luria neuropsychological batteries.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(1): 1-8.

AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: An orthogonal factor solution of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery items: II. Receptive Speech, Expressive Speech, Writing and Reading Scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(1): 24-28.


AU: Bellur,-Srinath; Hermann,-Bruce-P
TI: Emotional and cognitive effects of anticonvulsant medications.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(1): 21-23.


AU: Bryant,-Ernest-T; Scott,-Monte-L; Tori,-Christopher-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Neuropsychological deficits, learning disability, and violent behavior.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Apr; Vol 52(2): 323-324.


AU: Sears,-James-D; Hirt,-Michael-L; Hall,-Robert-W
TI: A cross-validation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Apr; Vol 52(2): 309-310.


AU: Bryant,-Ernest-T; Maruish,-Mark-E; Sawicki,-Robert-F; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Jun; Vol 52(3): 445-448.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: An orthogonal factor solution of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery items: III. Arithmetic, Memory and Intelligence scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 103-106.

AU: Johnson,-Glen-L; Moses,-James-A
TI: An empirical evaluation of the decision tree procedure for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 98-102.


AU: Goldstein,-Gerald; Shelly,-Carolyn
TI: Relationships between language skills as assessed by the Halstead-Reitan battery and the Luria-Nebraska language-related factor scales in a nonaphasic patient population.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984 May; Vol 6(2): 143-156.


AU: Carr,-Eddythe-G; Wedding,-Danny
TI: Neuropsychological assessment of cerebral ventricular size in chronic schizophrenics.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 106-111.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery performance as a function of sensorimotor impairment in a brain damaged sample.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(2): 123-126.


AU: Snow,-Jeffrey; Hynd,-George-W
TI: Determining neuropsychological "strengths" and "weaknesses" on the Luria-Nebraska: Good practice or wishful thinking?
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Aug; Vol 52(4): 695-696.


AU: Sawicki,-Robert-F; Leark,-Robert; Golden,-Charles-J; Karras,-Deborah
TI: The development of the Pathognomonic, Left Sensorimotor, and Right Sensorimotor scales for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Child-Psychology. 1984 Sum; Vol 13(2): 165-169.

AU: Hutchinson,-Grant-L
TI: The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery controversy: A reply to Spiers.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1984 Aug; Vol 52(4): 539-545.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Performance of schizophrenic and schizoaffective disorder patients on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 195-197.


AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Multivariate statistical techniques in neuropsychology: II. Comparison of number of factors rules with the motor scale of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 165-171.

AU: Hyman,-Leslie-M
TI: An investigation of the neuropsychological characteristics of learning disabled children as measured by the Luria-Nebraska (Children).
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1984 May; Vol 44(11-A): 3327.


AU: Dorman,-Casey; Laatsch,-Linda-K; Hurley,-Anne-D
TI: A study of reading disability among neurologically impaired students using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(3): 197-199.

AU: Freeland,-John; Puente,-Antonio-E
TI: Relative efficacy of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale in discriminating schizophrenics with and without brain damage.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 261-263.


AU: Sawicki,-Robert-F; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Examination of two decision rules for the global interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery summary profile.
SO: International-Journal-of-Neuroscience. 1984; Vol 22(3-4): 209-220.


AU: Caplan,-Bruce
TI: Hemispheric dominance for the intentional and automatic processes? A test of the Luria and Simernitskaya hypothesis.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1984; Vol 22(2): 247-249.


AU: Moses,-James-A; Johnson,-Glen-L
TI: The relative contributions of WAIS and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery variables to cognitive performance level: A response to Chelune.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 233-239.

AU: Leontiev, A. A

TI: The productive career of Aleksei Nikolaevich Leont'ev.
SO: Soviet-Psychology. 1984 Fal; Vol 23(1): 6-56.

AU: Osmon,-David-C
TI: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery case study: A mild drug-related confusional state.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 251-255.


AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Case study: Report of a case of fluoride poisoning.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 264-269.

AU: McCue,-Michael; Shelly,-Carolyn; Goldstein,-Gerald; Katz-Garris,-Lynda
TI: Neuropsychological aspects of learning disability in young adults.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 229-233


AU: Brickman,-Arthur-S; McManus,-Michael; Grapentine,-W-Lexington; Alessi,-Norman-E
TI: Neuropsychological assessment of seriously delinquent adolescents.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Academy-of-Child-Psychiatry. 1984 Jul; Vol 23(4): 453-457.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: The effect of presence or absence of neuroleptic medication treatment on Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery performance in a schizophrenic population.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1984; Vol 6(4): 249-251.

AU: Neumaerker,-K-J; Eckstein,-W-E; Kemmerling,-S
TI: Ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik von Hirnfunktionsstoerungen in Kindesalter--I. Die Luria-Nebraska-Neuropsychologische Batterie fuer Kinder. / A contribution to the diagnosis of brain dysfunction in childhood: I. The Luria-Nebraska-Neuropsychological Battery for Children.
SO: Zeitschrift-fuer-Kinder-und-Jugendpsychiatrie. 1984; Vol 12(2): 178-188.


AU: Knippa,-John; Golden,-Charles-J; Franzen,-Michael-D
TI: Interpretation and use of the Luria-Nebraska Battery.
SO: Brain-and-Cognition. 1984 Oct; Vol 3(4): 343-348.


AU: Mirsky,-Allan-F; et-al
TI: The Genain Quadruplets: Psychological studies.
SO: Psychiatry-Research. 1984 Sep; Vol 13(1): 77-93


AU: Sweet,-Jerry-J; Osmon,-David-C; Rozensky,-Ronald-H; Tovian,-Steven-M
TI: Comparison of the decision-tree and standard methods of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Apr; Vol 53(2): 185-188.


AU: MacInnes,-William-D; et-al
TI: Aging, regional cerebral blood flow, and neuropsychological functioning.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Geriatrics-Society. 1984 Oct; Vol 32(10): 712-718.


AU: Malloy,-Paul-F; Webster,-Jeffrey-S; Russell,-William
TI: Tests of Luria's frontal lobe syndromes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(2): 88-95.

AU: Mittenberg,-Wiley; Kasprisin,-Arlene; Farage,-Christopher
TI: Localization and diagnosis in aphasia with the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Jun; Vol 53(3): 386-392.


AU: Larrabee,-Glenn-J; Kane,-Robert-L; Schunck,-John-R; Francis,-David-J
TI: Construct validity of various memory testing procedures.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1985 Jun; Vol 7(3): 239-250.

AU: Kane,-Robert-L; Parsons,-Oscar-A; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: Statistical relationships and discriminative accuracy of the Halstead-Reitan, Luria-Nebraska, and Wechsler IQ scores in the identification of brain damage.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1985 Jun; Vol 7(3): 211-223.


AU: Dorman,-Casey; Laatsch,-Linda-K; Hurley,-Anne-D
TI: The applicability of neuropsychological test batteries for assessment of the congenitally brain disordered.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(2): 111-117.


AU: McCue,-Michael; Shelly,-Carolyn; Goldstein,-Gerald
TI: A proposed short form of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery oriented toward assessment of the elderly.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(2): 96-101.

AU: Hermann,-Bruce-P; Melyn,-Michelle
TI: Identification of neuropsychology deficits in epilepsy using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: A replication attempt.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-and-Experimental-Neuropsychology. 1985 Jun; Vol 7(3): 305-313.


AU: Franzen,-Michael-D; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: Multivariate techniques in neuropsychology: III. Discriminant function analysis.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(2): 80-87.

AU: McKay,-Stephen-E; et-al
TI: Assessment of frontal lobe dysfunction using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision: A case study.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(2): 107-111.


AU: Silverstein,-Marshall-L; Arzt,-Annette-T
TI: Neuropsychological dysfunction in schizophrenia: Relation to associative thought disorder.
SO: Journal-of-Nervous-and-Mental-Disease. 1985 Jun; Vol 173(6): 341-346.


AU: Blackerby,-William-F
TI: A latent-trait investigation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Jul; Vol 46(1-B): 342-343.


AU: Levandowski,-Dale-H
TI: Discrimination of normal, brain-damaged and conduct disordered children using the Luria-Nebraska Children's Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Jun; Vol 45(12-B, Pt 1): 3948.


AU: Rosa-Rivero,-Alberto; Moll,-Luis-C
TI: Computadores, comunicacion y educacion: una colaboracion internacional en la intervencion e investigacion educativa. / Computers, communication and education: An international collaboration in educational intervention and research.
SO: Infancia-y-Aprendizaje. 1985; No 30(1): 1-17.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: The relative contributions of Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and WAIS subtest variables to cognitive performance level.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(3): 125-130.

AU: Franzen,-Michael-D
TI: Psychometric considerations in the interpretation of scale scores of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(4): 190-195.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Replication of internal consistency reliability values for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery summary, localization, factor and compensation scales.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(4): 200-203.


AU: Gilger,-Jeffrey-W; Geary,-D-C
TI: Performance on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery--Children's Revision: A comparison of children with and without significant WISC--R VIQ-PIQ discrepancies.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Nov; Vol 41(6): 806-811.


AU: Moses,-James-A
TI: Relationship of the Profile Elevation and Impairment scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery to neurological examination outcome.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(4): 183-190.


AU: Lefevre,-Beatriz-H; Nitrini,-Ricardo
TI: Semiologia neuropsicologica. / Neuropsychological semiology.
SO: Arquivos-de-Neuro-Psiquiatria. 1985 Jun; Vol 43(2): 119-132.


AU: Strider,-M-A; Chu,-Chung-chou; Golden,-Charles; Bishop,-Robert-J
TI: Neuropsychological dimensions of paranoid syndromes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(4): 196-200.


AU: McManus,-Michael; Brickman,-Arthur; Alessi,-Norman-E; Grapentine,-W-L
TI: Neurological dysfunction in serious delinquents.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Academy-of-Child-Psychiatry. 1985 Jul; Vol 24(4): 481-486.

AU: Boyar,-Jerome-I; Decker,-Elisabeth
TI: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: An unusual case report.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(3): 137-140.


AU: Snow,-Jeffrey-H; Hynd,-George-W
TI: A multivariate investigation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with learning-disabled children.
SO: Journal-of-Psychoeducational-Assessment. 1985 Jun; Vol 3(2): 101-109.


AU: Hamill,-James-F
TI: Theory in ethno-logic.
SO: Symbolic-Interaction. 1985 Spr; Vol 8(1): 85-102.


AU: Bakhtin,-M-M
TI: A critique of Marxist apologias of Freudianism.
SO: Soviet-Psychology. 1985 Spr; Vol 23(3): 5-27.


AU: McNamara,-Kathleen-M; Wechsler,-Frederick-S; Larson,-Paul
TI: Neuropsychological investigation in cerebral Whipple's Disease: A case study.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1985; Vol 7(3): 131-137.


AU: Lohr,-James-B
TI: Transient grasp reflexes in schizophrenia.
SO: Biological-Psychiatry. 1985 Feb; Vol 20(2): 172-175.

AU: Barth,-Jeffrey-T
TI: Neuropsychological assessment in private practice: A modified battery approach.
SO: Psychotherapy-in-Private-Practice. 1985 Fal; Vol 3(3): 57-60.

AU: Tramontana,-Michael-G; Sherrets,-Steven-D
TI: Brain impairment in child psychiatric disorders: Correspondencies between neuropsychological and CT scan results.
SO: Journal-of-the-American-Academy-of-Child-Psychiatry. 1985 Sep; Vol 24(5): 590-596.


AU: Horton,-Arthur-M
TI: Neuropsychological assessment in private practice: Some comments.
SO: Psychotherapy-in-Private-Practice. 1985 Fal; Vol 3(3): 65-68.


AU: Long,-Charles-J
TI: Neuropsychology in private practice: Its changing focus.
SO: Psychotherapy-in-Private-Practice. 1985 Fal; Vol 3(3): 45-55.

AU: Torkelson,-Richard-D; Leibrock,-Lyal-G; Gustavson,-John-L; Sundell,-Robert-R
TI: Neurological and neuropsychological effects of cerebral spinal fluid shunting in children with assumed arrested ("normal pressure") hydrocephalus.
SO: Journal-of-Neurology,-Neurosurgery-and-Psychiatry. 1985 Aug; Vol 48(8): 799-806.


AU: Kemali,-D; et-al
TI: Clinical and neuropsychological correlates of cerebral ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia.
SO: Journal-of-Psychiatric-Research. 1985; Vol 19(4): 587-596.


AU: Canavan,-A-G; Janota,-I; Schurr,-P-H
TI: Luria's frontal lobe syndrome: Psychological and anatomical considerations.
SO: Journal-of-Neurology,-Neurosurgery-and-Psychiatry. 1985 Oct; Vol 48(10): 1049-1053.

AU: Blackburn,-I-M; Tyrer,-G-M
TI: The value of Luria's Neuropsychological Investigation for the assessment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer-type dementia.
SO: British-Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1985 Sep; Vol 24(3): 171-179.


AU: Snow,-Jeffrey; Hynd,-George-W
TI: Factor structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with learning-disabled children.
SO: Journal-of-School-Psychology. 1985 Fal; Vol 23(3): 271-275.


AU: Newman,-Peter-J
TI: Depression and neuropsychological test performance: The effects of severity and subtype of depression on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Aug; Vol 46(2-B): 653.


AU: Lindenbaum,-Dennis-B
TI: Test performance characteristics of chronic schizophrenic and non-schizophrenic patients on the Luria-Nebraska Battery.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1985 Aug; Vol 46(2-B): 649.


AU: Henry,-Philip-W; Knippa,-John; Golden,-Charles-J
TI: A systems model for therapy with brain-injured adults and their families.
SO: Family-Systems-Medicine. 1985 Win; Vol 3(4): 427-439.

AU: Hymer,-Sharon-M
TI: What's in a name?
SO: Dynamic-Psychotherapy. 1985 Fal-Win; Vol 3(2): 186-197.

AU: Pena-Casanova,-Jordi; Perez-Pamies,-Montserrat
TI: La neuropsicologia de Vigotski y Luria: El cerebro lesionado. / The neuropsychology of Vygotsky and Luria: The injured brain.
SO: Anuario-de-Psicologia. 1985; Vol 33(2): 29-42.


AU: Aeystoe,-Seija
TI: Rinnakkaisen ja peraekkaeisen informaation prosessoinnin neuropsykologiasta. / About the neuropsychology of the simultaneous and successive processing of information.
SO: Psykologia. 1987; Vol 22(4): 267-270.


AU: Leong,-Che-K
TI: Cognitive patterns of "retarded" and below-average readers.
SO: Contemporary-Educational-Psychology. 1980 Apr; Vol 5(2): 101-117.


AU: Pereverzeva,-I-A
TI: The problem of cerebral organization of emotional processes in relation to the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1980; No 2: 65-73.


AU: Gaillard,-Anthony-W; Perdok,-J
TI: Slow brain potentials in the CNV-paradigm.
SO: Acta-Psychologica. 1980 Mar; Vol 44(2): 147-163.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Berg,-Richard-A
TI: Interpretation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery by item intercorrelation: The Writing scale.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1980; Vol 2(1): 8-12


AU: Russell,-Elbert-W
TI: Tactile sensation--an all-or-none effect of cerebral damage.
SO: Journal-of-Clinical-Psychology. 1980 Oct; Vol 36(4): 858-864.


AU: Johnson,-Eric-G
TI: A battery of tasks to examine Luria's theory of the development of verbal control of motor behavior in Australian preschoolers.
SO: Genetic-Psychology-Monographs. 1980 Nov; Vol 102(2): 269-298.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J
TI: In reply to Adams's "In search of Luria's battery: A false start."
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1980 Aug; Vol 48(4): 517-521.


AU: Adams,-Kenneth-M
TI: In search of Luria's battery: A false start.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1980 Aug; Vol 48(4): 511-516.

AU: Adams,-Kenneth-M
TI: An end of innocence for behavioral neurology? Adams replies.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1980 Aug; Vol 48(4): 522-524.


AU: Miller,-Maurice; Rohr,-Michael-E
TI: Verbal mediation for perceptual deficits in learning disabilities: A review and suggestions.
SO: Journal-of-Learning-Disabilities. 1980 Jun-Jul; Vol 13(6): 319-321.

AU: Luria,-Alexander-R; Majovski,-Lawrence-V
TI: A frontal lobe syndrome due to a cerebrovascular accident affecting the corpus callosum.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1979; Vol 1(1): 17-19.

AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Hammeke,-Thomas-A; Purisch,-Arnold-D
TI: Diagnostic validity of a standardized neuropsychological battery derived from Luria's neuropsychological tests.
SO: International-Journal-of-Clinical-Neuropsychology. 1979; Vol 1(1): 1-7.


AU: Kadzielawa,-Danuta
TI: Effect of intonation on sentence comprehension in patients with focal brain injuries and healthy persons.
SO: Polish-Psychological-Bulletin. 1979; Vol 10(2): 127-133.


AU: Bruyer,-R
TI: Neuropsychology and psychological testing: Boundaries and proximity.
SO: Acta-Psychiatrica-Belgica. 1979 May-Jun; Vol 79(3): 274-299.


AU: Nagae,-Seiji
TI: Development of the relation between verbal self-regulation and handedness.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Psychology. 1979 Apr; Vol 50(1): 25-33


AU: Cummins,-James; Mulcahy,-Robert
TI: Simultaneous and successive processing and narrative speech.
SO: Canadian-Journal-of-Behavioural-Science. 1979 Jan; Vol 11(1): 64-71.


AU: Burnell,-Diana-P
TI: Egocentric speech: An adaptive function applied to developmental disabilities in occupational therapy.
SO: American-Journal-of-Occupational-Therapy. 1979 Mar; Vol 33(3): 169-174.


AU: Lewis,-Geraldine-P; et-al
TI: Localization of cerebral dysfunction with a standardized version of Luria's Neuropsychological Battery.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1979 Dec; Vol 47(6): 1003-1019.

AU: Purisch,-Arnold-D
TI: The diagnostic effectiveness of the Luria-South Dakota Neuropsychological Test Battery in a brain-injured and schizophrenia population.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1979 May; Vol 39(11-B): 5579-5580.

AU: Duffala,-Dietra
TI: Validity of the Luria-South Dakota Neuropsychological Battery for brain-injured persons.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1979 Jan; Vol 39(7-B): 3506.

AU: Hammeke,-Thomas-A
TI: Validity of Luria's neuropsychological investigation in the diagnosis of cerebral dysfunction.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1979 Mar; Vol 39(9-B): 4579.


AU: Harrower,-Molly
TI: A. R. Luria: A personal remembrance.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1978 Aug; Vol 33(8): 767


AU: Ivnik,-Robert-J
TI: Overstatement of differences.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1978 Aug; Vol 33(8): 766-767.


AU: Waszink,-Paul-M
TI: Paradigmatic and syntagmatic axes: Some evidence from aphasia.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psycholinguistics. 1978; Vol 5(1)[9]: 55-72.


AU: Seron,-Xavier
TI: Neuropsychological analysis of frontal lesions in humans.
SO: Annee-Psychologique. 1978; Vol 78(1): 183-202.


AU: Shallice,-Tim; Evans,-Margaret-E
TI: The involvement of the frontal lobes in cognitive estimation.
SO: Cortex. 1978 Jun; Vol 14(2): 294-303


AU: Rothenberg,-Stephen; Gross,-Karen
TI: Comments on the note by Luria and Simernitskaya.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1978; Vol 16(3): 367


AU: Cummins,-James; Das,-J-P
TI: Simultaneous and successive syntheses and linguistic processes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychology. 1978; Vol 13(2): 129-138.

AU: Cole,-Michael (Ed)
TI: Soviet developmental psychology: An anthology.
PY: 1978

AU: Marsh,-Gayle-G
TI: Neuropsychological syndrome in a patient with episodic howling and violent motor behaviour.
SO: Journal-of-Neurology,-Neurosurgery-and-Psychiatry. 1978 Apr; Vol 41(4): 366-369.


AU: Higa,-William-R; Tharp,-Roland-G; Calkins,-Roderick-P
TI: Developmental verbal control of behavior: Implications for self-instructional training.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Child-Psychology. 1978 Dec; Vol 26(3): 489-497.

AU: Purisch,-Arnold-D; Golden,-Charles-J; Hammeke,-Thomas-A
TI: Discrimination of schizophrenic and brain-injured patients by a standardized version of Luria's Neuropsychological Tests.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1978 Dec; Vol 46(6): 1266-1273.


AU: Golden,-Charles-J; Hammeke,-Thomas-A; Purisch,-Arnold-D
TI: Diagnostic validity of a standardized neuropsychological battery derived from Luria's Neuropsychological Tests.
SO: Journal-of-Consulting-and-Clinical-Psychology. 1978 Dec; Vol 46(6): 1258-1265.


AU: Cole,-Michael
TI: Alexander Romanovich Luria: 1902-1977.
SO: American-Journal-of-Psychology. 1978 Jun; Vol 91(2): 349-352.


AU: Meacham,-John-A
TI: Verbal guidance through remembering the goals of actions.
SO: Child-Development. 1978 Mar; Vol 49(1): 188-193.

AU: Vernon,-Philip-E; Ryba,-Kenneth-A; Lang,-Rudie-J
TI: Simultaneous and successive processing: An attempt at replication.
SO: Canadian-Journal-of-Behavioural-Science. 1978 Jan; Vol 10(1): 1-15.


AU: Karpova,-Sof'ja-N
TI: The realization of the verbal composition of speech by preschool children.
PY: 1977


AU: Darcheville,-J-C
TI: The control of motor activities by language.
SO: Enfance. 1977 May-Dec; No 2-sup-4: 205-214.

AU: Zeigarnik,-B-V; Luria,-A-R; Polyakov,-Y-F
TI: On the use of psychological tests in clinical practice in the USSR.
SO: Intelligence. 1977 Jan; Vol 1(1): 82-93.

AU: Butter,-Hendrik-J
TI: Attention, sensory reception, and autonomic reactivity of hyperkinetic adolescents: A follow-up study.
SO: Psychiatric-Journal-of-the-University-of-Ottawa. 1977 Sep; Vol 2(3): 106-111.

AU: Bassin,-F-V
TI: The role of neuropsychology in the system of contemporary brain sciences.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1977 Jul-Aug; No 4: 137-143.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Majovski,-Lawrence-V
TI: Basic approaches used in American and Soviet clinical neuropsychology.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1977 Nov; Vol 32(11): 959-968.

AU: Buckingham,-Hugh-W
TI: A critique of A. R. Luria's neurodynamic explanation of paraphasia.
SO: Brain-and-Language. 1977 Oct; Vol 4(4): 580-587.


AU: McKay,-C-L; Strauss,-M-S; Kinney,-J-A; Luria,-S-M
TI: Visual evoked responses, EEG's and reaction time during a normoxic saturation dive, NISAT I.
SO: Undersea-Biomedical-Research. 1977 Jun; Vol 4(2): 131-145.

AU: Golden,-Mark; Montare,-Alberto; Bridger,-Wagner
TI: Verbal control of delay behavior in two-year-old boys as a function of social class.
SO: Child-Development. 1977 Sep; Vol 48(3): 1107-1111.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: On quasi-aphasic speech disturbances in lesions of the deep structures of the brain.
SO: Brain-and-Language. 1977 Jul; Vol 4(3): 432-459.

AU: Hutton,-J-Thomas; Arsenina,-Natalia; Kotik,-Bella; Luria,-A-R
TI: On the problems of speech compensation and fluctuating intellectual performance.
SO: Cortex. 1977 Jun; Vol 13(2): 195-207.

AU: Cummins,-James
TI: The linguistic and cognitive development of mentally retarded children: A review of recent research.
SO: Mental-Retardation-Bulletin. 1977; Vol 5(1): 9-29.

AU: Moran,-Louis-J
TI: Personal and common components of cognitive dictionaries.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 1977 Jun; Vol 40(3, Pt 1): 795-806


AU: Luria,-A-R; Simernitskaya,-E-G
TI: Interhemispheric relations and the functions of the minor hemisphere.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1977; Vol 15(1): 175-178.

AU: Blumstein,-Sheila-E; Baker,-Errol; Goodglass,-Harold
TI: Phonological factors in auditory comprehension in aphasia.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1977; Vol 15(1): 19-30.


AU: Luria,-A-R; Hutton,-J-Thomas
TI: A modern assessment of the basic forms of aphasia.
SO: Brain-and-Language. 1977 Apr; Vol 4(2): 129-151.


AU: Ardila,-Alfredo
TI: Physiological correlates of thinking.
SO: Revista-de-Psicologia. 1976; Vol 21(1-sup-2): 13-35.

AU: Chirikova,-A-E
TI: The use of the method of visual representations to measure affect in interpersonal relations.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1976; No 5: 114-119


AU: Bain,-Bruce
TI: Verbal regulation of cognitive processes: A replication of Luria's procedures with bilingual and unilingual infants.
SO: Child-Development. 1976 Jun; Vol 47(2): 543-546.


AU: Cummins,-James
TI: The cognitive basis of the Uznadze illusion.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychology. 1976; Vol 11(2): 89-100.


AU: Luria,-Alexander-R
TI: The neuropsychology of memory. (Trans B. Haigh).
PY: 1976


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Basic problems of neurolinguistics. (Trans B. Haigh).
PY: 1976

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Cognitive development: Its cultural and social foundations. (Trans M. Lopez-Morillas & L. Solotaroff).
PY: 1976

AU: Averill,-James-R
TI: Patterns of psychological thought: Readings in historical and contemporary texts.
PY: 1976


AU: Rondal,-Jean-A
TI: Investigation of the regulatory power of the impulsive and meaningful aspects of speech.
SO: Genetic-Psychology-Monographs. 1976 Aug; Vol 94(1): 3-33.

AU: Prucha,-J
TI: Soviet investigation of the psychology of linguistic activity.
SO: Revista-de-Psicologia-General-y-Aplicada. 1975 Jul-Aug; Vol 30(135): 535-554.


AU: Drewe,-E-A
TI: An experimental investigation of Luria's theory on the effects of frontal lobe lesions in man.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1975 Oct; Vol 13(4): 421-429.


AU: Evans,-P-L; Hogg,-J-H
TI: Individual differences in the severely retarded child in acquisition, stimulus generalization, and extinction in go-no-go discrimination learning.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Child-Psychology. 1975 Dec; Vol 20(3): 377-390.

AU: Douglas,-Virginia-I
TI: Are drugs enough? To treat or to train the hyperactive child.
SO: International-Journal-of-Mental-Health. 1975 Spr-Sum; Vol 4(1-2): 199-212.


AU: Meichenbaum,-Donald
TI: Theoretical and treatment implications of developmental research on verbal control of behavior.
SO: Canadian-Psychological-Review. 1975 Jan; Vol 16(1): 22-27


AU: Hallahan,-Daniel-P; Kauffman,-James-M; Mueller,-Carol-S
TI: Behavioral observation and teacher rating correlates of motor and vocal behavior in preschoolers.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1975 Mar; Vol 126(1): 45-52.


AU: Das,-J-P; Kirby,-J; Jarman,-R-F
TI: Simultaneous and successive synthesis: An alternative model for cognitive abilities.
SO: Psychological-Bulletin. 1975 Jan; Vol 82(1): 87-103.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Scientific perspectives and philosophical dead ends in modern linguistics.
SO: Cognition:-International-Journal-of-Cognitive-Psychology. 1974-1975; Vol 3(4): 377-385.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Towards the basic problems of neurolinguistics.
SO: Brain-and-Language. 1974 Jan; Vol 1(1): 1-14.


AU: Katz,-Michael-M
TI: The effects of aging on the verbal control of motor behavior.
SO: International-Journal-of-Aging-and-Human-Development. 1974 Spr; Vol 5(2): 141-156.


AU: Meichenbaum,-Donald
TI: Self-instructional strategy training: A cognitive prothesis for the aged.
SO: Human-Development. 1974; Vol 17(4): 273-280


AU: Ryan,-Joanna
TI: Early language development: Towards a communicational analysis.
BK: Richards, Martin P. (Ed). (1974). The integration of a child into a social world.


AU: Gulutsan,-M
TI: Psychological orientation of Soviet teachers.
SO: Alberta-Journal-of-Educational-Research. 1973 Dec; Vol 19(4): 284-294.


AU: Roberts,-Gail-C; Black,-Kathryn-N
TI: The effect of naming and object permanence on toy preferences.
BK: Rebelsky, Freda (Ed); Dorman, Lynn (Ed). (1973). Child development and behavior. (2nd ed).


AU: Hozumi,-Noboru; Sugimura,-Noriyuki; Yamaguchi,-Katsuhiro; Hosaka,-Mitsuru
TI: A method of classifying the mentally retarded by the use of the skin potential reflex.
SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Special-Education. 1973 Dec; Vol. 11(2): 21-26.


AU: Bronckart,-J-P
TI: The regulating role of speech: A cognitivist approach.
SO: Human-Development. 1973; Vol. 16(6): 417-439.

AU: Rondal,-J-A
TI: The role of language in the regulation of motor behavior in children.
SO: Journal-de-Psychologie-Normale-et-Pathologique. 1973 Jul; No. 3: 307-324.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychology in the system of natural and social sciences.
SO: Bulletin-de-Psychologie. 1973-1974; Vol. 27(1-4): 1-5


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychology in the system of natural and social sciences.

SO: Revista-Latinoamericana-de-Psicologia. 1973; Vol. 5(3): 263-271


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Towards the mechanisms of naming disturbance.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1973 Oct; Vol. 11(4): 417-421.


AU: Kershner,-John-R
TI: Conservation of vertical-horizontal space perception in trainable retarded children.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1973 May; Vol. 77(6): 710-716.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The frontal lobes and the regulation of behavior.
BK: Pribram, K. H.; Luria, A. R.. (1973). Psychophysiology of the frontal lobes.


AU: Pribram,-K-H; Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychophysiology of the frontal lobes.
PY: 1973

AU: Turnure,-James-E; Larsen,-Sharon-N; Thurlow,-Martha-L
TI: Effects of brain-injury and other subject characteristics on paired-associate performance under paragraph elaboration.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1973 Jul; Vol. 78(1): 70-76.


AU: Beaudichon,-Janine; Legros,-Suzanne; Oleron,-Pierre
TI: The origins of verbal autoregulation of behavior: New experimental control of A. R. Luria's theses.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1973 Jul; Vol. 11(3): 337-341


AU: Jensen,-Marchen-R; Jordal,-Jytte
TI: New points of view on aphasia.
SO: Skolepsykologi. 1973; Vol. 10(1): 3-17.


AU: Pevzner,-M-S
TI: The clinical characterization of children who show a delay in development.
SO: Defektologiya. 1972; Vol. 3: 3-9.


AU: Staehr,-Allan-A
TI: Neuropsychology.
SO: Nordisk-Psykologi. 1972; Vol 24(4): 352-364.


AU: Freeman,-B-L; Johnson,-John-T; Long,-Charles-L
TI: Semantic generalization of the orienting response.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Research-in-Personality. 1972 Mar; Vol. 6(1): 39-43.


AU: Maller,-A-R
TI: The execution of a practical task by severely retarded children and their verbal account of their performance.
SO: Defektologiya. 1972; Vol. 4(1): 30-33.


AU: Shagass,-Charles
TI: Experimental neurosis.
BK: Freedman, Alfred M.; Kaplan, Harold I.. (1972). Human behavior: Biological, psychological, and sociological.


AU: Pankova,-M-G
TI: The nature of thinking disturbances caused by lesions in different sites of the dominant cerebral hemisphere.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1972 Sep; 132-136.


AU: Schroots,-J-J
TI: Prediction, inference and decision: An evaluation of the neuropsychological tests.
SO: Nederlands-Tijdschrift-voor-de-Psychologie-en-haar-Grensgebieden. 1972 Jun; Vol. 27(6-7): 309-340


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Aphasia reconsidered.
SO: Cortex. 1972 Mar; Vol. 8(1): 34-40.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Yudovich,-F-Ia
TI: Speech and the development of mental processes in the child. Trans. O. Kovasc & J. Simon.
PY: 1972

AU: Giesen,-Heinz
TI: Relation between transpositional behavior and verbalization in preschool children.
SO: Psychologische-Beitrage. 1972; Vol. 14(1): 95-123.


AU: Roberts,-Gail-C; Black,-Kathryn-N
TI: The effect of naming and object permanence on toy preferences.
SO: Child-Development. 1972 Sep; Vol. 43(3): 858-868.


AU: Lewicki,-Andrzej
TI: Orientation program as a factor in the regulation of behavior.
SO: Przeglad-Psychologiczny. 1972; Vol. 15(1): 31-43.


AU: Das,-J-P
TI: Patterns of cognitive ability in nonretarded and retarded children.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1972 Jul; Vol. 77(1): 6-12.


AU: Van-Duyne,-H-John
TI: The development of the control of adult instructions over nonverbal behavior.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1972 Jun; Vol. 120(2): 295-302.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Memory disturbances in local brain lesions.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1972 Dec; Vol. 9(4): 367-375.


AU: Wozniak,-R-H
TI: Verbal regulation of motor behavior: Soviet Research and non-Soviet replications.
SO: Human-Development. 1972; Vol. 15(1): 13-57.

AU: Susman,-Ellen-S
TI: An evaluation of Luria's theory of verbal control of motor actions with regard to a dual response to one stimulus

SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International. 1972 Jan; Vol. 32(7-B): 4267.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Teaching psychology at Moscow University.
SO: Bulletin-de-Psychologie. 1971-1972; Vol. 25(1): 64.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Towards the problem of the historical nature of psychological processes.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychology. 1971; Vol. 6(4): 259-272


AU: Caceres-Velazquez,-Artidoro
TI: Linguistics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics.
SO: Revista-de-Neuro-Psiquiatria. 1971 Mar; Vol. 34(1): 7-15


AU: Milgram,-Norman-A
TI: Cognition and language in mental retardation: A reply to Balla and Zigler.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1971 Jul; Vol. 76(1): 33-41.

AU: Zigler,-Edward; Balla,-David
TI: Luria's verbal deficiency theory of mental retardation and performance on sameness, symmetry, and opposition tasks: A critique.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1971 Jan; Vol. 75(4): 400-413.

AU: Elardo,-Phyllis-T
TI: Effects of multiple discrimination and concept training on the optional shift performance of four-year-old children.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-Annual-Convention-of-the-American-Psychological-Association. 1971; Vol. 6(Pt. 1): 189-190.

AU: Szostek,-Barbara
TI: Disturbances in thinking in patients with frontal lobe lesion.
SO: Studia-Psychologiczne. 1970; Vol 10: 87-112.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The process of reflection under the light of modern neuropsychology.
SO: Psychologia:-An-International-Journal-of-Psychology-in-the-Orient. 1970 Sep; Vol. 13(2-3): 61-74.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychological science and its place in clinical medicine.
SO: Vestnik-Akademii-Meditsinskikh-Nauk-SSSR. 1970; Vol. 25(1): 22-31


AU: Bronckart,-J-P
TI: The regulatory role of language in the infant: An experimental critique of A. R. Luria's studies.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1970 Nov; Vol. 8(4): 451-463.

AU: Chernaenko,-T-K
TI: On the relationship of mechanical and logically mediated memorization in normals and chronic alcoholics in Stages II and III of alcoholism.
SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii. 1970 Sep; Vol. 70(9): 1349-1352.


AU: Dykman,-Roscoe-A; et-al
TI: Children with learning disabilities: Conditioning, differentiation, and the effect of distraction.
SO: American-Journal-of-Orthopsychiatry. 1970 Oct; Vol. 40(5): 766-782.

AU: Tomka,-Imre
TI: Developments in frontal lobe research in the Soviet Union.
SO: Pszichologiai-Tanulmanyok. 1970; Vol 12: 379-385.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Artem'eva,-E-Y
TI: Two ways of achieving confidence in psychological research.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1970 May; Vol. 16(3): 105-112.

AU: Miller,-Scott-A; Shelton,-Jev; Flavell,-John-H
TI: A test of Luria's hypotheses concerning the development of verbal self-regulation.
SO: Child-Development. 1970 Sep; Vol. 41(3): 651-665


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Traumatic aphasia: Its syndromes, psychology and treatment. Trans. M. Critchley.
PY: 1970

AU: Bates,-Henry-D; Katz,-Michael-M
TI: Development of the verbal regulation of behavior.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-Annual-Convention-of-the-American-Psychological-Association. 1970; 5(Pt. 1): 299-300.


AU: Luria,-A-R; Simernitskaya,-E-G; Tubylevich,-B
TI: The structure of psychological processes in relation to cerebral organization.
SO: Neuropsychologia. 1970; 8(1): 13-19.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Higher cortical functions in man and their impairment in local lesions of the brain. (2nd ed.).
PY: 1969


AU: Luria,-A-R; Klinkovskii,-M
TI: On modality organization of short-term memory.
SO: Psikhologicheskie-Issledovaniya. 1969; No. 1: 80-85.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Vinogradova,-O-S
TI: Objective study of semantic connections in the normal and mentally retarded child.
SO: Defektologiya. 1969; 1(1): 27-35


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Impairment of higher cortical functions in local lesions of the brain.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Methods for examination of higher cortical functions in local lesions of the brain (syndromic analysis


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The higher cortical functions in man and their disturbances in local lesions of the brain. (2nd ed.).


AU: Joynt,-Denis
TI: Adjustment and language development.
SO: Slow-Learning-Child:-the-Australian-Journal-on-the-Education-of-Backward-Children. 1969; 16(1): 29-32.


AU: Tyszkowa,-Maria
TI: Behavior of school children in difficult experimental situations.
SO: Psychologia-Wychowawcza. 1969; 12(3): 274-286.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: A meeting of graduates of the Department (School) of Psychology of Moscow University.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1969; 15(6): 179-180.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Conscious action, its origin and cerebral organization.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1969; 15(5): 13-29.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Brain research and human behavior.
SO: Hygiene-Mentale. 1969; 58(1): 1-19.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The idea of systemicity in contemporary psychology.
BK: Parin, V. V.. (1969). Systemic organization of physiological functions.


AU: Parin,-V-V
TI: Systemic organization of physiological functions.
PY: 1969


AU: Meichenbaum,-Donald; Goodman,-Joseph
TI: Reflection-impulsivity and verbal control of motor behavior.
SO: Child-Development. 1969; 40(3): 785-797.

AU: Schubert,-Josef
TI: The V.R.B. apparatus: An experimental procedure for the investigation of the development of verbal regulation of behavior.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1969; 114(2): 237-252.


AU: Kinney,-Jo-A; Luria,-S-M; Weitzman,-Donald-O
TI: Effect of turbidity on judgments of distance underwater.
SO: Perceptual-and-Motor-Skills. 1969; 28(1): 331-333.


AU: Leont'ev,-A-A; Ryabova,-T-V
TI: The psychology of grammar: II.
PY: 1968

AU: Adrianov,-O-S; Luria,-A-R
TI: Symposium on "brain research and human behavior."
SO: Zhurnal-Vysshei-Nervnoi-Deyatel'nosti. 1968; 18(5): 915-916.

AU: Beiswenger,-Hugo
TI: Luria's model of the verbal control of behavior.
SO: Merrill-Palmer-Quarterly. 1968; 14(4): 267-284.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Symposium on Brain Research and Human Behavior.
SO: International-Journal-of-Psychology. 1968; 3(4): 317-319.

AU: Joynt,-Denis; Cambroune,-Brian
TI: Psycholinguistic development and the control of behaviour.
SO: British-Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1968; 38(3): 249-260.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: New research in the pedagogical sciences.
PY: 1968


AU: Luria,-A-R; Klimovskii,-M
TI: Modal organization of short-term memory.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1968; 14(5): 81-85.


AU: Kinsbourne,-Marcel
TI: Critical notice: The analysis of higher nervous activity in man.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychology. 1968; 59(4): 475-479.

AU: Jarvis,-P-E
TI: Verbal control of sensory-motor performance: A test of Luria's hypothesis.
SO: Human-Development. 1968; 11(3): 172-183


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Research on the brain and human behavior.
SO: Vestnik-Akademii-Nauk-SSSR. 1968; 38(7): 81-83.

AU: Lange,-K-A
TI: Coordination of research in physiology.
SO: Vestnik-Akademii-Nauk-SSSR. 1968; 38(4): 101-103.

AU: Luria,-AR
TI: The mind of the mnemonist.
PY: 1968


SO: Psychologia-Wychowawcza. 1968; 11(2): 275-278.


SO: Sovetskaya-Pedagogika. 1968; 32(7): 65-77.


SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1968; 14(3): 148-155.


SO: Neuropsychologia. 1968; 6(2): 157-166.


SO: Neuropsychologia. 1968; 6(2): 97-104.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: New research in the pedagogical sciences: XI.
PY: 1967


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: New research in the pedagogical sciences: IX.
PY: 1967

AU: Luria,-A-R; Tsvetkova,-L-S
TI: Towards the mechanisms of "dynamic aphasia."
SO: Acta-Neurologica-et-Psychiatrica-Belgica. 1967; 67(11): 1045-1057.


AU: Coers,-C
TI: At the frontiers of aphasia.
SO: Acta-Neurologica-et-Psychiatrica-Belgica. 1967; 67(11): 1081-1096.

SO: Voprosy-Filosofii. 1967; 21(6): 144-149.

SO: Voprosy-Filosofii. 1967; 21(4): 97-107.


SO: Bulletin-de-Psychologie. 1967; 20(10-15): 880-890.


SO: British-Journal-of-Psychology. 1967; 58(3-4): 467-476.

SO: Zhurnal-Nevropatologii-i-Psikhiatrii. 1967; 67(5): 644-649.


SO: Neuropsychologia. 1967; 5(1): 1-11.

SO: Neuropsychologia. 1967; 5(2): 105-117.


SO: Psychologia-Wychowawcza. 1967; 10(5): 587-597.


SO: Psychologia-Wychowawcza. 1967; 10(5): 625-635.

SO: Conditional-Reflex. 1967; 2(2): 167.


SO: Psychologia:-An-International-Journal-of-Psychology-in-the-Orient. 1967; 10(1): 1-6.


AU: Rogovin,-M-S
TI: Philosophical problems in the theory of memory.
PY: 1966

AU: Salamonne-Szkacskova,-Nyina
TI: Examination of the constructing activities in kindergarten children with variants E and M of the Luria-Mironova method.
SO: Pszichologiai-Tanulmanyok. 1966; 9: 223-243


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: New research in the pedagogical sciences: VIII.
PY: 1966

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: New research in the pedagogical sciences: VI.
PY: 1966


SO: Cortex. 1966; 2(2): 202-212.


AU: Luria,-AR
TI: Higher cortical functions in man.
PY: 1966

CA: American Psychological Association
TI: Program of the seventy-fourth annual convention of the American Psychological Association: September 2-6, 1966, New York, New York.
SO: American-Psychologist. 1966; 21(7): 597-779


AU: Luria,-Aleksandr-R
TI: Higher cortical functions in man.
PY: 1966

AU: Maruszewski,-Mariusz
TI: Zagadnienia terapii mowy w afazji. / Speech therapy in aphasia.
SO: Psychologia-Wychowawcza. 1965; 9/23(2): 128-135.


AU: Whittaker,-James-O; Bartlett,-Frederic; Luria,-S-M; Sergeant,-Russell; Meade,-Robert-D; Sherif,-Muzafer; Sherif,-Carolyn
TI: Introduction to psychology.
PY: 1965

AU: Kutsemilova,-A-P; Luria,-A-R; Homskaja,-E-D
TI: Analisi neuropsicologica di una sindrome pseudo-frontale da tumore cerebellare. / Neuropsychological analysis of a pseudo-frontal syndrome of cerebral tumors.
SO: Cortex. 1964; 1(3): 291-300.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Cual es la esencia del problema? / What is the essence of the problem?
SO: Psicologia-y-Educacion. 1964; 1(2): 14-19.

AU: Wygotski,-L-S
TI: Denken und sprechen. / Thinking and speaking.
PY: 1964

AU: Rieber,-Morton
TI: Verbal mediation in normal and retarded children.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1964; 68(5): 634-641.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Restoration of function after brain injury.
PY: 1963


AU: Luria,-A-R (Ed)
TI: The mentally retarded child: Essays based on the study of the peculiarities of the higher nervous functioning of child-oligophrenics.
PY: 1963


AU: Tizard,-Barbara
TI: The application of Luria's techniques to the study of normal school children.
SO: Journal-of-Child-Psychology-and-Psychiatry. 1962; 3(3-4): 175-184.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Ob izmenchivosti psikhicheskikh funktsii v protsesse razvitiya rebenka: Na materiale sravnitel'noe issledovaniya bliznetsov. / On the variability of mental functions in the process of the development of a child: On material from a comparative investigation of twins.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1962; No. 3: 15-22.

AU: Goldfried,-Marvin-R
TI: On differences in meaning between normals and neurotics.
SO: Psychological-Reports. 1962; 11(1): 183-186.


AU: Luria,-R-A; Homskaya,-E-D
TI: An objective study of ocular movements and their control.
SO: Psychologische-Beitrage. 1962; 6(3-4): 598-606.

AU: Luria,-Alexander-R
TI: The role of speech in the regulation of normal and abnormal behavior.
PY: 1961

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: An objective approach to the study of the abnormal child.
SO: American-Journal-of-Orthopsychiatry. 1961; 31: 1-16.


AU: Luria,-A-R; Yudovich,-F-Ia
TI: Speech and development of mental processes in the child: An experimental investigation.
PY: 1961

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Pamiat' i stroenie psikhicheskikh protsessov. / Memory and the structure of mental processes.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1960; No. 1: 145-155.

AU: Brazier,-Mary-A-B (Ed)
TI: The central nervous system and behavior: Transactions of the third conference.
PY: 1960

AU: Khomskaia,-E-D
TI: V Sektsii Meditsinskoi psikhologii i psikhofiziologii Moskovskogo otdeleniia Obshchestva psikhologov. / In the Section of Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology of the Moscow Division of the Society of Psychologists.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1960; 6(2): 164-166.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Experimental analysis of the development of voluntary action in children.
BK: David, Henry P. (Ed); Brengelmann, J. C. (Ed). (1960). Perspectives in personality research. (pp. 139-149).


AU: David,-Henry-P (Ed); Brengelmann,-J-C (Ed)
TI: Perspectives in personality research.
PY: 1960

TI: A. R. Luria.
SO: Revue-de-Psychologie-Appliquee. 1959; 9:


AU: Talyzina,-N-F
TI: Na otdelenii psikhologii filosofskogo fakul'teta Moskovskogo universiteta. / In the division of psychology in the philosophical faculty of Moscow University.
SO: Voprosy-Psychologii. 1959; 5(4): 187-188.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Rozanova,-V-A
TI: Nabludeniya nad razvitiem proizvol'nogo deistviya v rannem detstve: Soobshchenie III. O formirovanii orientiruyushchei roli rechi u detei predshkol'nogo vozrasta. / Observations of the development of voluntary action in early childhood: Communication III. Formation of the orienting role of speech in preschool children.
SO: Doklady-Akademii-Pedagogicheskikh-Nauk-RSFSR. 1959; No. 6: 59-62.


AU: Luria,-A-R; Polyakova,-A-G
TI: Nablyudeniya za razvitiyem proizvol'nogo deistviya v rannem detstve. Soobshchenie II. O sootnoshenii afferentnykh sistem na posledovatel'nykh etapakh formirovaniya proizvol'nogo deistviya. / Observations of the development of the voluntary action in early childhood. Communication II. Relationship of the afferent systems to the successive stages of the formation of the voluntary action.
SO: Doklady-Akademii-Pedagogicheskikh-Nauk-RSFSR. 1959; No. 4: 57-62.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Vinogradova,-O-S
TI: An objective investigation of the dynamics of semantic systems.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychology. 1959 May; 50: 89-105.


AU: Bobbitt,-Ruth-A
TI: The repression hypothesis studied in a situation of hypnotically induced conflict.
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-and-Social-Psychology. 1958; 56: 204-212.

AU: Traxler,-Arthur-E
TI: Relationship of certain predictive measures to achievement in first-year French and Latin.
SO: Educational-Records-Bulletin. 1955; No. 66: 73-77.


AU: Clarke,-A-D-B
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychology. 1955; 46: 38-43.


AU: Knobloch,-Ferdinand
TI: K otazce mereni vegetativnich a motorickych priznaku emoce u psychoneuros. / Measurement of autonomic and motor reactions of neurotic persons under emotional stress.
SO: Neurologie-a-Psychiatrie-Ceskoslovenska. 1951; 14: 65-76.


AU: Singer,-Kurt
TI: The meaning of conflict.
SO: Australasian-Journal-of-Psychology-and-Philosophy. 1949; 27: 145-170.

AU: Albino,-Ronald-C
TI: The stable and labile personality types of Luria in clinically normal individuals.
SO: British-Journal-of-Psychology. 1948; 39: 54-60.


AU: Scott,-W; Clifford,-M
TI: Some psycho-dynamic aspects of disturbed perception of time.
SO: British-Journal-of-Medical-Psychology. 1948; 21: 111-120.


AU: Worbois,-G-M
TI: Effect of a guidance program on emotional development.
SO: Journal-of-Applied-Psychology. 1947; 31: 169-181.


AU: Hastings,-J-T
TI: Tensions and school achievement examinations.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Education. 1944; 12: 143-164.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The problems of restoration of function in the affected nervous system.
SO: Nevropatologieia,-Psiekhiatrieia-Ie-Psiekhogiegieena. 1943; 11, No. 4: 66-89


AU: Arnold,-M-B
TI: A study of tension in relation to breakdown.
SO: American-Congress-on-General-Semantics-Papers. 1943; 2: 209-220.

AU: McCandless,-B-R; Strauss,-A-A
TI: Objective criteria diagnostic of deviant personality: an exploratory study.
SO: American-Journal-of-Mental-Deficiency. 1943; 47: 445-449.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Restorative therapy of cerebral injuries in relation to speech defects; principles of restorative therapy in aphasia.
SO: Nevropatologieia,-Psiekhiatrieia-Ie-Psiekhogiegieena. 1942; 11, Nos. 1/2: 5-10.

AU: Buck,-N-M; Ojemann,-R-H
TI: The relation between ability in scientific thinking and behavior in situations involving choice.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Education. 1942; 11: 215-219.


AU: Morgan,-M-I; Ojemann,-R-H
TI: The effect of a learning program designed to assist youth in an understanding of behavior and its development.
SO: Child-Development. 1942; 13: 181-194.

AU: Morgan,-M-I; Ojemann,-R-H
TI: A study of the Luria method.
SO: Journal-of-Applied-Psychology. 1942; 26: 168-179.

AU: Walters,-A
TI: A genetic study of geometrical-optical illusions.
SO: Genetic-Psychology-Monographs. 1942; 25: 101-155.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The problem of aphasia from the view point of brain pathology.
SO: Sovetskaia-Nevropsikhiatriia. 1941; 6: 286-294.

AU: Burtt,-H-E
TI: The association reaction as a measurement of attitude.
SO: Journal-of-Social-Psychology. 1941; 14: 363-368.


AU: Bratt,-I
TI: Krig och kris. / War and crisis.
PY: 1940


AU: Bobbit,-R-A
TI: A new apparatus for the Luria experiment.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology. 1940; 27: 578-582.

AU: Reymert,-M-L; Speer,-G-S
TI: Does the Luria technique measure emotion or merely bodily tension? A re-evaluation of the method.
SO: Character-and-Personality;-A-Quarterly-for-Psychodiagnostic-and-Allied-Studies. 1939; 7: 192-200.


AU: Bois,-J-S-A
TI: Le test de stabilite neuromusculaire. / The test of neuro-muscular stability.
SO: Annales-Association-Canadienne-Francaise-pour-l'Avancement-des-Sciences. 1938; 4: 119-120.

AU: Seagoe,-M-V
TI: Prediction of achievement in foreign languages.
SO: Journal-of-Applied-Psychology. 1938; 22: 632-640.


AU: Brown,-J-F; Orbison,-W-D
TI: A program for the experimental psychological investigation of convulsion therapy.
SO: Bulletin-of-the-Menninger-Clinic. 1938; 2: 151-154.


AU: Shuey,-H
TI: An investigation of the Luria technic with normal and psychotic subjects.
SO: Journal-of-Abnormal-and-Social-Psychology. 1937; 32: 303-313.


AU: Eisenbud,-J
TI: The psychology of headache: a case studied experimentally.
SO: Psychiatric-Quarterly. 1937; 11: 592-619.


AU: Krause,-L-S
TI: Relation of voluntary motor pressure disorganization (Luria) to two other alleged complex indicators.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology. 1937; 21: 653-661.


AU: Gardner,-J-W
TI: The association-motor technic for studying mental conflict.
SO: Psychological-Bulletin. 1937; 34: 563-564.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: K voprosu o geneticheskom analize psikhologicheskikh funktzii v sviazi s ikh razvitiye. / The problem of the genetic analysis of psychological functions in evolution.
BK: (1937). Problems of neural physiology and behavior. (pp. 361-367).


AU: Speer,-G-S
TI: The measurement of emotions aroused in response to personality test items.
SO: Journal-of-Psychology. 1937; 3: 445-461.

AU: Kephart,-N-C
TI: Some changes in delinquents during institutional commitment.
SO: Journal-of-Juvenile-Research. 1937; 21: 67-76.


AU: Diven,-K
TI: Certain determinants in the conditioning of anxiety reactions.
SO: Journal-of-Psychology. 1937; 3: 291-308.


AU: Gardner,-J-W
TI: An experimental study of the Luria technique for detecting mental conflict.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology. 1937; 20: 495-505.

AU: Houtchens,-H-M
TI: Teachers' judgments of pupil adjustment.
SO: Journal-of-Educational-Psychology. 1936; 27: 672-676.


AU: Ebaugh,-F-G
TI: Association-motor investigation in clinical psychiatry.
SO: Journal-of-Mental-Science. 1936; 82: 731-743.

AU: Brickner,-R-M; Kubie,-L-S
TI: A miniature psychotic storm produced by a super-ego conflict over simple posthypnotic suggestion.
SO: Psychoanalytic-Quarterly. 1936; 5: 467-487.

AU: Luria,-A-R; Mirenova,-A-N
TI: Eksperimentalnoye razvitiye konstruktivnoy deyatelnosti. Diferentzialnoye obucheniye odnoyaytzevikh bliznetzov. / Experimental development of constructive activity. Differential training of identical twins.
SO: Trudy-Mediko-Geneticheskogo-Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo-Instituta-Imeni-M-Gorskogo. 1936; 4: 487-505


AU: Luria,-A-R; Mirenova,-A-N
TI: Investigation of the experimental development of perception by the method of different training of identical twins.
SO: Nevrologiia-i-Genetika. 1936; 1: 407-442.

AU: Langer,-W-C
TI: The tremograph; an improved and modified form of the Luria apparatus.
SO: Journal-of-General-Psychology. 1936; 15: 459-465.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The development of mental functions in twins.
SO: Character-and-Personality;-A-Quarterly-for-Psychodiagnostic-and-Allied-Studies. 1936; 5: 35-47


AU: Runkel,-J-E
TI: Luria's motor method and word association in the study of deception.
SO: Journal-of-General-Psychology. 1936; 15: 23-37.


AU: Burtt,-H-E
TI: Motor concomitants of the association reaction.
SO: Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology. 1936; 19: 51-63.


AU: Houtchens,-H-M
TI: A study of emotional conflict in delinquent and non-delinquent boys.
SO: Proceedings-of-the-Iowa-Academy-of-Science. 1935; 42: 170-171


AU: Chen,-H-P
TI: A new method of experimenting on human emotions: a comparison of Luria's method of associated motor reactions and Chou's method of simultaneous voluntary maintenance of exposure.
SO: Educational-Review. 1935; 25, No. 11: 61-71.

AU: Houtchens,-H-M
TI: A study of mental conflict in delinquent and non-delinquent boys.
SO: Journal-of-Juvenile-Research. 1935; 19: 180-192.

AU: Barnacle,-C-H; Ebaugh,-F-G; Lemere,-F
TI: Association-motor investigation of the psychoneuroses.
SO: American-Journal-of-Psychiatry. 1935; 91: 925-937.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Professor L. S. Vygotsky (1896-1934).
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1935; 46: 224-226.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: L. S. Vygotsky.
SO: Character-and-Personality;-A-Quarterly-for-Psychodiagnostic-and-Allied-Studies. 1935; 3: 238-240


AU: Razran,-G-H-S
TI: Psychology in the U.S.S.R.
SO: Journal-of-Philosophy. 1935; 32: 19-24.

AU: Huston,-P-E; Shakow,-D; Erickson,-M-H
TI: A study of hypnotically induced complexes by means of the Luria technique.
SO: Journal-of-General-Psychology. 1934; 11: 65-97.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The second psychological expedition to central Asia.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1934; 44: 255-259.

AU: Luria,-A
TI: The second psychological expedition to central Asia.
SO: Science. 1933; 78: 191-192.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Krizis burzhuaznoy psikhologii. / The crisis in bourgeois psychology.
SO: Psikhologia. 1932; 1-2: 63-97.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The nature of human conflicts.
PY: 1932


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychological expedition to central Asia.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1932; 40: 241-242.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The problem of neurodynamic development of children.
SO: Pedologia. 1931; No. 2: 18-29


AU: Lebedinsky,-M-S
TI: Razvityie visshey motoriki a rebenka. / The development of the highest motor functions in the child.
PY: 1931


AU: Luria,-A-R

TI: Psychological expedition to central Asia.
SO: Science. 1931; 74: 383-384.


AU: Luria,-A
TI: Language and intelligence in the city child, the country child, and the child without a home.
PY: 1930

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Die Methode des abbildenden Motorik in der Tatbestands-Diagnostik. / The method of recording movements in crime detection.
SO: Zeitschrift-fuer-Angewandte-Psychologie. 1930; 35: 139-183.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Experimental psychology and the development of the child.
SO: Nauchnoye-Slovo. 1929; 3: 77-97.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psikhologiya i klinika. / Psychology and the clinic.
SO: Zhurnal-Psikhologii,-Pedologii-i-Psikhotekhniki. 1929; 2: 33-58.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Die Methode der abbildenden Motorik bei Kommunikation der Systeme und ihre Anwendung auf die Affektpsychologie. / The method of the representative Motorik by communication of the system and its application to the psychology of affection.
SO: Psychologische-Forschung. 1929; 12: 127-179.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: On a system of behavior psychology.
SO: Psikhologia. 1928; 1: 53-65.


AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: The problem of the cultural behavior of the child.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1928; 35: 493-506.

AU: Luria,-A-R
TI: Psychology in Russia.
SO: Journal-of-Genetic-Psychology. 1928; 35: 347-355.


AU: Luria,-A-R (Ed)
TI: Speech and intellect in the development of a child. Experimental investigations.
PY: 1928

AU: Mises,-Roger
TI: Conception dynamique des deficiences intellectuelles de l'enfant. / Dynamic conceptions of mental deficiencies in the child.
SO: Revue-Francophone-de-la-Deficience-Intellectuelle. 2001 Dec; Vol 12(2): 209-215.

AU: Mogford-Bevan,-Kay
TI: Developmental language impairments with complex origins: Learning from twins and multiple birth children.
SO: Folia-Phoniatrica-et-Logopaedica. 2000 Jan-Jun; Vol 52(1-3): 74-82.

AU: Guerin,-Stephanie
TI: L'impossible lecture et les troubles de la representation genealogique. / Inability to read and disorders of genealogical representation.
SO: Pratiques-Psychologiques. 1999; Vol 2: 105-113.


AU: Gruszewska,-S-A
TI: Interpersonal conflicts in the relationship of twins.
SO: Acta-Geneticae-Medicae-et-Gemellologiae:-Twin-Research. 1998; Vol 47(3-4): 153-160.

AU: Bishop,-D-V-M; Bishop,-S-J
TI: "Twin language": A risk factor for language impairment?
SO: Journal-of-Speech,-Language,-and-Hearing-Research. 1998 Feb; Vol 41(1): 150-160.


AU: Lucarelli,-Antonella
TI: Zazzo e la formazione della persona. / Zazzo and personality formation.
SO: Eta-evolutiva. 1997 Feb; No 56: 45-66.

AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Vygotski (1896-1934). / Vygotsky (1896-sup-1934).
SO: Enfance. 1989; Vol 42(1-2): 3-9.

AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Affettivita e intelligenza nello sviluppo del bambino. / Affectivity and intelligence in the development of the child.
SO: Eta-evolutiva. 1988 Jun; No 30: 4-12.


AU: Zazzo,-Rene; Dague,-Pierre; Schmelk,-Marie-Adeline; Rossi,-Pierrette
TI: WISC and NMSI: First results of a comparative study.
SO: Enfance. 1975 Sep-Dec; No 3-4: 253-271.

AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Attachment: A new theory of the origin of affect.
SO: Orientation-Scolaire-et-Professionnelle. 1972 Apr; 101-128.


AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Les jumeaux et la psychologie. / The place of twins in psychological research.
SO: Journal-de-Psychologie-Normale-et-Pathologique. 1962; 59(1-2): 181-194.

AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Les jumeaux le couple et la personne. / Twins as a pair and as individuals. (2 vols.).
PY: 1960. Paris : PUF


AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Sur le postulat de la comparabilite dans la methode des jumeaux. / On the postulate of comparability in the twin-method.
SO: Acta-Geneticae-Medicae-et-Gemollologiae. 1955; 4: 180-191.

AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Caracterologie et etude experimentale du caractere. / Characterology and experimental study of character.
SO: Acta-Psychologica. 1955; 11: 197-198.


AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Situation gemellaire et development mental. / Twins and mental development.
SO: Journal-de-Psychologie-Normale-et-Pathologique. 1952; 45: 208-227.


AU: Zazzo,-Rene
TI: Les jumeaux et les problemes de la psychologie genetique; technique d'un examen collectif individualise. / Twins and problems of genetic psychology; technique of an individualized group examination.
SO: Enfance. 1948; 1: 356-360.

Vygotsky and Writing: Reflections from a Distant Discipline. Cole, Michael (ED360627)


Vocational Education for a Thinking Workforce: A Vygotskian Perspective. Soden, Rebecca
International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, v1 n1 p39-47 Spr 1993


A Systemic-Dynamic Lurian Approach to Aphasia in Bilingual Speakers. Kotik-Friedgut, Bella
Communication Disorders Quarterly, v22 n2 p100-09 Win 2001 (EJ637284)


Effectiveness of a Cognitive Strategy Intervention in Improving Arithmetic Computation Based on the PASS Theory. Naglieri, Jack A.; Johnson, Deanne
Journal of Learning Disabilities, v33 n6 p591-97 Nov-Dec 2000 (EJ617958)


Collaborative Inquiry in Reading Recovery, or "Why Sit in a Circle?" Rodgers, Emily
Running Record, v13 n2 p6-7 Fall 2000 (ED453507)


Independent Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS): What Does CAS Measure? Kranzler, John H.; Keith, Timothy Z.
School Psychology Review, v28 n1 p117-44 1999 (EJ606221)


Cognitive Invariants and Cultural Variation in Mathematical Concepts. Nunes, Terezinha
International Journal of Behavioral Development, v15 n4 p433-53 Dec 1992

Re-Reading Ong: Literacy and Social Change. Daniell, Beth (ED294216)


Places to Begin: A Bibliographic Sketch of Linguistics, Composition and Literacy. Purvis, Jeffrey
Writing Instructor, v4 n3 p144-50 Spr 1985 (EJ323474)


How Valid is the PASS Theory and CAS? Naglieri, Jack A.
School Psychology Review, v28 n1 p145-62 1999 (EJ606222)


Cognitive Processing and Developmental Changes in Finnish School Students: Comparison between Normal and Language Impaired (Dysphasic) Students. Aysto, Seija M.
European Journal of Psychology of Education, v13 n2 p187-206 Jun 1998


Teachers and Students as Ethnographers. Hough, David A. (ED426596)


Language, Diversity, and Assessment in Mathematics Learning. Berenson, Sarah B.
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, v19 n4 p1-10 Fall 1997 (EJ558837)


The Public Purpose in a High-Road Manufacturing Workforce. Luria, Daniel
Community College Journal, v67 n6 p23-27 Jun-Jul 1997 (EJ547929)


PASS Model Processes of Children with Emotional Disability. Daley, Christine E.; Nagle, Richard J.; Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. (ED413696)


The Role of Intelligence in Reading Disabilities: A Comparison of Three Theories. Johnson, Judith A. (ED408746)

Individual Differences in Verbal and Nonverbal Fluency Measures. Rickman, David L. (ED400970)


Human Cognition and Information Processing: Potential Problems for a Field Dependent Human Sequential Information Processor. Shaughnessy, M.; And Others (ED401390)


Reflection in Russian Educational Psychology. Nelissen, Jo M. C.; Tomic, Welko (ED400978)


Factor Structure of the PASS Cognitive Tasks: A Reexamination of Naglieri et al. (1991). Kranzler, John H.; Weng, Li-Jen. Journal of School Psychology, v33 n2 p143-57 Sum 1995 (EJ509688)


A Cognitive Processing Account of Individual Differences in Novice Logo Programmers' Conceptualisation and Use of Recursion. Gibbons, Pamela
Journal of Educational Computing Research, v13 n3 p211-26 1995 (EJ526304)


Performance of Hearing-Impaired Students on Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) Cognitive Processing Tasks. Naglieri, Jack A.; And Others
Journal of School Psychology, v32 n4 p371-83 Win 1994 (EJ495893)


Curriculum Development in Selected Workplace Literacy Programs of the Consortium for Worker Education. Evaluation Study. CASE #09-93. Johnson, Harriet Luria (ED367911)


Apes, Primitives, Children and...Translators. Kozulin, Alex
Human Development, v36 n6 p368-72 Nov-Dec 1993 (EJ482081)


Verbal vs. Visual Categories on the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised: How Meaningful a Distinction? Wong, Jane L.; Gilpin, Andrew R.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, v49 n6 p847-54 Nov 1993 (EJ478982)


The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the WAIS-R in Assessment of Adults with Specific Learning Disabilities. Katz, Lynda; Goldstein, Gerald
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, v36 n4 p190-98 Jun 1993 (EJ465099)


Vygotsky and Writing: Reflections from a Distant Discipline. Cole, Michael (ED360627)


Vocational Education for a Thinking Workforce: A Vygotskian Perspective. Soden, Rebecca
International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, v1 n1 p39-47 Spr 1993 (EJ464991)


Capta versus Data: Method and Evidence in Communicology. Lanigan, Richard L. (ED355567)


Cognitive Invariants and Cultural Variation in Mathematical Concepts. Nunes, Terezinha
International Journal of Behavioral Development, v15 n4 p433-53 Dec 1992 (EJ456319)


PASS and Reading Achievement. Kirby, John R. (ED354497)


Conceptions of Intelligence and Giftedness. Bireley, Marlene (ED344405)


Social and Interpersonal Determinants of Developmental Risk. Barocas, Ralph; And Others
Developmental Psychology, v27 n3 p479-88 May 1991 (EJ433385)


Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive Cognitive Processing Tasks. Naglieri, Jack A.; And Others
Journal of School Psychology, v29 n1 p1-17 Spr 1991 (EJ426799)


Neuropsychological Assessment in Schools. ERIC Digest. Merz, William R., Sr.; And Others (ED328609)


Forms of Discourse and the Sciences of the Mind: Luria, Sacks, and the Role of Narrative in Neurological Case Histories. Journet, Debra
Written Communication, v7 n2 p171-99 Apr 1990 (EJ406753)


Brain Dysfunction in Sex Offenders. Galski, Thomas; And Others
Journal of Offender Counseling, Services & Rehabilitation, v16 n1-2 p65-80 1990 (EJ426718)


Neuropsychological Performance of Emotionally Disturbed Students on the LNNB and LNNB-C. Stephens, Charles W.; And Others
Journal of School Psychology, v28 n4 p301-08 Win 1990 (EJ422451)


Labels of Giftedness and Gender-Typicality: Effects on Adults' Judgments of Children's Traits. Halpern, Jennifer J.; Luria, Zella
Psychology in the Schools, v26 n3 p301-10 Jul 1989 (EJ397791)


Neurolinguistic Deficits and the Left Hemisphere in the Reading Disabled. Leavell, Carol; Lewandowski, Lawrence (ED308680)


Neuropsychological Test Performance and the Attention Deficit Disorders: Clinical Utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision. Schaughency, Elizabeth A.; And Others
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v57 n1 p112-16 Feb 1989 (EJ404842)


Development of a New Simultaneous Processing Scale. Keefe, James W.; Languis, Marlin L. (ED319770)


The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB). Barowsky, Ellis I.
Diagnostique, v15 n1-4 p99-114 1989-90 (EJ429900)


An Exploratory Study of Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive Cognitive Processes. Naglieri, Jack A.; And Others
Journal of School Psychology, v27 n4 p347-64 Win 1989 (EJ408190)


Tactile Functions in Learning-Disabled and Normal Children: Reliability and Validity Considerations and Commentary and Response. Kinnealey, Moya; Royeen, Charlotte Brasic
Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, v9 n1 p3-26 Jan-Feb 1989 (EJ384873)


Cognitive Processes Underlying WISC-R Performance of Gifted and Learning-Disabled Navajos. Mishra, Shitala P.; And Others
Psychology in the Schools, v26 n1 p31-36 Jan 1989 (EJ391803)


Thinking and Its Contexts. Parker, Walter C.
Social Education, v52 n7 p495-99 Nov-Dec 1988 (EJ382956)


Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision: Concurrent Validity With Three Learning Disability Subtypes. Morgan, Sam B.; Brown, Tina L.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v56 n3 p463-66 Jun 1988 (EJ377308)


Sex Stereotyping in Parents' Perceptions of Newborns. Karraker, Katherine Hildebrandt; Vogel, Dena Ann (ED294665)

Re-Reading Ong: Literacy and Social Change. Daniell, Beth (ED294216)


Planning Ability across Ranges of Intellectual Ability: An Examination of the Luria-Das Information-Processing Model. McCallum, R. Steve; And Others
Journal of School Psychology, v26 n4 p405-11 Win 1988 (EJ388308)


Discriminative Effectiveness of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for LD Adolescents. Lewis, Richard D.; Lorion, Raymond P.
Learning Disability Quarterly, v11 n1 p62-70 Win 1988 (EJ368976)


An Investigation of Luria's Hypothesis on Prompting in Aphasic Naming Disturbances. Li, Edith Chin; Canter, Gerald J.
Journal of Communication Disorders, v20 n6 p469-75 Dec 1987 (EJ363456)


Diagnostic Accuracy of the Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Batteries: Performance of Clinical Raters. Kane, Robert L.; And Others
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v55 n5 p783-84 Oct 1987 (EJ364617)


The Short Form Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery in Assessment of Dementia. McCue, Michael; And Others (ED296217)


The Luria-Nebraska Children's Battery: Is It Too Sensitive? Flagler, Sally; And Others (ED304467)


Vygotskian Tradition in the Psychological Study of Handicapped, Particularly Deaf Children. Knox, Jane; Kozulin, Alex (ED285372)


Evaluating the Visually Impaired: Neuropsychological Techniques. Price, J. R.; And Others
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, v81 n1 p28-30 Jan 1987 (EJ349266)


WAIS-R Factors and Performance on the Luria-Nebraska's Intelligence, Memory, and Motor Scales: A Canonical Model of Relationships. Fowler, Patrick C.; Macciocchi, Stephen N.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, v42 n4 p626-35 Jul 1986 (EJ340994)


Diagnostic Validity of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision. Carr, Margaret A.; And Others
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v54 n3 p354-58 Jun 1986 (EJ339738)


The Meaning of Literacy in a Culture of Writing and Reading. Comprone, Joseph John (ED270745)


Psychology in the Service of Education--The Work of A. R. Luria, 1902-77. Simon, Joan
Education with Production, v4 n2 p104-29 Feb 1986 (EJ343384)


An Interdisciplinary Approach to Training the Arrhythmic Child. Final Project Report and Addendum to Final Project Report. Liemohn, Wendell (ED332387)


On "In a Different Voice": An Interdisciplinary Forum. Kerber, Linda K.; And Others
Signs, v11 n2 p304-33 Win 1986 (EJ332500)


Neuropsychological Assessment. Hartlage, Lawrene C.
Special Services in the Schools, v2 n2-3 p107-19 Win-Spr 1985-86 (EJ340072)


Performance on the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Test Battery-Children's Revision: A Comparison of Children with and without Significant WISC-R VIQ-PIQ Discrepancies. Gilger, J. W.; Geary, D. C.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, v41 n6 p806-11 Nov 1985 (EJ329241)


Factor Structure of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision with Learning-Disabled Children. Snow, Jeffrey; Hynd, George W.
Journal of School Psychology, v23 n3 p271-75 Fall 1985 (EJ326363)


Cluster Analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery with Learning Disabled Adults. McCue, Michael; And Others (ED268744)


Longitudinal Neuropsychological Changes in a "Normal" Elderly Group. MacInnes, William D.; And Others (ED264476)


Use of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with Learning Disabled Children. Wilkening, Greta N. (ED266577)


Preliminary Data on the Presence of Neuropsychological Deficits in Adults who are Mentally Retarded. McCaffrey, Robert J.; Isaac, Walter
Mental Retardation, v23 n2 p63-66 Apr 1985 (EJ318382)


Validation of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes Scale as a Measure of Intelligence in Male Alcoholics. Kivlahan, Daniel R.; And Others
Journal of Clinical Psychology, v41 n2 p287-90 Mar 1985 (EJ316502)


Places to Begin: A Bibliographic Sketch of Linguistics, Composition and Literacy. Purvis, Jeffrey
Writing Instructor, v4 n3 p144-50 Spr 1985 (EJ323474)


Language Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia. Lempinen, Maire; And Others (ED268792)


Neurolinguistic Papers: Proceedings of the Finnish Conference of Neurolinguistics (2nd, Joensuu, Finland, May 31-June 1, 1985). AFinLA Series No. 40. Niemi, Jussi, Ed.; Koivuselka-Sallinen, Paivi, Ed. (ED268784)


Neuropsychological Assessment and Neurodevelopmental Screening: A Role in Preschool Programs. Witte, Ray (ED270210)


Semantic Aphasia and Luria's Neurolinguistic Model. Johnsen, Birgitta (ED268788)


Speech-Action Coordination in Young Children. Balamore, Usha; Wozniak, Robert H.
Developmental Psychology, v20 n5 p850-58 Sep 1984 (EJ308860)


Simultaneous and Successive Processes and K-ABC. Das, J. P.
Journal of Special Education, v18 n3 p229-38 Fall 1984 (EJ311949)


The Diagnostic Accuracy of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision for 9- to 12-Year-Old Learning Disabled Children. Gerry, David C.; And Others
School Psychology Review, v13 n3 p375-80 Sum 1984 (EJ307748)


Investigation of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery--Children's Revision with Learning Disabled Children. Boliek-Uphoff, Carol; Obrzut, John E. (ED254974)


Neuropsychological Deficits, Learning Disability, and Violent Behavior. Bryant, Ernest T.; And Others
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v52 n2 p323-24 Apr 1984 (EJ302468)


Comparison of the Motor Tests of the SCSIT and the L-NNBC. Su, Ra-Van; Yerxa, Elizabeth J.
Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, v4 n2 p96-108 Apr 1984 (EJ299064)


Gender Identity, Interactionism, and Politics: A Reply to Rogers and Walsh. DeBold, Joseph F.; Luria, Zella
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, v9 n11 p1101-08 Nov 1983 (EJ294251)


Hormonal Theories for Sex Differences--Politics Disguised as Science: A Reply to DeBold and Luria. Rogers, Lesley J.
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, v9 n11 p1109-13 Nov 1983 (EJ294252)


The Relationship between the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision and The Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic Test With Learning Disabled Students. Snow, Jeffrey H.; And Others
Psychology in the Schools, v20 n4 p415-19 Oct 1983 (EJ294446)


Cognitive Processes and Achievement. Hunt, Dennis; Randhawa, Bikkar S.
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, v29 n3 p206-15 Sep 1983 (EJ287156)


Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised and Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Children: Intercorrelations for Normal Youngsters. Quattrocchi, Mary M.; Golden, Charles J.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, v56 n2 p632-34 Apr 1983 (EJ283406)


The Relationship between Simultaneous-Successive Processing and Academic Achievement. Merritt, Frank M.; McCallum, Steve (ED234323)


Should K Come before A, B, and C? A Review of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). Sternberg, Robert J.
Contemporary Education Review, v2 n3 p199-207 Win 1983 (EJ303687)


Polyglot Dyslexia. Wagner, Rudolph F. (ED228800)

The Development of Verbal Control over Motor Behavior: A Replication and Extension of Luria's Findings. Tinsley, Virginia S.; Waters, Harriet Salatas
Child Development, v53 n3 p746-53 Jun 1982 (EJ268747)


The Development of Writing in the Young Child: Some Vintage Russian Wine in Contemporary Bottles. Klein, Marvin L. (ED220837)


Neuropsychological Perspectives in Pupil Services: Practical Application of Luria's Model. Obrzut, John E.; Obrzut, Ann
Journal of Research and Development in Education, v15 n3 p38-47 Spr 1982 (EJ262569)


Literacy as a Human Problem. Raymond, James C., Ed. (ED252889)


Verbal Control of Motor Behaviour in Mentally Retarded Children: A Re-examination of Luria's Theory. Rotundo, N.; Johnson, E. G.
Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, v25 n4 p281-90 Dec 1981 (EJ259608)


Analysis and Remediation of Aphasia in the U.S.S.R.: The Contribution of A. R. Luria. Hatfield, Frances M.
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, v46 n4 p338-47 Nov 1981 (EJ256454)


Validity of the Luria-Nebraska Intellectual Processes Scale as a Measure of Adult Intelligence. Prifitera, Aurelio; Ryan, Joseph J.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v49 n5 p755-56 Oct 1981 (EJ252049)


Impulse Control and Cognitive Functioning in Lower- and Middle-SES Children: A Developmental Study. Meade, Edward R.
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, v27 n3 p271-85 Jul 1981 (EJ274848


Self-Speech, Language, and Cognitive Training: A Review of Theory and Practice. Harris, Karen R. (ED203397)


Neuropsychological Differences between Juvenile Delinquents and Functional Adolescents: A Preliminary Study. Voorhees, James
Adolescence, v16 n61 p57-66 Spr 1981 (EJ247581)


Memory Testing: The Next Step. Russell, Elbert W. (ED209254)


Verbal Mediation for Perceptual Deficits in Learning Disabilities: A Review and Suggestions. Miller, Maurice; Rohr, Michael E.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, v13 n6 p319-21 Jun-Jul 1980 (EJ232278)


Cognitive Processes and Achievement. Hunt, Dennis; Randhawa, Bikkar S. (ED189179)


Cognitive Patterns of "Retarded" and Below-Average Readers. Leong, Che K.
Contemporary Educational Psychology, v5 n2 p101-17 Apr 1980 (EJ231210)


Functional Systems and Culturally-Determined Cognitive Differences. Wiseman, Richard L. (ED185634)


A Use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis in the Evaluation of Intelligence Testing Models. Hattie, John; Fitzgerald, Don (ED177204)


Developmental Verbal Control of Behavior: Implications for Self-Instructional Training. Higa, William R.; And Others
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, v26 n3 p489-97 Dec 1978 (EJ194748)


Sex-Role Learning: A Test of the Selective Attention Hypothesis Bryan, Janice Westlund; Luria, Zella
Child Development, 49, 1, 13-23, Mar 78 (EJ178169)


Scientist and Educationist: A. R. Luria Simon, Joan
Forum for the Discussion of New Trends in Education, 20, 3, 95-8, Sum 78 (EJ188185)


Metacognition and Adult-Child Interaction. Wertsch, James V. (ED180610)


The Implications of Piaget's Constructivism for Early Childhood Education. Forman, George E. (ED139518)


Sex Role Learning: A Test of the Selective Attention Hypothesis. Bryan, Janice Westlund; Luria, Zella (ED147004)


The Goals of Science Luria, S. E.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 33, 5, 29-33, May 77 (EJ161096)


Verbal Control of Delay Behavior in Two-Year-Old Boys as a Function of Social Class Golden, Mark; And Others
Child Development, 48, 3, 1107-1111, Sep 77 (EJ168293)


A Blind Analysis of Another Case of Multiple Personality Using the Semantic Differential Technique Osgood, Charles E.; And Others
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 85, 3, 247-86, Jun 76 (EJ149581)


Learning to Read in English and Chinese--Some Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Considerations. Leong, C. K. (ED134946)


Investigation of the Regulatory Power of the Impulsive and Meaningful Aspects of Speech. Rondal, Jean A. (ED113025)


A Note on the Organization of Fluent Speech in a Semantic Kind of Amnestic Aphasia Luria, A. R.
Linguistics, 154/155, 57-60, Jun 15 75 (EJ131150)


Two Kinds of Disorders in the Comprehension of Grammatical Constructions Luria, A. R.
Linguistics, 154/155, 47-56, Jun 15 75 (EJ131151)


Self-Instructional Stragety Training: A Cognitive Prothesis for the Aged Meichenbaum, D.
Human Development, 17, 4, 273-280, 74 (EJ107782)


The Regulating Role of Speech Bronckart, J. P.
Human Development, 16, 6, 417-439, 73 (EJ096695)


Two Basic Kinds of Aphasic Disorders Luria, A. R.
Linguistics, 115, 57-66, Nov 1 73 (EJ088059)


Factors in the Verbal Control of Behavior by Lower and Middle SES Children. Studies in Intellectual Development, Technical Report Series, Number 1, November 1972. Meade, Edward R.; Saltz, Eli (ED083335


Verbal Regulation of Motor Behavior-Soviet Research and Non-Soviet Replications Wozniak, R. H.
Human Development, 15, 1, 13-57, 72


Cognition and Language in Mental Retardation: A Reply to Balla and Zigler Milgram, Norman A.
American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 76, 1, 33-41, Jul 71 (EJ051891)


Luria's Verbal Deficiency Theory of Mental Retardation and Performance on Sameness, Symmetry, and Opposition Tasks: A Critique Zigler, Edward; Balla, David
American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 75, 4, 400-13, Jan 71 (EJ063340)


Speech and the Development of Mental Processes in the Child. Luria, A. R.; Yudovich, F. Ia. (ED061209)


A Test of Luria's Hypotheses Concerning the Development of Verbal Self-Regulation Miller, Scott A.; And Others
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A Perspective on Cognitive Development: The Preschool Child's Performance in Classification Tasks Anandalakshmy, S.
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Luria's Model of the Verbal Control of Behavior. Study F: Motivational and Control in the Development of Language Functions, D. Birch. Beiswenger, Hugo (ED024443)


The Development of the Control of Adult Instructions Over Non-Verbal Behavior. Van Duyne, H. John (ED041620)

Infant Stimulation and the Etiology of Cognitive Processes. Fowler, William (ED045174)


Collaborative Inquiry in Reading Recovery, or "Why Sit in a Circle?" Rodgers, Emily
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Reflection in Russian Educational Psychology. Nelissen, Jo M. C.; Tomic, Welko (ED400978)


Speech-Action Coordination in Young Children. Balamore, Usha; Wozniak, Robert H.
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The Development of Writing in the Young Child: Some Vintage Russian Wine in Contemporary Bottles. Klein, Marvin L. (ED220837)


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Metacognition and Adult-Child Interaction. Wertsch, James V. (ED180610)


Self-Instructional Stragety Training: A Cognitive Prothesis for the Aged Meichenbaum, D.
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